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Biggest praises/problems with church today
LWC Wrote:I have been and am still doing an independent study about church. (Did a project in college and now that I am graduated, I am still working on it, lol.)

I would ask several people what they thought was The Church's (universal, as in ALL churches) biggest draw/praise/good-thing and what was The Church's biggest weakness?

Another way to ask is: What makes you want to go to church? OR What makes you not go to church?
I have had some REAL eye-opening answers in the past, let's see what we get here. Feel free to be brutally honest, I will not be offended, I am just continuing a study.

This may sound odd, the answer for me for both questions is the people in the church.
The people who kept me away from church for 20+ years were the ones I would see go to church every time the doors opened, but yet they were the ones gossiping, making racist statements, condemming people because they did not go to church (my Sunday school teacher did that to me about my Dad because he did not go to church. He worked every Sunday and Wed.). I was a child/teenager when I witnessed this. I knew deep in my heart, eventhough I did not have the Biblical knowledge as they did, this was not right. I could not bring myself to go to church with these kinds of people. I held these prejudices for many years.
The good is the fellowship. Obviously God has pointed me to the types of people that makes me want to go to church. My wife convinced me to go back to church about three years ago. She grew up in a family where everyone was agnostic/atheist. A co-worker invited her to church she asked me to go with her. I went with the intentions of going just one week to be comfort to her. The people in the church were so friendly open warm, you couldn't help but want to go again. I like the small groups, the frienships that are developed, people going out of their way to help the community.
Messages In This Thread
Biggest praises/problems with church today - by Jarons - 10-19-2010, 07:21 AM

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