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Franklin County game ends in a brawl...
(11-19-2022, 09:00 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(11-19-2022, 05:30 PM)AverageJoe Wrote: Criminal imo

If I saw an adversary in a grocery store parking lot street and did what #57 did, I'd be in jail facing felony charges.

Should we excuse criminal actions just because they occur on an athletic field?  What if the kid that was victimized had been killed or seriously injured as a result of these actions? It could have happened. I knew a school administrator that suffered a debilitating injury just trying to break up a fight between two kids.

  This was a  malicious, premeditated action on the part of the offender. He had more than enough time to think about what he was doing and return to his sideline.  Something tells me he has not received the best parental advice.
Yea his parents are playing the victim card according to one media source on Twitter. 

And yes that was sad what happened at Whitley that year. Stuff can happen like that. People should think before acting in an emotional situation. 
(11-19-2022, 09:41 PM)plantmanky Wrote:
(11-19-2022, 09:23 PM)pjdoug Wrote: What #57 did was dumb, but I bet  he wasn't the only one doing cheap shots.

No one is saying a thing about the FC player that drags the WE player by the facemask while all this is going on.
I’ll have to go back and watch it. What number? Or where at on the video. I’ve found another video that has a wider angle than the stream. Shows a lot more. 
(11-19-2022, 11:34 PM)HS_fballfan Wrote: Kids left the bench pretty clear on that.  The only way to change this crap from happening is to make the kids sit.  Wish the coaches would get control but that isn’t going to happen.
I’ll tell ya how to stop this sh!+ real quick….
Now I’m a firm believer in self defense. And I say conservatively. You can’t get out there start pushing or instigating it, and when you start getting your butt whooped and fight back and say it was just self defense. But- and I don’t know the situation- let’s say FC didn’t do anything and and this broke out with that kid and some cheap shots. I have no problem with them fighting back. I wouldn’t stand on the street and take it. I wouldn’t expect my kid to On a field. With that said, if both teams were at fault here’s how ya cut that crap out and make sure not many will follow anywhere. 

1) double forfeit (if both teams are fighting and it’s not just self defense). All players that were involved are suspended for 2 games and it Carry’s over to next year. If it was a post season game, they are ineligible for playoffs next year if benches are cleared. (I struggled with this because it’s hard to punish a kid for someone Else’s wrong doing a year later, but it would act as a deterrent to keep underclass man on the bench or sidelines, because if they act they should be punished too. 

*1a- if the players are seniors the penalty can’t really affect them. So two games wuould be their suspension if younger. So if they are a multi sport athlete they will sit 20% of their season in whatever sport which would equate to 2 games on avg for football. 

2)If benches are cleared or there’s 4 or more fighting, athletic departments will face a mandatory fine of no less than $2,000 or more than $6,000
depending upon the severity. These fines will also being on a rolling 4 year time line. So if they get 2 in a period less
than 4 years the fine will double for repeat offenders. 

you can give these players whatever, for some it might not matter. But I about guarantee  you if you start fining A.D’s they’ll stop that crap before it gets started. Like college, like life, you hit peoples wallet, it seems to garner some control. 

now are there some seniors who don’t play other sports? Yea. Will they evade “justice” for their actions? Yea. But these underclass men and multi sport athletes will think twice and hopefully that will keep what might just be a fight and player ejections from becoming a larger situation. 

Aside from all of that, and still somewhat connected to it is sidelines during games. Sidelines have turned into just another row closer for fans. I’ve seen people that have no business being down there. They are non essential personnel and most aren’t even connected to the team outside being parents grade school coaches. IMO, I don’t care if you played 4 years and brought home a title, you’ve donated 100K to the team, you’ve coached before or coaching lower grades, or you’re a 50’year fan, you have NO business being down there. If I’m thinking right, didn’t an old player have an issue at paintsville before with another player? But regardless, they shouldn’t be down there, it’s more people that can potentially cause more problems, because if they are nonessential they aren’t helping.  KHSAA needs to tighten the regulations on people who can be on that sideline or close to it, to coaches, players, and ESSENTIAL personnel (water boys, equipment managers, or game management). Give passes out that they have to wear every game and have a KHSAA official show up randomly. If they violate, FINE. $500 or so.
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RE: Franklin County game ends in a brawl... - by Hound05 - 11-20-2022, 01:52 AM

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