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An open letter to Ashley Judd: In Defense of Coal
4_real Wrote:I myself live in martin county, and although i do not agree with losing all the jobs created by mountaintop removal i will have to say that it is terrible for the environment. I myself think their is way more efficient ways to mine coal. And deep mining is one of them.I mean lets face it, we all know why strip mining has become popular among coal companies. Its cheaper. And the sooner we realize that doing things cheap all the time will eventually run into problems. And for those of you who disagree and say strip mining is safe and not at all bad on the environment, i can show you pictures of just about every house on the road i live on during the memorial day flood of 2004. So ms. teacher at inez middle school, look around at this place when it rains a little bit instead of reading twilight and you will see just how terrible strip mining coal is.

The majority of coal seams mined by surface mining methods can not be mined by underground methods.

Could the fact that we had 3 to 5 inches of rain have anything to do with memorial day flood of 2004. If I remember correctly all areas E. Ky and S. Wv. flooded not just the ones where surface mining occured?
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An open letter to Ashley Judd: In Defense of Coal - by Old School - 06-28-2010, 06:24 PM

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