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It's Official: Gillispie Is Out
MVP2 Wrote:Well Bring on Jay Wright!

Not a bad choice, but why would Jay Wright leave after seeing what happened to 2nd level coaches like Tubby and BCG. Will any 2nd tier prospect that is in alocation that they already can win, take this job. Money's not worth that much in vlaue of the job.

What people can't seem to grasp, is this in not UK of it's prided history. People think that is the best job in the county??? If it's the best, then why in the world would a Billy D or a John C not jump right away to get a chance to come here? Why did these guys turn it down before?

Does UK get the best players like they used to no. Before, the lore of "KENTUCKY" across the front of the Jersey was the draw. It was where you came to that the most money, and the best facilities in the country to play at.
It used to be that UK and their alumni sunk more money into the UK Basketball team, than some entire confences basketball team budgets. That's no longer the case. Now Basketball across the nation, with the advent of television, is a National Marketing dream. So, Money has been pumped into college basketball programs all across the country. No longer does UK stand at the top as the dream place to play or coach at.

Now look at the Basketball side of this. The SEC is now balanced. There is no automatic SEC championship for UK, because there are a lot of very good teams in the conference. When we were racking up SEC titles, the best athletes at the other schools were football players. Now the SEC is a major basketball conference (EXCEPT THIS YEAR ALONE). Now the SEC has a new team and POY type player from another school at the top virtually every year. To expect to win the SEC championship is obviously the goal, but is it realistic. Anyone who thinks so has no real grasp of reality. Every team in the NFL goes to Camp with expectations to play in the Super Bowl, but that does not happen any longer due to balance. NEVER again will UK rule the SEC like they did in years of glory. Will they be at the top, absolutely, but have a stanglehold, sorry UK Nation, it's not going to happen.
Jimmy Dugan Wrote:Everyone is going to turn the job down, so we are going to have to take Ford.

Well he may turn it down as well.
Strikeout King Wrote:what about Sean Miller from Xavier???

I'm close enough to the situation here to know the Sean is not leaving X.
Batpuff Wrote:Well he may turn it down as well.

Great point :Thumbs:
BIG FAN #1 Wrote:Ok this is a place to state our opinions. Not a place to get mad just because you dont like what you read.

I am not sure how you came to quote me in that post but how about if you unquote me forthwith since my post had nothing to do with yours?

I said I would apologize for the post, but not to certain people. I was stating my opinion and my anger and I cant help it. Again, sorry to the site for the post, thats all I will say.
Stardust Wrote:How in the world can you justify that comment? Travis Ford has done What? And Where has he done it?

One year at in a Major conference, where he took over a team that had it's 9 of it's top ten players return?

UMass???? EKU???

No Way!

I agree, he would be a scary hire.
Sports_Fan28 Wrote:Why the **** dont you leave kentucky then stardust? Since you are such a big gillispie supporter, follow him wherever he goes and kiss his ***. Im so tired of you and people like you pretty much saying the man was a saint. If the recruits dont come, they dont come, screw em, let em go. UK doesnt need people or fans that dont want what is best for UK, and you are apparently one of the people that dont want it. **** I hate people like you. Sorry but I cant help what I say when I get mad, but some people just push me over the edge with the bullcrap they say or think they know. If I get in trouble for this post then so be it, I will apologize for the post but not to certain people.

I am personally devastated, and my feelings have been:zzz: :zzz: , sorry what was I saying oh, Im hurt :zzz:
Stardust Wrote:Great point :Thumbs:

Looks like UK just dug themselves a hole they may not be able to climb out of now.
Batpuff Wrote:Looks like UK just dug themselves a hole they may not be able to climb out of now.

Unfortunatley, this was reactionary, and not planned. Isn't that how we wound up in this situation two years ago. Tubby was pushed out, with our hopes to lure Billy D then. When he turned it down, as did other top names, we had not viable plan of action, so, I assume we settled.
Stardust Wrote:Unfortunatley, this was reactionary, and not planned. Isn't that how we wound up in this situation two years ago. Tubby was pushed out, with our hopes to lure Billy D then. When he turned it down, as did other top names, we had not viable plan of action, so, I assume we settled.

Oh I know and now what.. like you said earlier its hard to draw a big time coach not counting big time players... So where does UK go from here... I do know though that when UK hired Rick P he turned it down at first before they came back to him and he took the job.
i would like to see Mark Few. but like i said earlier i doubt him leaving Zaga.
Batpuff Wrote:Oh I know and now what.. like you said earlier its hard to draw a big time coach not counting big time players... So where does UK go from here... I do know though that when UK hired Rick P he turned it down at first before they came back to him and he took the job.

