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Clay County vs Jackson County (49th District Championship)
As a neutral guy on this whose team has played these two a combined five times, I give the edge to Clay just because of defense. Jackson very seldom puts forth a lot of effort on the defensive end. Collier can block some shots, and Fox can be a good defender, but they seem too often disinterested, they would rather push it and try to just out score you. Now they have enough offensive talent to do that at times, like the game in McKee. And it could happen again in the next two weeks. But Smith is a better defender than anyone probably in the region, and when Allen decides to show up Clay's team defense is pretty good as well. I'll take Clay in this one, in the neighborhood of 74-67.
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Clay County vs Jackson County (49th District Championship) - by Van Hagar - 02-26-2014, 04:45 PM

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