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Congress' Approval Poised to Be Lowest in an Election Year
TheRealThing Wrote:His post and statistical reference demonstrate my observations about the dems, none the less. They live in such an advanced state of denial and delusion, it actually seems plausible to them, to believe themselves to be blameless and that America in general, agrees with them on the matter. I loved these two quotes otherguy posted---

It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them.Pierre Beaumarchais
French businessman & comic dramatist (1732 - 1799) *

It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.William G. McAdoo
US industrialist, lawyer, & politician (1863 - 1941) *

Dems present their flawed logic as if it had been chiseled in granite tablets at the foot of a holy mountain. Just because they are passionate, doesn't mean they're right. As I keep saying, experience is the basis for understanding the truth. If one has lived it, one knows it. Liberals can try to redefine everything around them under the light of their invented reality till their heart's content. They're still wrong! The reason we are as a nation not dealing well on our foreign policy endeavors is because we have made the unfortunate error of not consulting with folks who are experts on war in all phases. Who fits that profile? Military leaders and folks who lived through the dark days of WWII, Korea and Viet Nam. The last people we need making foreign policy judgements are modern liberals. They're naive, reality dodging ideologues, with zero experience.

Nancy Pelosi is the perfect example. Soon after her ascention to Speaker of the House. She actually got on a jet and went to speak to Yassir Arafat to broker a middle eastern peace initiative between Israel and the PLO. (Things were much simpler back then, those two were the primary players) Of course Arafat smiled and told her basically what she wanted to hear. Upon her return to the US, she announced in grandiosely triumphant terms that she had secured a peace accord in the middle east. LOL. Well, she out lived the embarrassment of the whole thing but, the point is it demonstrated how little she understood the dynamics of world affairs. And believe me, she is typical in that regard to the liberals and democrats in general. BTW, to show you how far America has actually slipped, can you imagine Yassir Arafat gining up the courage to attack the United States? Romney would win by 20 a percent margin if folks were thinking straight.

Novice and uninformed beaurocrats trying to be big boys, and loving the limelight. So what if they're blowing every opportunity they've had to help our country. The important thing for them is the power and prestige. To borrow one of Obama's favorite analogies, giving the keys for the bus over to Mitt Romney will be like Alfred E Newman giving the keys to a Teamster. Some things were just meant to be.

:thatsfunn Republicans do such a good job at running the country. I like quotes also, especially this one,

“In Tampa, the Republican argument against the president’s reelection was actually pretty simple — pretty snappy. It went something like this: We left him a total mess. He hasn’t cleaned it up fast enough. So fire him and put us back in. Bill Clinton

You think the republicans did a great job before Obama?

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