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02-10-2015, 05:47 AM
LC Student Section was Very good tonight not sure where the No Class comes from? Sheldon Clark Student Section was good as well.
02-10-2015, 06:58 AM
It all comes down to One might want to watch what they say. Especially early in the season that way One won't look so dumb. When it gets handed to them. It is good to be confident and root for your team. Another when every thread idiots want to get on and put down kids and a Coach. I will say again any team can be beat any night.
02-10-2015, 07:10 AM
cardfan1398 Wrote:They way the lc fans acted was awful , the things they was saying was horrible , but that's what having no class sounds likeFan section is an embarrassment. They are terrible. But what is more terrible is the the AD Feltner or anyone for the matter goes over to control them. They should take responsibility for the fan section.
02-10-2015, 01:46 PM
I have no team in the 15th, but it sounds to me like cardfan 1398 is a bit of a crybaby. He would rather all fans sit on their hands and be quiet. cmon man, this isn't a golf tournament.
02-10-2015, 01:56 PM
cardfan1398 Wrote:They way the lc fans acted was awful , the things they was saying was horrible , but that's what having no class sounds like
You are confusing no class with different class, Lawrence county is just in a different class than sheldon clark. You all can play cupcake schedule and have a great record or you can play a tuff schedule and have a great team. You have been on here all year telling everyone how great sc is, and how they are region favorites. If they don't get the number 1 seed they won't even be in the region. Last night was time to put up or shut up. You got it handed to you by 19 on your home floor when the refs. Gave you every opportunity to stay in the game and still got blown out, now it is time to just shut the hell up!!
02-10-2015, 02:23 PM
Number 3 for sc didn't play Just in case you didn't no or maybe you did just to stupid to realize it.
02-10-2015, 03:24 PM
^ Speaking of #3... how is he doing with the injury? Tough loss for SC without a doubt.
02-10-2015, 04:17 PM
cardsrule Wrote:Number 3 for sc didn't play Just in case you didn't no or maybe you did just to stupid to realize it.And that's it? After all the Smack you been doing about Lawrence Co. ALLLL year come on now I really expected more from Ya. As for the game congratulation to the Family and good luck the rest of the way to Both teams. If the stars align just right these two will get to tip off again. If not then there's always next year.
02-10-2015, 04:33 PM
cardsrule Wrote:Number 3 for sc didn't play Just in case you didn't no or maybe you did just to stupid to realize it.
If it is the same #3 they had last year I have seen him play very good shooter, ball handler you are right he would have made a difference, at sheldon clark the game would be lc by 10 or 12, on a natural floor lc by 20, lc at home lc by 25. Lc has five players that could start for sc. Sc has one maybe that could start for lc. Wake up take your meds. And start living in the real world.
02-10-2015, 05:17 PM
lol ,no class ,or brains.
02-10-2015, 05:18 PM
LC can't beat belfrey without the daltons. That's a fact by the way. The daltons r very good no doubt but others are role players just like sc. You can build them up all you want but if take daltons off that team they don't get out of the 60th. Fact
02-10-2015, 08:53 PM
cardsrule Wrote:LC can't beat belfrey without the daltons. That's a fact by the way. The daltons r very good no doubt but others are role players just like sc. You can build them up all you want but if take daltons off that team they don't get out of the 60th. Fact
If I was you I would worry sc won't get out of the district, if they have to play paintsville 1st round they won't.
And if you think chaffins is a role player you need to up your medication.
02-10-2015, 09:26 PM
Did he score last night. Sorry to me thats a role player. Belfrey. Just keep the daltons happy and just maybe you guys might be able to ride them to rupp. I shouldnt be like that bc he is a nice player but you people keep talking about sc other players, the reality is there not much difference or any difference from my stand point.
02-10-2015, 11:44 PM
cardsrule Wrote:Did he score last night. Sorry to me thats a role player. Belfrey. Just keep the daltons happy and just maybe you guys might be able to ride them to rupp. I shouldnt be like that bc he is a nice player but you people keep talking about sc other players, the reality is there not much difference or any difference from my stand point.
Please, for the sake of everyone on here, go back to high school and take an English class. Or 5.
