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Pre-Season 58th District Predictions and Thoughts?
Maybe I'm fanish or foolish, to quote sportsnation. Or both.

Nothing against P-Burg, Jack Pack or Michael Burchett.

But, I just don't see how they are gonna be that tough this year. Consensus #1 pre-season pick in the district basically. Ive talked to a few and they seem to think P-burg will go unbeaten in conf. and most on here think 5-1 or 4-2...

Am I thinking too much or what?

They did lose 4 starters and 5 seniors (Jody Tackett, Stephen Patrick, Austin Gearheart, Alex Stumbo, and Seth Setser (not sure if he played)

I just want to know how and why. Not downing the Blackcats, just can't seem to grasp ahold.
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Pre-Season 58th District Predictions and Thoughts? - by uhavenoidea - 11-06-2009, 02:00 AM

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