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05-01-2020, 05:39 AM
Read bottom up again.
Solomon L. Wisenberg
Use of the Logan Act as a pretext is the key here. It signals a corrupt investigation from the outset. Everyone in official Washington would know this immediately. That anyone at a senior level in DOJ or FBI would be a part of, or countenance, such an effort is a disgrace
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Jonathan Turley
· 11h
I have been a criminal defense attorney for decades. I have seen abusive tactics. However this is one of the most thuggish records I have seen. Most concerning is that they were trying to create a crime, not investigating a crime. The use of Logan only highlights that bias.
Solomon L. Wisenberg
Use of the Logan Act as a pretext is the key here. It signals a corrupt investigation from the outset. Everyone in official Washington would know this immediately. That anyone at a senior level in DOJ or FBI would be a part of, or countenance, such an effort is a disgrace
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Jonathan Turley
· 11h
I have been a criminal defense attorney for decades. I have seen abusive tactics. However this is one of the most thuggish records I have seen. Most concerning is that they were trying to create a crime, not investigating a crime. The use of Logan only highlights that bias.
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