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53rd District Championship Letcher Central 47 Knott Central 41
i will admit my comment was a little childish and was not the lady cougars that i should have been making comments about so congrats to the Lady cougars on their win! i admit seeing the Lady Patriots lose after such a hard fought game was a little hard to accept! what i should have commented about was how it was unfair to all the teams of how Letcher did recieve special treatment when being announced they were holding the district tournament and was not an official home game! another thing is how their mascot lays in the center circle so that our girls cannot huddle in center court! and how their coach cant rant and rave and yell at the refs most coaches would have either had a T called or worse! and as far as teams having excuses well the refs seem to make that a little easy! ive seen to many times this season they have let the games get out of control! and its not always about the equality of the calls as much as it is about picky vs slamming a player to the floor with NO call! but bottom line the Lady Pats missed their freethrows as were Lady Cougars made theirs! and i will still say with a little favortism by the refs Wink
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53rd District Championship Letcher Central 47 Knott Central 41 - by Ladypatfan - 03-01-2015, 12:56 AM

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