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A challenge to everybody on BGR concerning our troops
Everybody on here goes to bed each night, gets up in the morning, goes to work, goes to school, may be disabled, just live a normal life, and you can do this without fear because of what our Veterans DID, and what our soldiers are doing NOW. We speak English. Not arabic. Not spanish. Not german. Not vietnamese. Not japanese. We are all Americans. And we have our Armed Forces members, past and present to thank for it. I dont know about any of you, but I pray each day and night for all of em to come home safely. And to a respectful and deserved heros welcome. We all know the dumbass hippies spitting on our boys when they came home from Vietnam (and one of them got knocked the f*ck out by my dad), and we have our share of them today. But as a whole, our soldiers deserve more love and respect than they are getting. I get fired up when I see people on TV saying negative things about our soldiers, when I see Jane Fonda's fata$$ on TV promoting a new movie, or anybody, doesnt matter who, disrespecting our soldiers.

Now, after the rant, I want to issue a challenge to everybody on this great site. Everybody take some time and money to send our troops a care package. And when you go to work, encourage everybody at your workplace to send one. And when you go to school, encourage your classmates and teachers to send one. Get your community involved. Most of us get our hair cut at a barber. We all shop at grocery stores. Most of us eat every once in awhile at restaurants. You get the picture. Most towns and cities have someone to contact who can tell you how to send one (as far as units, etc). I havent seen the updated list on what you can send, but if you know someone who has a relative or friend fighting, they can tell you what they can or cannot send. I usually send bags of beef jerky, phone cards, trail mix, assorted canned foods, challenge is for everyone to have at least 5 sent (yours plus 4 people you contacted). Might make Christmas a little easier for those guys knowing that people home care....they deserve it. Everybody in?

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