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Russell vs Raceland
RRDTradition Wrote:Now looking at the stats of this years team. Russell has probably the most balanced skilled position players in 3a. We have Abrams,Bailey,Mitchell,Cordle,Dillon,Rice and the funny thing that I noticed was that Abrams has 148 carries???? Bailey has 50 carries Will has 43 carries Cordle has 48 carries? Are you serious? Drew isnt kasey clark or josh gross so quit trying to make him that way. Play with the better players and quit limiting our offense.

One more thing...who would the better players be?
Jeepman Wrote:I just got through internet surfing on other sites and according to those sites. Russell would have a better chance getting the whole football team including Ivan on the next space shuttle launch than they have at winning this game.

Everyone has an opinion but to think that Russell has no chance at winning is arrogant. Russell has all the pieces of the puzzle to be very good. I think they will put that puzzle together Friday and humble some people. If Marshall can put it all together so can Russell.

It is pretty obvious that every other school's fans in our area are really hoping for Raceland to humiliate Russell Friday night. I think the success of the program these past few years has made Russell the arch enemy of every other local team. After all, Russell has been playing deeper into the playoffs than every other team in our area FOR THE LAST 10 YEARS. The other team's fans are calling for Raceland to shut Russell out this Friday. They've even given the game a nickname..."The Blank in the Hank".
I would be very suprised if Raceland shut Russell out. As for humiliating them....I don't think that will happen. But I must admit when I went to Raceland If I won one Game in any sport I wanted to beat Russell. Heck I was even an assistant baseball coach under Gary morris at Russell for 2 years. Wearing that Maroon and Gold really made me itch too.
RRDTradition Wrote:Now looking at the stats of this years team. Russell has probably the most balanced skilled position players in 3a. We have Abrams,Bailey,Mitchell,Cordle,Dillon,Rice and the funny thing that I noticed was that Abrams has 148 carries???? Bailey has 50 carries Will has 43 carries Cordle has 48 carries? Are you serious? Drew isnt kasey clark or josh gross so quit trying to make him that way. Play with the better players and quit limiting our offense.

Seems that you left out a lot of starting seniors or this is a small class. If my memory calls correct Gross & Clark got the most carries out of those classes also and with #13 Abrams averaging over 7 yrds a carry. It looks like he is running North & South instead of East & West. I believe the Wing-T is made to turn up field on cutting back across the grain in the thick of it the battle. Maybe this is how #13 gets his yardage? :Angry07:
This team sounds like it has not to come together yet as a team and accepting each others roll to make it better.
Maybe a little :Sad04: :Sad04: might be going on.
This is just what Raceland wants. It would be a disgrace to be the team that Raceland beat in the HANK/ Ivan McGlone field. And with the most losses hung on a Russell team in ages. Get it together and put the skilled positions to work IF they are there. Raceland will never let you live it down for the rest of your life. All seniors and Captains need to play the best each & every down cause this is your team.
pitchfork Wrote:...with #13 Abrams averaging over 7 yrds a carry. It looks like he is running North & South instead of East & West. I believe the Wing-T is made to turn up field on cutting back across the grain in the thick of it the battle.

I think it is pretty obvious that Russell has the right guy as the feature back for the offense that they run. You said it. Abrams runs North and South. When he decides to make his cut, he goes for it and runs hard.

That being said, I would like to see Bailey and Mitchell featured as well, but in a different way. I think we need to get them the ball in open space. I think they could really do some damage if we got them the ball via some short passes on the edges of the field and let them try to make plays from there. We could still go for the deeper passes every once in a while. I'd just rather see a steady diet of Abrams and short passing to these guys.

And, of course, I would like to see short passes to Dillon over the middle at least once every other series. Let him punish some secondary guys. He is surely the most under-utilized weapon on the team.

BUT...with all that being said...I would rather see all of these guys step up on the defensive side of the ball and start playing like I think they are able to play! That would help the team win just as much (if not more) than the offensive changes.
RRDTradition Wrote:Now looking at the stats of this years team. Russell has probably the most balanced skilled position players in 3a. We have Abrams,Bailey,Mitchell,Cordle,Dillon,Rice and the funny thing that I noticed was that Abrams has 148 carries???? Bailey has 50 carries Will has 43 carries Cordle has 48 carries? Are you serious? Drew isnt kasey clark or josh gross so quit trying to make him that way. Play with the better players and quit limiting our offense.

