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Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty suspended for "anti-gay" remarks
RoShamBo Wrote:Freedom of Speech. It's a real thing.

In this case, it is not freedom of speech. Though I would agree that our inalienable right is freedom of expression, but your inalienable rights ARE superseded by your employer! We all have a right to express our beliefs, but your employer has the RIGHT to establish their own declarations in which trumps your right to WORK! In this case, Phil broke the rules. All of us who work our bound by the restrictions given to us in our employment agreement, and should we decide to step beyond those boundaries, we should not try to use the Constitution or the Bible to correct the knowing rules that we agreed to when accepting employment!

I share Phil's moral position, but I absolutely under zero circumstances will express those beliefs in an environment that breaks my contract to my employer! Phil can afford to say "SCREW A&E", but for all here who are jumping on Phil's bandwagon, tell us all how it goes when you go to your place of employment and express those same beliefs and you sacrifice your families well being because of it! There are a lot of you, I hope that you get a new job and can take care of your families pretty quickly.......

A&E has a right to create their rules of employment and whomever signs that contract knows what they are signing! Phil was correctly punished because he purposely neglected his employers concerns. This is not to say that A&E does not support Phil's stance, but that is not right for business. I applaud A&E for being consistent in their rules for employment! Nobody on this site bitched or threatened boycott of A&E when they canned Dog the Bounty Hunter for his racial slurs, which were a violation of the contract for employment, but now everyone has an issue with A&E over this??????
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Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty suspended for "anti-gay" remarks - by Stardust - 12-21-2013, 04:42 PM

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