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South Floyd on probation...and Some fans get banned
SF's fans MAY have tried to get in the back door. But my question is this. If the BL fans went over to the SF side and started the fight to start off with, why is everyone saying Mr. Henry needs to get control of SF's fans. No one has said that BL's principal needs to get control of his. I mean, if they fought in football, now basketball, how can it only be one side when BL people come to SF's side. But of course it was SF fault that there fans come over there and hit them. Yep, they should take all the blame. Just the same as Mr. Henry should get control of his school and let other schools just come over and hit them. Someone said they should have walked away.... if SF fans should have walked away after getting hit, then why shouldnt BL's have walked away instead of walking over to hit? Does anyone on here really belive that if SF would have walked across the gym and hit a BL fan, that the BL fan would have walked away?
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South Floyd on probation...and Some fans get banned - by BasketBallonlyfan - 01-12-2006, 10:33 AM

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