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Baseball Lewis Co-Mason Co
ProudLCParent Wrote:No clue, warrior. But if someone hears whether the game is cancelled or not, please post on here, as some of us never hear anything one way or the other.

Have a good day!!!!!

NO GAME TODAY, rescheduled for tomorrow. If no game tomorrow, they will have practice.
In one way I was glad is was postponed because I couldn't have been there but can be there tommorow. What time is it and who are we playing?
liberty can you give me there bball numbers or is that to reveling
liberty Wrote:In one way I was glad is was postponed because I couldn't have been there but can be there tommorow. What time is it and who are we playing?

First game at 5:30, playing West Carter.
west any good
Quote:liberty can you give me there bball numbers or is that to reveling

I could however I choose not to do so.

Quote:First game at 5:30, playing West Carter

Thank you very much.
why liberty you scared or somethnig:redboxer:
No I am not scared I just choose not to.
liberty Wrote:First of all do not concern yourself with what I do ,Second I didn't mention any middle school aged kids names first.:eyeroll:

DEWALT Wrote:west any good

I haven't heard. Guess we'll find out tonight if the field dries out.

liberty Wrote:No I am not scared I just choose not to.

Good idea liberty, I don't like naming kids on this site. :rockon:
You Are Very Welcome Liberty
I'd say that the game this evening with West will be called again, it's still raining!!
Game is ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it is a 5 p.m. start, but don't hold me to that............

LCMS vs. West Carter
congrats to the Lions for another big win........I think the score was 10-3
Yep, I was there and just about froze my behind off. Definately chilly out last evening. My son said they worked really hard to get the field ready for play. Next game tomorrow against Nicholas Co. at 5:30.
dont old this to me but i could of swored that they had a heater in that dugout
DEWALT Wrote:dont old this to me but i could of swored that they had a heater in that dugout

If you're talking about LC having a heater in the dugout, they did..............LOL
I almost froze to death last night, I wish I would've been in that dugout.:Cheerlead
Yeah, it was funny that after Coach would huddle with the kids they would race back to the dugout to get a seat by the heater.
LOL, Should be a lot nicer this evening. Has anyone heard if they found a game for tommorow after the JR League games? It is good to see the JR and SR Leagues still going strong and winning State Championships.
lewis county beat nicholus it was a good game
liberty Wrote:LOL, Should be a lot nicer this evening. Has anyone heard if they found a game for tommorow after the JR League games? It is good to see the JR and SR Leagues still going strong and winning State Championships.

Yeah, against the other 3 teams in the state!!!! congrats :biggrin:
Comet08 Wrote:Yeah, against the other 3 teams in the state!!!! congrats :biggrin:

Yeah it's more than other teams could pull off.:biggrin: Do I detect a hint of jealousy from a supposed West fan???hmmmmmm

It takes a somebody pretty low that tries to tear a group of kids down on a team that are the only ones to ever win anything on the state level from Lewis.
Quote:Not concerned about LC, just don't like parents bashing other kids.

Quote:Some need to be a fan instead of a parent that talks about kids in middle school, to talk about kids at that age is about as low as you get!!!! The thing is you don't even know what your talking about!!! Be a Lewis fan and not someone that bashes kids and coaches on forums

Looks like Comet08 needs to do a little Practice what you Preach. Anyone that says those boys didn't accomplish a good feat over the last two years are either jealous or ignorant of what youth sports and the game of baseball is all about. I'd say it is a health dose of both.
Middle school next game tomorrow at home against Rowan Co. First game begins at 5:30, if they weather holds up.
That game could very well be called off.............LOL. All it wants to do is rain and the field looks like a lake. Let's keep the hope alive anyway!!!
Have a good one, Warrior.
liberty Wrote:I agree LION AT HEART, I enjoyed the games as well, There is something that just doesn't look right with the defense. Maybe I am compairing them too much to last years team. As far as the other teams in the conference I haven't heard much. You can count on Fleming being tough. I talked to a Rowan person but they weren't saying much. I'm sure Mason will be tougher the next time around. We know Nicholas has the ability to shut us down. So far it will be really tough for this team to repeat. One thing for sure Coach Prater and Skidmore will get the best out of the boys by seasons end.I hope they do get going and repeat Lewis deserves every title it can get.
I encourage people who are not even coach's to quit harrasing the umpires and let them to do their job. If this continues and the word gets out we won't get a break the rest of the year. To tell you the truth it a little embarrasing for the coach's,fans and players.

yes it is hard comparing this years team with last years seeing as there are only 2 returning starters this year. and liberty is right, its embarrassing when the umpires and coaches cant even do their job
What do you think, will we be playing East Carter today? I haven't seen the field, but I imagine it isn't quite dried out yet.

I'm afraid our boys may be a little rusty, they have had 3 days off in a row. Opinions????

What about East, anybody heard how their team is?
Should be able to get tonights games in, but I'm like Warrior, our boys haven't touched a baseball, glove or bat since Saturday. It's a little scary.
ProudLCParent Wrote:Should be able to get tonights games in, but I'm like Warrior, our boys haven't touched a baseball, glove or bat since Saturday. It's a little scary.

Game cancelled for tonight. Figures that the only game we play this week will be on the road. At Fleming Co Friday at 5:30.

Maybe we can make up one of those games tomorrow and one Saturday. At least that will catch us up.
Game with East will be tomorrow at 5:30 in Vanceburg. At least we will get some time on the field before goin to Fleming on Friday. Haven't faced FC yet, anybody know anything about them?

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