You are absolutely right, and I mentioned this in another thread. UK will attempt to hit a homerun, so if this thing stretches into next week, I expect that Billy D, John C, or Rick P to be offered so much Money, that it will be virtually impossible to turn down. Now what many don't realize, the salary is a base, and it proportionate to others in the school. I don't recall the BCG deal, but even though it was reported as something like $2.3M, he was really only making in the neighborhood of $300K from the school as salary. The rest of the package is outside (booster) money, listed something like other duties or something to that nature. BCG was basically making 300K to coach for UK, and $2M to be a figurehead for the Boosters.

I could easily see something in the neighborhood of $6M+ being offered before this is over.
I would simply ask Mitch B to resign and start over fresh...start at the top.
The Dynasty is over for now...let's just accept it. Start over! Come on people...i would have taken a UK job and left Happily with 4.6 Million in my pocket. Billy G ...isn't in any hurry to find a new job. He is just glad to not be a last resort for anyone! The Tubby "Curse" is still upon us and we have to get through it...while the rest of the nation is "laughing at all of us!"
The best choice Kentucky could make in this instance is Anthony Grant of Virginia Commonwealth, but I am told that train may have already left the station on its way to Tuscaloosa.

But that's the kind of coach UK needs: not an established coach (and yes, Mark Few's established) and not a bigtime retread, but a successful mid-major coach looking to make his mark.

Jeff Capel might be a good choice, but I don't think he'd leave his current situation (Oklahoma).
Stardust Wrote:Not a bad choice, but why would Jay Wright leave after seeing what happened to 2nd level coaches like Tubby and BCG. Will any 2nd tier prospect that is in alocation that they already can win, take this job. Money's not worth that much in vlaue of the job.

What people can't seem to grasp, is this in not UK of it's prided history. People think that is the best job in the county??? If it's the best, then why in the world would a Billy D or a John C not jump right away to get a chance to come here? Why did these guys turn it down before?

Does UK get the best players like they used to no. Before, the lore of "KENTUCKY" across the front of the Jersey was the draw. It was where you came to that the most money, and the best facilities in the country to play at.
It used to be that UK and their alumni sunk more money into the UK Basketball team, than some entire confences basketball team budgets. That's no longer the case. Now Basketball across the nation, with the advent of television, is a National Marketing dream. So, Money has been pumped into college basketball programs all across the country. No longer does UK stand at the top as the dream place to play or coach at.

Now look at the Basketball side of this. The SEC is now balanced. There is no automatic SEC championship for UK, because there are a lot of very good teams in the conference. When we were racking up SEC titles, the best athletes at the other schools were football players. Now the SEC is a major basketball conference (EXCEPT THIS YEAR ALONE). Now the SEC has a new team and POY type player from another school at the top virtually every year. To expect to win the SEC championship is obviously the goal, but is it realistic. Anyone who thinks so has no real grasp of reality. Every team in the NFL goes to Camp with expectations to play in the Super Bowl, but that does not happen any longer due to balance. NEVER again will UK rule the SEC like they did in years of glory. Will they be at the top, absolutely, but have a stanglehold, sorry UK Nation, it's not going to happen.

I agree with most of what you are saying but there is a reason UK is not THE ELITE program it was and it's called Tubby Smith. It took him ten years but he ran this program in the ground with his boring basketball and lack of recruiting skills. It was just in the mid 90's UK was a dynasty in the making. UK did win SEC titles, get the best recruits and competted and won national titles. UK was Derek Anderson away from winnin 3 straight NCAA Titles and then Tubby took over. I think the right coach can put this program back at the top. WE are still the winningest program in the nation.

I agree the SEC is balanced but look at what it was when Pitino was at UK. Not only did they send 6 to the NCAA not 3 like now but all six competed and the SEC would have 2 in the final four not 3 in the whole thing. The SEC is down and UK still couldn't be in the top 2 or 3.
Stardust Wrote:You are absolutely right, and I mentioned this in another thread. UK will attempt to hit a homerun, so if this thing stretches into next week, I expect that Billy D, John C, or Rick P to be offered so much Money, that it will be virtually impossible to turn down. Now what many don't realize, the salary is a base, and it proportionate to others in the school. I don't recall the BCG deal, but even though it was reported as something like $2.3M, he was really only making in the neighborhood of $300K from the school as salary. The rest of the package is outside (booster) money, listed something like other duties or something to that nature. BCG was basically making 300K to coach for UK, and $2M to be a figurehead for the Boosters.

I could easily see something in the neighborhood of $6M+ being offered before this is over.

You are right the school only pay a little while the rest of the money comes from boosters, commercials and other endorsements. That is something BCG did not understand, you are a promoter of UK in everything you do. The coach at UK is somewhat of a celebrity. I really expect Jon C to show real interest in the next few days. I personally like Travis Ford because he is a former plaer from KY and has improved every program he has been with and showed at OSU this year he can play with the big dogs.
Stardust Wrote:Unfortunatley, this was reactionary, and not planned. Isn't that how we wound up in this situation two years ago. Tubby was pushed out, with our hopes to lure Billy D then. When he turned it down, as did other top names, we had not viable plan of action, so, I assume we settled.

