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Romney releases 2011 tax return, paid 14.1 percent
TheRealVille Wrote:Only someone with your tiny brain could conceive that as what I said. You brought up the question as to whether Obama was born in the US. He has a long form birth certificate from Hawaii. He is as much an American citizen as McCain, who wasn't born in the US. You are comparable to the woman that McCain jerked the microphone from.

No, I said others have issues with the validity of the certificate and I posted one of dozens of links I could have referenced to support that point. I even bolded the words many others so that folks like you who tend to drift off point, could maybe keep up. Maybe you wouldn't care to bring that jumbo cranial cavity to bear on the substance of my post. If Obama senior was born in Kenya as the document the Obama administration released as his original birth certificate indicates, how is it then that little Obama II considered a "natural born citizen?" Is that not a reasonable question to ask considering your willingness to call into question John McCain's citizenship? At least he was vetted by congress.
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Romney releases 2011 tax return, paid 14.1 percent - by TheRealThing - 09-23-2012, 07:26 PM

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