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Who does everyone think will be the starting line ups for the 15th region teams?
softball Wrote:shelby valley...if im guessing -sally roberts
-kayla cantrell
-laura perkins
-amanda sawyers
-and the 5th hard to say

Amanda is a ball hog, sorry but she doesn't need to start, I play against her in P.E. a lot, she loves to have the ball, thats what Sally and Mini K are for, and Amanda has a bad attitude about losing and lets the other people on the court know about it.

Starters should be
Sally Roberts
Mini K
Laura Perkins
Brooke Coleman
Cortney Smallwood

Bring in Kayla Smallwood to relieve her sister and Amanda Sawyers. Rowe loves for his players to rebound, so I definitely see him going with a bigger lineup like the one I think will start, Rowe loves physical ball and to bang it inside the paint.
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Who does everyone think will be the starting line ups for the 15th region teams? - by ComeFlyWithMe - 11-08-2007, 12:42 AM

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