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Why is Corbin Not Boyle County ???
(09-25-2024, 08:54 PM)pjdoug Wrote:
(09-22-2024, 06:23 PM)King Kong Wrote:
(09-22-2024, 03:59 PM)Bull got out! Wrote:
(09-22-2024, 03:52 PM)King Kong Wrote:
(09-22-2024, 05:47 AM)Granny Bear Wrote: And you call yourself a fisherman!!??  I'm sooo disappointed in you!
We would start around this time of year, bank fishing off the points.  Chub minnows that we seigned, and no sinker.  I nearly got my arm broken more than a few times.  And ALL through the winter.  I have literally broken ice off my line and eyelets!  The biggest crappie I ever caught was on Norris Lake on Valentines Day.  The snow was flying!!!
I miss those days more than I can express.
Granny that is definitely impressive and sounds like some really great times!

I tip my cap to you Granny and admit that you are definitely way tougher than me  Blush

You mentioned seigning minnows.  That's a lot of fun and we still do that a lot. Funny story, last year me and my oldest brother were seigning a creek.  Getting bait for catfish.  We come to a hole of water running under a rock ledge.  My brother took the edge of the bank and I took the rock ledge side. 

We were wading through there and my side just kept getting deeper and deeper.  It got to where I couldn't touch the bottom and I had to start swimming.  Holding the net with one arm and swimming with the other! Looked over at my brother,  he was only in knee deep water, laughing at me! Lol

To make matters worse I'd forgotten to take my phone outta my pocket.  It got fried and never worked again! Big Grin

Winter is some of the best fishing times.  I just struggle with the cold at times.  I even dread deer hunting because of the cold at times  Big Grin

Smile I got to tell one myself, I am a old drum fisherman and we would fish at the headwaters just below Cumberland Falls. So we would go in certain creeks around the area and seine crawdads to use for bait. What we would do is go as far as you could  to where you cant take a boat right when school lets out when it starts to get real hot and they start growling and fish in the center of the river with heavy weights and load the boat. Caught some big ones using that method. Done that for years.
That sounds like some fun right there! Those drums are tough and put up a fight. 

That Cumberland River is one of the prettiest places on the face of the earth.  World class fishing. 

Cumberland Falls was the first trip my wife and I took,  where we stayed overnight.  That's a special place to us both. 

I believe I could live in that area and be just fine  Wink
I live beside Cumberland River, but haven't been fishing. I need some Crappie or Walleye, if you catch too many,
I would love to live near the Cumberland River.  For the fishing and relaxation.  Thats one of the most relaxing places I've been to. 

Used to catch some walleye at Paintsville Lake. That was years back though.  

I need to get up with that one buddy of mine.  Some of the crappie he caught in the Spring was around 15 inches long.  That's some serious slabs of meat right there! This time of the year is a good time to catch crappie. 

One of my cousins fixed some trout that I took him in a smoker one time.  Man those things were good fixed like that!
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  • Bull got out!, pjdoug
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RE: Why is Corbin Not Boyle County ??? - by know1 - 09-18-2024, 07:02 AM
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RE: Why is Corbin Not Boyle County ??? - by know1 - 09-18-2024, 09:49 AM
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RE: Why is Corbin Not Boyle County ??? - by Hatz - 09-18-2024, 04:57 PM
RE: Why is Corbin Not Boyle County ??? - by know1 - 09-18-2024, 04:43 PM
RE: Why is Corbin Not Boyle County ??? - by ROTC - 09-18-2024, 08:14 PM
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RE: Why is Corbin Not Boyle County ??? - by FCSPY - 09-19-2024, 01:51 PM
RE: Why is Corbin Not Boyle County ??? - by King Kong - 09-25-2024, 09:22 PM
RE: Why is Corbin Not Boyle County ??? - by Hatz - 09-22-2024, 09:53 AM
RE: Why is Corbin Not Boyle County ??? - by Hatz - 09-23-2024, 09:51 AM
RE: Why is Corbin Not Boyle County ??? - by know1 - 09-24-2024, 02:11 PM
RE: Why is Corbin Not Boyle County ??? - by know1 - 09-25-2024, 01:19 PM

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