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Estill County 51 - Powell County 50
Creech and Reed are the most unselfish players on the team. I agree that there are selfish players. This team does know how to play together and has several times this year but the obstacle last night was what to do when you can't shoot the three because of good perimeter defense. So someone had to score Creech drove the ball and did. Creech is leading the team in assists and Reed is second by the way they are also the two leading scorers. This makes sense since they are the 2 seniors starting on the team. You know they can pass the ball but they can't make the shots for anyone else. There were also several passes made last night that resulted in missed shots or missed layups. I am not saying that Creech and Reed are perfect by any means they have their off nights but they do lead the team and play to win as a team. If you read my entire post you would have seen that REBOUNDS REBOUNDS REBOUNDS ARE WHAT HAVE been the problem all year. To many second and third chances for the other team. Also free throws need to be made we missed seven in a row at one point last night.

By the way Creech is ranked 8th in the region in the Uk yearbook and in the Lexington Herald and no matter what you or anyone else says it is there so let it go. Check the stats. Dont' be a hater.

There were also only two players who made it to the all region tournament team last year Devon Evans and Carlisle Creech so they must have done something right. Like stepped up when they needed to.[/QUOTE]

Alright, this is my last post on this matter. It is funny that you say thatcreech and reed are the most unselfish players, they pass it back and forth with each other. I know these kids and they are good kids, but I feel their parents talk to much and won't let them grow up. I also feel like you must be one of their parents, because they are who you mostly talk about.
Do you really think that uk or lexington herald knows anything about the 14th region? Really? Also, I keep reading and see that carlisle creech is a top college prospect and I really hope the kids does play college, because he has tallent if taught how to use it. Who is looking at him?
One last thing, you should refresh yourself on powell county record, because no one has broken any records this year.
Messages In This Thread
Estill County 51 - Powell County 50 - by JustTrying - 01-23-2011, 01:26 PM
Estill County 51 - Powell County 50 - by zodiac - 01-24-2011, 09:58 PM
Estill County 51 - Powell County 50 - by theflash - 01-25-2011, 12:35 PM
Estill County 51 - Powell County 50 - by Da Horn - 01-25-2011, 03:25 PM

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