Man quit being so hard on the kids... But there sounds like there is some jealousy going on? Josh got the majority of the carries, same as kasey clark and drew abrams, because they are they best of their class...i think will rice should be getting more carries...honeslty i think Travis Jones should be the other HB along with Drew, Travis will cut it up and run hard like Drew....i'd also like to see them utilize mikey dillon and justin mitchell more....I see Russell winning this one 28 13!
Hope Russell gets on track for the last regular season game. Quit the bikerin and worrying whose is going to carry the ball next or catch the next pass or get the most yardage or get the most playing time. It takes 11 TEAM players to make it happen. If that means you got a freshman, Sophmore, or Junior that is getting it done. Then that is who you go with.
Maybe #13 is trying to be the leader and just a few want to accept it. That is where the coaches need to step in, and put the players in that really want to play for the Devils. You put the MAROON & GOLD on with Pride or don't put it on at all.
Still BELIEVE that Russell can pull this one off and start the playoffs on a good note. Come together as a team. :devilflam :devilflam :devilflam
raceland by two touchdowns. Mr.Denton is a tough man to bring down as is john scott carver. good luck to both teams!!
Talking to a Russell player daily they have one goal. WIN.
FBALL Wrote:Its going to be a tough game between two schools that don't like each other.

This is Raceland's Super Bowl. The will come out as fired up as any team you will ever see. Russell will have to survive that early game emotion. Racelands coaching staff won't want to admit it but this game is bigger to most of the Raceland players and fans than the state championship game would be.

Raceland really hasn't been tested since the Ashland game and by LCA. Russell has played tougher competition. Especially the last two weeks with SK and Mason County. This should be an advantage for Russell.

Right now I have to say that Raceland is the favorite. Russell needs a good start to get some confidance. Talent wise I would give the overall edge to Russell.

Which team executes the best and doesn't turn the ball over wins.

i will agree on one thing. No, Raceland really hasn't been tested since LCA or Ashland, many thought the Paintsville game would be, but it turned out the exact opposite. Russell on the other hand, has been tested the last three weeks, but hadn't stepped up to play the Devil ball we have come to watch. I think there are so many factors coming into this game, make it a must see, i'd be suprised if this crowed didn't out number the Ashland game.

but to say that this is Raceland's super bowl, may be a little strong. yes, i believe BOTH teams are hungry for this W. It's a bragging rights thing. But IMO, both teams are more concerned about bigger things ie STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS. I would want for nothing more than to see both teams play in the final Gridiorn Bowl at Popa Johns Stadium. Good luck to both teams and my all stay injury free....
ryanparker Wrote:It is pretty obvious that every other school's fans in our area are really hoping for Raceland to humiliate Russell Friday night. I think the success of the program these past few years has made Russell the arch enemy of every other local team. After all, Russell has been playing deeper into the playoffs than every other team in our area FOR THE LAST 10 YEARS. The other team's fans are calling for Raceland to shut Russell out this Friday. They've even given the game a nickname..."The Blank in the Hank".

can't say for sure but i believe the "The Blank in the Hank" was made by someone from Ashland...
highschoolfootballfan Wrote:Storm will more than likely not run the ball....he never has, and he is about 265
I 'll admit my source wasn't a good one. Big Grin
highschoolfootballfan Wrote:Drew and David both got 12 carries one game...drew had roughly 130 some...david had 40 some....i probably wouldnt give drew the ball either

Now I in no way think Dave is capable of 25 carries a game, plus playing CB, punting, Punt and kickoff returns. But Abrams has ran behind Miller and Dillon, with Dave blocking at wing back the 3 best blockers. While Dave has had to run With Zach Smith, Mitchell, and Abrams blocking. Probably the 3 worst blockers on the team. Which is why Dave is usually getting hit in the backfield by 2 guys everytime he touches the ball.

STORM NEEDS TO BE AT LT, it is such a weak spot in our line that has been exploited by every team that has beat us this year.

