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03-09-2017, 03:42 AM
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Trump promised to repeal Obamacare and a lot of people believed him. I never believed him because even if he had been sincere in promising a repeal, which I do not believe that he was, there are to many RINOS in Congress for the law to be repealed without a replacement and Democrats and RINOS will not support a good replacement bill.
The end result is that Obamacare may come to be remembered as Trumpcare, and with the media's help, the GOP will be blamed for all of the ill effects of Obamacare. In other words, instead of Obama and the Democrats suffering the political consequences of destroying the world's best healthcare system, Trump and the GOP will get most of the blame.
A $1 trillion of new spending is exactly the kind of thing that Hillary would have proposed. I do like the moves that Trump has made to roll back some of the federal regulations that Obama hurriedly imposed on his way out the door, but spending political capital on another porkulus bill will hurt the economy in the long run.
Dems rammed ObamaCare through. They knew once they got enough people signed up there would be no way Republicans could ever just repeal it. So after they used our money to buy the votes they needed to pass ObamaCare, they used even more of our tax dollars to lure, bribe or otherwise compel the so-called uninsured into the fold. Those signing up didn't need to prove a single criteria in order to get covered, and the subsidies rolled in. Even if Romney had gotten elected in 2012, another better of two evils candidate, he'd likely have done much the same as the Paul Ryan plan.
But I don't believe any of this had the first thing to do with normal American politics, rather globalism. The foreign policy of the past 8 years attempted to make also-rans out of the US with a watered down military, a ridiculous commitment to the green agenda, and every effort was made to strip Americans of exceptionalism by multi-culturalizing the population with the ongoing flood of foreign nationals. Not to mention the fact that we've progressed so far down that road that financial experts cannot even imagine an economy which is not completely bound to global markets.
Maybe Trump and the Republicans will get the blame, but I know the Dems are the ones who destroyed our health care system. And they're not finished with their destructive ways by any means. Not to excuse anybody involved, but Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell need to recognize the true nature of the foe they face and give up on the regular order deal.
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ObamaCare - by mr.fundamental - 03-09-2017, 06:47 PM
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