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Should Middlesboro return to class A
Yes I also remember the days when M'boro would smoke Bell year in and year out. We would take our beatings each year from Middlesboro and would never think twice about ending that series.......We took some beatings for sure. When the shoe was put on the other foot however..........Well, you get the picture.
Now on to the topic at hand, Middlesboro should stay where they are at, why drop a class, just get better where your at.
Messages In This Thread
Should Middlesboro return to class A - by tazcat - 09-18-2012, 09:32 PM
Should Middlesboro return to class A - by SEKYFAN - 09-18-2012, 11:05 PM
Should Middlesboro return to class A - by BELLBOBCATS - 09-19-2012, 12:44 AM

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