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Post Office/Kentucky Plans on voting in November
(08-20-2020, 06:07 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(08-20-2020, 11:40 AM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ There is no conservative  dog whistle in Hoot's argument.  There is however a mountain of deceit in your own.

You know as does everybody with one ounce of sense that the potential for voter fraud in an all mail-in/mostly mail-in election is stratospheric. Further, the likelihood that sensible voters are buying into the leftist narrative, (leftist in the sense that it is being delivered by leftists and in the sense that it is politically leftist in scope) is less than slim.

But you feel the end justifies the means and therefore are more than willing to do what it takes to do your part to steal the coming election. It will not work, but the more time and dishonest effort you invest to that end, the more satisfying the outcome will be.

Never said he had one.  Mail-in voter fraud is a conservative dog whistle. 

There is speculation and there is actuality.  There are 5 states that use nearly entirely mail in. I gave an example in my post.  Don’t believe it.  Look it up.  

Stealing the election is slowing mail so voters can’t vote, allowing a pandemic to rage so voters are too scared, and enlisting foreign agencies to help spread disinformation.  Left isn’t doing any of that. I’ll give you three guesses. You’ll get it wrong though.

(08-20-2020, 12:52 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: I have challenged you to put up or shut up,. weasel. You insulted me with your lies and you know that you can't back them up. Weakness is insulting people with lies and then doubling down on your lies behind the anonymity of the internet. Back up your lies or shut up, coward.

Put up, or shut up about what?  That you've never said Trump lies.  Ok, You didn't say it.  You knowingly support a liar to the American people.  Feel better?

I like weasels.  They can subdue the poisonous snakes of the world. 

More name calling. Weak sauce.   

(08-20-2020, 03:05 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: I don't really care about the USPS. I have not mailed anything in years. I either communicate and pay bills electronically or I send documents via Fed Ex. I am opposed to any increased funding of the USPS prior to the election. If Democrats want to inundate our post offices with unsolicited ballots in the days around the election, then the chaos that ensues will be on them. I will be disappointed if Trump compromises on this issue but I expect that he will.

I really do not see why Trump's friendship with anybody at the USPS is relevant to this debate. Maybe it would be relevant if Trump were proposing a huge funding increase for the organization but as far as I know, he has not requested any funding increase.

USPS is a government service that millions of Americans depend on, especially in rural America, for business and personal reasons.  Nothing else in the federal govt is expected to make money and support itself, so why do we expect the Postal Service to, oh right, the USPS has a labor pension problems and pensions cause conservatives to lose sleep at night.  That money is going to Americans instead of their special interest coffers.  It all makes sense. 

Mail in voter fraud in Washington state's 2018 election was under .004% (around 150 ballots), and ballots were mailed to citizens.  97% of the vote was by mail.  The SOS in Washington is a Republican.

Another conservative dog whistle counting on Americans to swallow the lie hook, line, and sinker.
Quote:Thank you for acknowledging and retracting one of your many lies. It's a good start. However, I will repeat, in case you forgot, I have never referred to Trump as a conservative, nor have I ever even implied that to be the case. 

I reluctantly voted for Trump in 2016 and I will vote for him this year as well. I don't understand how anybody could vote for a candidate suffering from dementia with a clear conscience. But I have never believed Trump to be a conservative. He is by far the most conservative candidate who has a chance of winning but I have and will continue to consider him a fiscal liberal.

I’m glad you feel better, but you voted for him and plan to again, so you condone it all. 

Biden doesn’t have dementia,  but cool let’s say he does.
You’re picking Trump who would also have dementia and is a sociopathic narcissistic liar that is in search of anything, or anyone, to grease his ego.  

The guy not knowing where he is causes much less damage. 
See 2020.
Trump has shown no signs of dementia and nobody has had to lead him off of a stage. Anybody who has had a relative who suffered from dementia will surely recognize Biden's symptoms. If not now, then his symptoms will become too obvious to ignore before the end of what would be his first term, if he wins the election.

A guy not knowing where he is who has the authority to launch nukes does not do less damage than one still capable of rational thought. That is among the most silly statements that you have made and your collection of silly statements is a sizable one. If they were baseball cards you would be a wealthy man.
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RE: Post Office/Kentucky Plans on voting in November - by Hoot Gibson - 08-20-2020, 07:11 PM

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