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Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty suspended for "anti-gay" remarks
^ Like I said. It's one thing to have the sexually depraved among us, allowing them to exist peacefully in a free land. It's quite another to pass laws giving their lifestyle credibility. That is the only thing that has changed. Men once condemned the homosexual lifestyle, citing the scriptures as their authority to take that position. Calling out the sin only, and not pointing any fingers or revealing the identities of any they suspected as being gay. The military called this live and let live concept Don't Ask Don't Tell. Seems reasonable enough to me.

That wasn't good enough for the so-called LGBT community. Nope, in their minds it was high time their sexual bents were validated and, by the very ones who had been condemning them. Using the crown jewel of American idealism, our system of courts, activist judges and even a president friendly to their cause, gave the LGBT an incredible boost, which is now standing on it's own feet. And, now that DADT has been repealed, how things have changed. All of a sudden, it's as if the notion that such acts are born of sin is totally antiquated. So, even though we have a majority of Americans who think homosexuality is wrong by God's standards, our own system of courts have mercilessly attacked God's law and the wishes of His own. Satan has therefore managed to circumvent God's law using the very bastion of morality, America, to do it. I mean, think about it, the USA is getting lectured by the likes of hardline communist Vladimir Putin for it's wide open stance on homosexuality. :yikes: One little repeal later and the victory, in liberal minds, is won. At some point liberals will be sending in the thought police to enforce this new morality, you can bet on it cause A&E just tried it and were obviously wrong about how the Dynasty folks would take it.

In other words, though these guys could never win the argument with God's people, which suggests the idea that homosexuality is really ok, they figured out a way to win anyway. We've been legislated into submission. And folks, legislation is enforceable 100% of the time. There is only one way to deal with things like this and it's exactly the manner in which Duck Dynasty chose to deal with A&E. To a man, they all stood up for the validity of God's Word. This whole deal about men running over God's law no matter the forum, is nothing more than the manifestations of rebellion. The rebellion started aeons ago, when Satan and those who rebelled with him were thrown down out of Heaven and continues to this day in the hearts of men. But, not all men. To some men, more important than all of the eloquent lies of men, is the truth of God.

But, all this goes to show the slings and arrows one will endure as the time of AntiChrist draws closer.
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Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty suspended for "anti-gay" remarks - by TheRealThing - 12-27-2013, 08:06 PM

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