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South Floyd on probation...and Some fans get banned
Now do ppl understand why everyone in the state thinks ppl in Eastern Ky. are rude, crude and socially unacceptable? We have poor sportsmanship!!! Now I'm NOT saying every single person in EKy., but lets face it, one bad apple spoils the bunch!!!!!!!!!! We already have this stereotype that we have no manners and backwards, but now we have to go out and prove ourselves that all we do is curse, spit and fight. Not just SF or BL, but every school around here! So now you will see even more police presence and taking things away from the true sports fans! We need to read off a sportsmanship statement before each game i guess. What will that do, IDK, but it's somewhat of a start. I have been to hundreds of game in my life and it keeps getting worse every single year. You kind of expect things can happen from teenagers when emotions run high during games, but the adults are the ones who need to calm the kids down, not feed the fire or start the dang thing. So ppl. start showing that EKy. has some class, has some manners and has some sportsmanship!! Start it somewhere, start it where your at!!!!!!!!!!
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South Floyd on probation...and Some fans get banned - by the voice - 01-12-2006, 05:09 PM

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