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01-23-2017, 05:50 PM
vector Wrote:Did God also make theses leaders?
Roe v Wade Decision 1973
Harry Blackmun Nixon
Warren E. Burger. Nixon
William O. Douglas. FDR
William J. Brennan. Eisenhower
Potter Stewart. Eisenhower
Thurgood Marshall. FDR
Lewis Powell. Nixon
Byron White. Kennedy
William Rehnquist. Nixon
The Majority Justices must have all been liberals, yes? Perhaps appointed by Democratic presidents? Wrong. Blackmun, who penned the Supreme Court’s final Majority opinion, was appointed by Republican President Richard Nixon. Also appointed by Nixon were Burgher and Powell. So far, three of the seven Justices in the Majority were appointed by a Republican President. But do not forget that Brennan and Stewart were appointed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower. This means that five of the seven Majority Justices were appointed by Republican presidents (Douglas and Marshall were appointed by Democratic Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson, respectively). What’s more, take the two Democratic-appointed judges out of the Majority, and you are still left with all-Republican majority of the Court that legalizes abortion.
Only White (appointed by Democratic President John F. Kennedy) and Renquist (appointed by Nixon) opposed the Court’s decision to legalize abortion in the United States.
We're not talking about appointees such as Justices, we're talking about kings, presidents, premiers, tsars and world leaders. Everybody else you've listed are again, (as you already pointed out) appointed by those leaders. Thanks for helping me make the case. But yes. God knows every single fact there is to know. He even knows from one second to the next how many hairs are on your head vector, if one falls off, He still knows how many are left and He knows it before that falling hair hits the floor.
Matthew 10:29-30 (KJV)
29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. (seeing it)
30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
In fact, God knows every word that you and I will ever speak, or write. He can look forward and backward into time like we would a VCR tape. He knows every single nuance of history, and He has already seen every single nuance of the future. Thus prophecy (the future) is but history pre-recorded. So yes, in setting up Nixon and Eisenhower God knew who they would appoint to the Supreme Court.
Now I don't want to get too long winded here because we all know how irritated Hoot gets. The idea though, is that all men, and girls, are responsible for their own actions. You can bet the consciences of those justices that ruled in the Roe case were screaming. Just as are the consciences of women who abort their children. We all sin because it is our nature to sin. But yet though all have sinned, some, choose to bow before Him in repentance, and it is his good pleasure to forgive those who do. Nonetheless, we have His Word laying all over the halls of Congress and the Supreme Court. The very walls are inscribed with Scripture. At one time American lawmakers and Justices, though they may have been lost, would never have been brazen enough to pass laws which overturned God law such as legalized abortion and the repeal of DADT. But that was the reflection of the attitude of that day. In our day we see that we will roll right over God's law, and lawmakers regularly campaign unashamedly on doing just that.
Yes liberals permeate our system and they always will. But people like me like to blow their cover. The founders were extremely mindful of the Lordship and sovereignty of God, and such is reflected in our history and writings. It is my contention that adherence to those Godly tenets has made this nation great as history clearly demonstrates. If we abandon our God and our morals, we lose our authority to govern, because everything becomes one man's word against another. We tend then in the absence of Christian ethics, to rely on law precedent to win disputes, but precedent is always under the attack of lawyers who argue so that they may win a case. So lawyers chip away at the foundations of precedent as a matter of daily practice. Therefore as precedent (which was at one time based on Godly tenets) continues to erode, so does our state of affairs. There are those for example, who are mindlessly opposed to borders and state sovereignty.
Thus my argument, we are going down the drain. A national return to observance of the sovereignty of God is our only remedy.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
60 million aborted since Roe, that alone should motivate every person in this land to hang their head in shame, as it should cause every Christian to fall before God in prayer and repentance.
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And he is now The Most Powerful Man in the World!! - by TheRealThing - 01-27-2017, 08:11 PM
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