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02-26-2006, 10:42 PM
thetribe Wrote:There are plenty of reasons why cellphones should be allowed at school. Did you ever hear of a major event that happened years ago nicknamed the Columbine shootings? That is reason enough to allow students to have cellphones present on school grounds. If an emergency like that presented itself (which has happened numerous times since then, even in Kentucky) students should be able to call 911, family members, and loved ones. They should contact help immediately and wouldn't you want the chance to tell people that you loved them if you were afraid you were going to be killed? I would worry more about my family watching the situation on the news and worrying about me than the shooting actually going on. I would want the chance to let them know that I was okay and if something happened that I loved them very much. Besides that, you have never been to East Ridge. Every classroom has a phone but you can never get an outside line even during instructional time so if an emergency happened that involved the entire school then I am POSITIVE that everyone near a phone would be trying to call out. If a personal emergency happened and you needed medication or something else quickly then there is no way to contact a person or someone to bring your needs to you. East Ridge is a crazy place. We have had not one but TWO killers attend there already. TWO killers. Students that went out and took others' lives. We have had a school shooting threat. Security cameras do not provide much comfort because who will act in a situation that endangers everyone?
As far as mp3 or CD players go, I personally work better with music. Music takes away the background noise of others talking, rattling papers, and people not doing THEIR work when I am trying to finish my own. I have teachers that actually play music from their computers while we are doing assignments because it helps us. Students all have special needs, though it is kind of embarassing I have a problem with attention deficit disorder. I have a hard enough time being distracted from my work with music trying to cover everyone else, take that away and I will probably sit there all period and look around and listen to all that is going on.
Kids DO have an idea on how much freedom we are allowed. We know that our freedom of speech is on a tight leash, we are aware that our freedom of petition is influenced by authority figures, and that our freedom of religion is what our parents want for us, not what we pick for ourselves. I do support a dress code in school systems but when they keep taking the links out of your chain you can only stand so much.
The way a kid dresses is freedom of expression, which you are saying that America fully gives us. But how much freedom do we have when schools want to question visible piercings, when they discriminate against boys with mohawks and girls with skirts. East Ridge allows NO shorts. None. There was no below the knee rule for boys and the dollar bill or hand rule for girls. No shorts period. I personally don't even wear shorts yet I feel that my peers should be able to do so in a reasonable manner.
Do you know how hard it is to even find pants with no holes above the knee? Brand name companies purposely sell merchandise with holes already in them because it is a trend. You PAY for the holes. I agree that no one's butt or crotch should be shown but a hole half an inch above the knee is not hurting anything or anyone. Does the East Ridge administration not understand that viewing someone else's legs does not turn another student on so much that it should be banned? I see more cleavage a day than I do legs, and that my friend is sad. Let's ban shorts yet allow males to wear pants with their boxers fully visible and females' buttcracks to be shown.
Kids are kids. Some mature faster than others and I can see where adults out in the real world want them to be presented in a proper manner. There is absolutely nothing wrong with polo or collared shirts and khakis for men and dress shirts and skirts for women. It looks very professional and suitable for on the job attire YET school is not a job. We are there SEVEN hours a day. I spend more time at school than I do awake after I come home. We need to be comfortable in what we are wearing. Ties and high heels can come later when we go for job interviews and work 5 and 6 days a week.
I agree with one point that you have made. There are kids that have entirely too much freedom, they get to run with whomever, stay out however late, and engage in any activity that they want BUT that is their parents fault. I have extremely limited freedom with no driver's license, not being allowed to ride with my friends, and what do you think my curfew is like having to ride with a friend's parents to meet my parents out somewhere to be picked up? I by no means wear clothing that is not appropriate. I have more self respect and I'm not comfortable enough with my body to flaunt it at all chances given. If I wanted to wear something questionable then my mother would be the first to stop me. It is so dumb that the school will not allow me to wear my favorite pair of jeans that have the knees busted out of them. They are comfortable pants, the most comfortable pair that I own, and they show my KNEECAPS! Kneecaps, how extremely sexy and controversial...
Yet another problem that I have with East Ridge is the no food or drink policy. I don't know if anyone has touched on that or not but WHY would students not be allowed to have food or pop in classrooms? It hurts nothing. If people pick their breakfast up at one of many spots on the way to school they have to eat it while driving which is so dangerous. They are not allowed to bring it in the school or sit in their own cars to finish it in the parking lot. If a student's sugar gets low then so be it, let them pass out because the warden won't allow drinks of any kind inside his prison.
This is probably the longest post that I have ever written but I deal with the school day in and day out. I know how the principal, teachers, and other faculity make nonrational decisions. I see how they stand in the halls and eye students down, checking their hands for food and cellphones and clothing to make sure no holes are where they are not allowed. It is like they TRY to get students in trouble. They get satisfaction by making them throw away that pop or call home because of their jeans.. Let kids be. Kids are just that, kids. At 18 years old I AM A KID. I have made bad choices but my clothing, my music, my cellphone, and my food or drink should be allowed as long as I do so in a suitable manner.
KHB, this post wasn't directed towards you and to make you mad. I was going to post on this thread anyway and I wanted to clarify some stuff that you talked about with facts that know and voice my opinion in doing so.
The first thing (and one of the few things that I am going to say) is that if more high school students could speak about a subject as intelligently as you--then there wouldn't be a reason to even consider a dress code.
I have read this about 15 times--and the more I read it--the more I am impressed.
I want to respond--but it is going to take me some time to digest this information in a manner in which it deserves (this is very SOLID--so I want to put some thought into it).
Either way--solid job. I wish more kids would display the intelligence that you have displayed here. Give me a day--and I will respond in the manner in which this deserves.
Messages In This Thread
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by Warrior's #1 - 02-26-2006, 12:43 AM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by Cameron Crazy - 02-26-2006, 02:49 AM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by BC75 - 02-26-2006, 02:52 AM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by Cameron Crazy - 02-26-2006, 02:54 AM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by alfus21 - 02-26-2006, 03:00 AM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by Cameron Crazy - 02-26-2006, 03:36 AM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by alfus21 - 02-26-2006, 05:14 AM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by KentuckyHillBilly5321 - 02-26-2006, 12:56 PM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by Batpuff - 02-26-2006, 01:03 PM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by Cameron Crazy - 02-26-2006, 02:24 PM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by KentuckyHillBilly5321 - 02-26-2006, 02:31 PM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by KentuckyHillBilly5321 - 02-26-2006, 02:37 PM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by thetribe - 02-26-2006, 07:05 PM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by Tomcat68 - 02-26-2006, 08:40 PM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by Reizvoll - 02-26-2006, 08:49 PM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by BallaBaby - 02-26-2006, 08:53 PM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by KentuckyHillBilly5321 - 02-26-2006, 10:42 PM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by thetribe - 02-27-2006, 12:40 AM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by Beef - 02-27-2006, 10:18 AM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by Batpuff - 02-27-2006, 12:42 PM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by KentuckyHillBilly5321 - 02-27-2006, 10:03 PM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by BC75 - 02-27-2006, 10:13 PM
East Ridge (Dress Code) - by theswag - 03-04-2006, 11:23 PM
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