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Perry County Central 22 Somerset 21 Final
(08-24-2023, 03:22 PM)Buford T Justice Wrote: HOLD UP ON THAT CAR WASH GENTELMEN! Anyone who watched that game objectively knows it was bad. That final sequence just before halftime was even worse Pcc basically had 8 points given to them that they should not have got. A roughing the passer that the Qb had the ball in his hand and the hit on him caused the ball to fly loose then they gave them an extra TO and an un timed play. The half was over and Somerset was heading off the field and they brought them back and Perry gets TD  then Somerset blocks the Pat and was off sides and Perry went for 2 and there is irrefutable video evidence that the runner was stopped well short of the goal line. Even WYMT from their view couldn’t believe they gave him the conversion. That being said if that sequence had not transpired the play at the end would have been moot. There were many other plays during the game that I know were also sent in  that you could just pass off as bad judgment calls, but every big play Somerset made during the game was negated by phantom penalties. I have watched the entire game back on Hudl 3 times and the penalties just don’t exist. As a person that was born and raised in the mountains and have been living in Somerset for 25 years I have a unique perspective. I have heard it said many many times when you travel east of I-75 you are going to get robbed.  This is not just Somerset I have heard from fans all over the 12th region and everyone says that and that goes for all sports not just football. Eastern Kentucky has a horrible reputation state wide  As just downing teams and taking games. We have a serious problem with the integrity among officials in eastern Ky. Perry central will come to Somerset next year and it will be a straight up called game I’ll guarantee it. I have traveled all over central ky over the last 4 years and I don’t ever remember leaving a game knowing we got cheated. We have taken our fair share of losses but not like this. I have 2 kids playing on this Somerset team and when you see this kind of stuff what I believe is blaten cheating it burns you alive. It also don’t help the cause that Pcc alum is calling the game.
You sound sensible so I will as well.  The hit on the QB wasn’t called a late hit it was called a hit to the helmet and it was 100% the right call, and Perry did have the timeout left so you’re wrong there.  I do agree on the 2 point conversion he was short and i understand completely there, and the end of the game was a bad call, plain and simple but it wasn’t cheating, it was officials that did not know the rule and unfortunately for somerset they got the bad end of that, I can promise you had Perry been kicking and the same thing happened, they would have made the same call, they didn’t know any better.   At some point we also have to hold our team accountable, how does somerset give up a 40 yard touchdown with no time, where was the defense, and if the O line blocks, thenblocked field goal doesn’t happen.   A lot of what ifs, shoulda coulda woulda.  And we’ve been to somerset, there’s definitely home cooking there also so let’s not go there.   Home cooking does exist to some extent at every school.
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RE: Perry County Central 22 Somerset 21 Final - by Jet fighter - 08-24-2023, 03:30 PM

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