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Did Dale send a message that Highlands has a new backup QB....
birdman44 Wrote:one year makes them way behind already. if they have to be made to play they cant be very inspiring football players. you have to show up to be a football player. Drew is the kind of kid that would do anything for his team to win. If you dont even want to show up, i dont want you on my field. There is always those kids that are too cool to play or have some other sport that is too important and say they WOULD be really good. If you are a great football player and dont play there is some injury reason or its cowardice. Who seriously would ever say im a great football player, but the sport really bores me, no one in my town is into it. Really, it comes down to having the stones to stick with it and be a man. Would'ves and could'ves are a pointless thing to talk about.

Maybe they will be on cover of could've magazine.

This is the kind of post that makes Highlands fan look stupid, calling kids cowardice because they want to play another sport other than football is just stupid!!! Next time you make a statement like this come see me and we can talk about it? It takes a real man to take shots at young men that may want to play football but due to other interest decide to play another sport he may be good at as well.
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Did Dale send a message that Highlands has a new backup QB.... - by pigskin - 09-06-2011, 09:11 AM

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