I Wish Billy D would just come and get it over with...I think that he is just playing around with Uk fans to see how may times they are going to come after why get Billy D he has ot been to the NCAA tourney in two years...and not one the NIT neither year........But SD I agree with you on this Tubby was pushed out and Billy D the person Uk wants so bad they cant stand it turned them down both times....Now they will probaly get in a hurry and hire another bad hire this time too...I say wait and let time decide...offer Calapari money and he will evetually come:Thumbs:
FedEx founder Fred Smith will match ... ah, uh that is I meant to say "help the University of Memphis match" ... any UK offer to Calipari.
TomSportsHack Wrote:FedEx founder Fred Smith will match ... ah, uh that is I meant to say "help the University of Memphis match" ... any UK offer to Calipari.

Stop it :yikes: :biggrin: LOL
TomSportsHack Wrote:FedEx founder Fred Smith will match ... ah, uh that is I meant to say "help the University of Memphis match" ... any UK offer to Calipari.

If UK offers what Pitino had outside his salary, I don't think Memphis can compete. I knew a booster during that time and it was unbelievable what he could get.
Batpuff Wrote:Looks like UK just dug themselves a hole they may not be able to climb out of now.

UK dug the hole when they hired TUBBY, the program has slowly dwindled every year since. Tubby will never be able to reach the championship game again unless he gets the job when Rick retires. Billy G was just the final straw that broke the camels back. As far as Ford goes he may be the best man for the job. WHY? He has something to prove just like Donovan did when he took the Florida job. Hes young and hungry. I beleive they both have ties to Pitino, the style KY fans love to watch. Pressure and alot of 3's. I would rather have Ford or Pelphrey than some of these other choices that are coming up. If we are going to lose at least let it be with someone who bleeds blue.
Now What Wrote:UK dug the hole when they hired TUBBY, the program has slowly dwindled every year since. Tubby will never be able to reach the championship game again unless he gets the job when Rick retires. Billy G was just the final straw that broke the camels back. As far as Ford goes he may be the best man for the job. WHY? He has something to prove just like Donovan did when he took the Florida job. Hes young and hungry. I beleive they both have ties to Pitino, the style KY fans love to watch. Pressure and alot of 3's. I would rather have Ford or Pelphrey than some of these other choices that are coming up. If we are going to lose at least let it be with someone who [B]bleeds blue[/B].

I completely follow what you are saying, but you and I both know, if one of those guys came in here and were not successfull, and successful at UK is NCAA Final 4 material, Ford and Pelphrey would get the exact same treatment as those non-UK alums Tubby and BCG. Don't forget, Tubby knew what it meant to be UK Blue. He coached here with Pitino, we didn't care that he bled blue bofore he was every hired, we still ran him off. Tubby got the UK job in the first place because he had UK ties (and Pitino ties)
Stardust Wrote:How in the world can you justify that comment? Travis Ford has done What? And Where has he done it?

One year at in a Major conference, where he took over a team that had it's 9 of it's top ten players return?

UMass???? EKU???

No Way!

I guess Florida fans thought the same thing about Donovan. Where has he coached ? MARSHALL :eyeroll:
Stardust Wrote:I completely follow what you are saying, but you and I both know, if one of those guys came in here and were not successfull, and successful at UK is NCAA Final 4 material, Ford and Pelphrey would get the exact same treatment as those non-UK alums Tubby and BCG. Don't forget, Tubby knew what it meant to be UK Blue. He coached here with Pitino, we didn't care that he bled blue bofore he was every hired, we still ran him off. Tubby got the UK job in the first place because he had UK ties (and Pitino ties)

Tubby ran himself out of a job. Running off players, making excuses, and 20 wins with cupcake scheldules is just not good enough. He didnt have to build a program it was already in place for him. He just ran it in the ground.
Now What Wrote:I guess Florida fans thought the same thing about Donovan. Where has he coached ? MARSHALL :eyeroll:

I would hardly compare the two. Florida fans didn't even know they had a Basketball team until Donovan came there. If you recall, they couldn't even sellout their games the first year he won the National championship. So to even think that the Florida fans even cared about Billy D or Florida Baskebtall is no comparison to a coach coming to UK where the expectations are more than the mere mortal can comprehend.
why would we need billy d so we could get a 1 seed in the NIT???
Figure it was time.
If we dont get Billy D then were screwed. :HitWall:
WOW... Just heard from a high up booster what really went on with Gillispie. No doubt he should have been fired. Billy Gillispie is scum, and I can't believe he wasn't fired sooner. Stardust, if you only knew.

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