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No umbrellas at the new Belfry Stadium.
BelfryPride Wrote:You know its a good rivalry when the game is talked about before the season starts. I really hope the game is caller "fairly" since it will be @ Prestonsburg. Those out of bounds plays can be tricky... Smile :|

Haha thats pretty funny BP. Ahh he is gone off to college now and I think he coulda been the only one to "catch" the ball. Yup it is a HUGE rivalry, and its been talked about since football season was over last year seems like.
I know I cant wait.
O yea QQ if you want to take some good pics, you can get up with me and come in the press box for the game. Just let me know. 8)
Messages In This Thread
No umbrellas at the new Belfry Stadium. - by Beef - 08-16-2005, 12:50 PM
No umbrellas at the new Belfry Stadium. - by football05 - 08-17-2005, 11:06 PM

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