02-11-2015, 12:00 AM
**** me. How's that for English class.
02-11-2015, 12:09 AM
cardsrule Wrote:**** me. How's that for English class. ����������
Better. You're actually using punctuation. That's a start. :Thumbs:
02-11-2015, 12:38 AM
Fact is lc would have a hard time beating a quality team without any of their starting 5. But when those 5 are clicking they are really good. A good team with a dominant big man gives them fits. You know cardsrule if you didn't bash lc on every thread on this site we may not be so hard on you when we win. Just saying.
02-11-2015, 12:46 AM
FRANKtheTANK Wrote:Fan section is an embarrassment. They are terrible. But what is more terrible is the the AD Feltner or anyone for the matter goes over to control them. They should take responsibility for the fan section.
So you think an a.d. should control a group of young men and women who are not on lc campus and paid their money to get in just like everyone else. As long as they are not fighting or using inappropriate language they should be able to do what they want. They are cheering on their team, their friend's, their classmates not yours. I love them I think their great!!!?
02-11-2015, 01:05 AM
FRANKtheTANK Wrote:Fan section is an embarrassment. They are terrible. But what is more terrible is the the AD Feltner or anyone for the matter goes over to control them. They should take responsibility for the fan section.
One of the biggest cry babies on BGR :Sad04:

02-11-2015, 02:05 AM
kcoryK Wrote:One of the biggest cry babies on BGR :Sad04:nicker:
I agree
02-11-2015, 02:06 AM
cardsrule Wrote:**** me. How's that for English class. ����������
Should have used a question mark after class.
02-11-2015, 02:16 AM
FRANKtheTANK Wrote:Fan section is an embarrassment. They are terrible. But what is more terrible is the the AD Feltner or anyone for the matter goes over to control them. They should take responsibility for the fan section.
son that's what fan sections do is be wild and rowdy and pump up their team. the sc fan section was doing the same thing, the only difference was the lc section was LOUDER. WOOHOO, a big shout out to them. :Clap: that's all i hear is how disrespectful and unclassy lc fans are. How is being big supporters and fans of your team being unclassy? oh by the way has anyone ever heard the sc coach drop the "F" bomb while coaching? well we have. now that's unclassy.:dontthink
02-11-2015, 04:06 AM
cardsrule Wrote:LC can't beat belfrey without the daltons. That's a fact by the way. The daltons r very good no doubt but others are role players just like sc. You can build them up all you want but if take daltons off that team they don't get out of the 60th. Fact
Straight from the KHSAA...Richardson is averaging 18.4 while one of the Daltons is at 20.4 and the other at 23.9...I don't see much of a difference there.
Also you have Chaffins at 12.5 and Kiser at 11.1....also I know that Richardson and Chaffins have scored 30 in games before with the Daltons playing.
Do any of the other SC players even average double figures besides James or Parsley? Ummm NO so the comparison is comical. To even say someone who averages almost 20 a game or someone that averages double figures is a role player is comical too lol. Gotta love salty SC fans.
02-11-2015, 04:49 AM
Good game
02-11-2015, 04:49 AM
daltons and any 3 clowns from the pep section and there still a top team in region period. W/out daltons you lose to belfrey. Enough said
02-11-2015, 05:53 AM
They will be gone by next year anyway
02-11-2015, 06:15 AM
Where they going? I think they are all underclassmen?
02-11-2015, 06:26 AM
How many teams can say they have all 5 of their starters earning their 1000 career point in the same year? 4 juniors and one sophomore. Now that is talent.
02-11-2015, 06:53 AM
RaisinBran Wrote:How many teams can say they have all 5 of their starters earning their 1000 career point in the same year? 4 juniors and one sophomore. Now that is talent.
Would be shame if they didn't win the Region with that much talent!
02-11-2015, 01:24 PM
cardsrule Wrote:daltons and any 3 clowns from the pep section and there still a top team in region period. W/out daltons you lose to belfrey. Enough said
For the love of God, you have misspelled "Belfry" in every post. Unbelievable.
And you can say that same thing about the Daltons for JC and Gullett, they struggled without him. You have stated that with Parsley the game would have been different, so you can say that same thing about your own team.
Why must you make it out to seem that only LC has that issue? I guess when you don't have logic, you resort to whatever you can.
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