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Trump White House Lied About Sending An Aircraft Carrier To Deter North Korea
Bob Seger Wrote:Reports say it wasn't altered. The stopover in Australia was planned before Korea from the beginning.

The Navy reported that when the statement was given, the "armada" was headed in the opposite direction. Subsequent "adjust this and shadow that" does not change the initial "here comes the calvary" statement. President Trump needs to stop what we used to call popping off at the mouth half-cocked. It shows in his tweets and his utterances. I think his peace through strength approach, hearkening back to President Reagan, given time to develop, is wise at this juncture. Just be more measured and deliberate in his public comments.
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Trump White House Lied About Sending An Aircraft Carrier To Deter North Korea - by The Urban Sombrero - 04-20-2017, 04:32 AM

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