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Texas family court judge beats daughter
Most of us, especially those a little older, have had spankings. My mom used to make me go break off my own switch!!

This; however, is NO spanking. This man didn't pop his handicapped daughter on the butt to get her attention. This is a clear venting of his frustration and anger. He hit her because HE was pissed.....nothing more. What "good" did this do for her?? He hit this child until his anger was spent.....and it makes me SICK.

The fact that he is a judge in child abuse cases just proves what a JOKE justice really is. There is, for the most part, NO justice in our court system. No matter what the charge or the guilt or innocense....if you "know" the right person or have the money........well we all know how THAT goes.

Money talks...BS walks.

I hope someone renders the judge as helpless as his daughter was, makes him turn over on his belly and serves him up with a belt.

Damn coward!!
Messages In This Thread
Texas family court judge beats daughter - by LWC - 11-03-2011, 10:57 AM
Texas family court judge beats daughter - by Granny Bear - 11-03-2011, 06:46 PM
Texas family court judge beats daughter - by LWC - 11-04-2011, 10:49 AM

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