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How will Barry Halls Raiders be this year?
White Mike Wrote:i way will they beat a team like JC...they live and die by the 3...and 9 out of 10 times against good teams they will die by it!...they need to start penetrating more or working the ball around to find an open player, instead of shooting one from about 30 feet with a hand in their face!!!! they also need to play better defence and rebound a whole lot better to beat a good team.

They have to shoot the 3 ball in order to stay in the game. Thats what they are, there a run a gun team. When do you of South Floyd setting the ball up and actually running an offense. I can't remember one. Plus, they only have a couple players that can penetrate and score. I think there doing pretty good on defense from what I seen over at the Panorama, they need to box out, and crash the boards more though.
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How will Barry Halls Raiders be this year? - by thespectator - 11-25-2006, 04:56 PM

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