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Just incase anybody is wondering.....
TheRealVille Wrote:We know my explanation to bible references, but how do you handle other "abominations" toward God?

People who are saved are "new creatures in Christ", they have a new nature and the hold and sway of sin is broken. Therefore, the other abominations you speak of are not a problem.

There are two types of people in this world. Sinners who are saved from the consequences of their sins through the substitutionary death of Jesus on the cross, and sinners who reject His gift, choosing rather to do things the way they think they should be done. Like the reference I have made with regard to Cain. He made a sacrifice to God just like Abel did. One of those sacrifices was accepted and one rejected. Abel was just and obedient making his sacrifice a blood sacrifice, (signifying the future death of Christ on the cross for man's sin) while Cain's sacrifice, though impressive enough looking to Cain, was none the less rejected by God. Why? Because the first fruits of his labor was not an adequate sacrifice, not a blood sacrifice as God had clearly stipulated. Nobody is going to be honored with salvation if they try and minimize the unspeakable gift on God's own Son on the cross, not in symbolism as in Cain's case, or in deed as in the case of those who think they can prevail by their own goodness/works or by eloquent speech at the judgment.
Messages In This Thread
Just incase anybody is wondering..... - by TheRealThing - 05-10-2013, 04:43 PM
Just incase anybody is wondering..... - by vector - 05-16-2013, 05:42 PM

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