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Floyd's Henry Webb controlling region again during realignment?
And we all have been told over and over. It's all about the "kids". That's....well you know. This is not just for basketball, it's other sports too. Baseball, softball, volleyball, etc. If this was such a good idea (SUPER REGIONAL), why isn't all other regions doing the same thing. I have talked to a few AD and Principlas. Some had no clue until yeasterday what was being proposed. All this was decided in a closed meeting among Superintendents and JT. No principlas no ADs. Then evidently there was no communication between some Supers and their schools. I heard today that LCHS made a deal to move to 58th if they would be allowed to host the district tournaments for basketball, baseball, sofrtball and leave PCCHS hanging, it was PCCHS turn in the rotation. Sad times. Makes me wonder why some Pike County media outlets have not jumped all over this. Think of how much money will be lost with this move. I bet the parents really support this move. Sad times in the 15th.
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Floyd's Henry Webb controlling region again during realignment? - by Thirsty Dog - 01-14-2017, 02:05 AM

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