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Amazing Political Paintings -- Must View!!
I few months back I visited a local restaurant and was blown away by the paintings on the wall. I found that the artist was Andy Thomas, and here are some of the ones that I saw. They are for sale on the internet for anyone looking to decorate or add to their political shrines. Smile

Regardless of your personal political affiliation, I think we all can agree that any of them would make a great conversation piece. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I did. What I find most interesting, are the details hidden in the Obama "change" speech painting: In the front row, to the left, you'll see the only person in the crowd who is seated. That appears to be FDR, who would be confined to a wheel chair. It also looks like Lincoln can be found in the crowd, to the right side, about 5 rows back beside a man who is clapping his hands. LBJ is to the extreme right in the same area.

And finally, have some fun with a these pictures... Caption them with what they are saying. For instance, when I saw the one of the republicans playing cards and cracking up.... I could imagine it was a picture from late 2006-2007 timeframe, and Reagan being the humorist amongst them all probably said something like.... "And then.... the liberals said that we'd have a black president someday!! HAHAHA" or... if it were in 2001 before the 9/11 attacks and Iraq... "A decade long war... yeah right..."


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