Also the Junior players have really slacked since the start of the season. Jones has quit blocking as hard, Rice is missing block after block on pass plays, and the line just lets their guys run past them on pass plays, I don't even think they want to win. Some of the younger guys need to be put in there if that is all the effort those guys are gonna put out.
RRDTradition Wrote:Now looking at the stats of this years team. Russell has probably the most balanced skilled position players in 3a. We have Abrams,Bailey,Mitchell,Cordle,Dillon,Rice and the funny thing that I noticed was that Abrams has 148 carries???? Bailey has 50 carries Will has 43 carries Cordle has 48 carries? Are you serious? Drew isnt kasey clark or josh gross so quit trying to make him that way. Play with the better players and quit limiting our offense.
I have to agree RRDT! The play calling is horrible! There are times that Drew should be running the ball and doesnt, and there are times that other play options should be used! But there is one play that drives me crazy, and that is the Isolation pass play where Mitchell goes out for a pass and everyone else stays back and blocks! For one thing Mitchell is no Marcus Frazier, and the other is most of the time he has 2 or 3 guys covering him! If the coaches want to run that, they need to slip another back out of the backfield or use Dillon and catch them with there pants down! But I truly believe Bailey and Rice are as good as Abrams, Its just that most of the good blocking is set up for 26 or 28. But to me, it is not the number of carries that matter, it is calling the right plays when you need them to keep the Defense honest. If everyone remembers last years Russell & Raceland game, you know what happened to win that game! Some nice mixture of the pass and run! Abrams around the right, Bailey for a pass, and Bates up the middle!:Thumbs: A nice mixture of the run and pass! Not running the same darn play over and over! I just hope AJ can hit someone with his passes. If Bailey can play his hands are true. I dont think he has dropped anything catchable this year! Go REDDEVILS
Beetle01 Wrote:Now I in no way think Dave is capable of 25 carries a game, plus playing CB, punting, Punt and kickoff returns. But Abrams has ran behind Miller and Dillon, with Dave blocking at wing back the 3 best blockers. While Dave has had to run With Zach Smith, Mitchell, and Abrams blocking. Probably the 3 worst blockers on the team.....

Dave gets Mikey as a blocker, just not on reverse. Mitchell lines up on the weak side, away from the play. Strom at LT is a good idea, but I kinda like the idea of him playing the wing back, like we did with Bender last year.
RRDTradition Wrote:Now looking at the stats of this years team. Russell has probably the most balanced skilled position players in 3a. We have Abrams,Bailey,Mitchell,Cordle,Dillon,Rice and the funny thing that I noticed was that Abrams has 148 carries???? Bailey has 50 carries Will has 43 carries Cordle has 48 carries? Are you serious? Drew isnt kasey clark or josh gross so quit trying to make him that way. Play with the better players and quit limiting our offense.

Your right, Drew isnt a Kasey Clark or a Josh Gross. However, Drew is such a reliable back, especially with a 7. 3 average (I think thats what i read), Drew is has some "decent" speed, good field vision, and isn't afraid to lower his shoulder to pick up an extra yard or two. Does Russell give him the ball to much? Possibly. Mixing it up IMO would make things move more "smoothly". Run drew, Run david, Run will, throw to David, Thow to Mitchell and Mikey, Run Aj, Run Reverse. But if that doesn't happen, we will just have to work with whatever comes in from the sidelines.
RRDTradition Wrote:Now looking at the stats of this years team. Russell has probably the most balanced skilled position players in 3a. We have Abrams,Bailey,Mitchell,Cordle,Dillon,Rice and the funny thing that I noticed was that Abrams has 148 carries???? Bailey has 50 carries Will has 43 carries Cordle has 48 carries? Are you serious? Drew isnt kasey clark or josh gross so quit trying to make him that way. Play with the better players and quit limiting our offense.

Did you copy and paste that from the previous thread?
I read on another site where Bailey is out again for Friday's game. That is very bad news for Russell.
Russell is easily as good as Raceland! Dont get me wrong, Raceland is a fine football team! Russell just hasnt been able to put it all together yet! Really seems to have regressed all season. I watched the C Midland and Spring Valley games, and this team looks totally different! And I for one blame the play calling! During those preseason games the coaches played loose and let there players use there skills. But right now everybody seems so tight, and the D knows exactly what play is coming on almost every down. I wish coach McGlone would listen to his asst. coaches some on offense. And bring the big boys on the D-line. Last week they did that a little more and it seemed to cause Mason some problems, they just didnt do it enough. Russell is clearly able to win this game on senior night, I just hope they all bring there A game friday!
Also sometimes players have to react to what they see happening rather than play like a robot, Football is very instinctive and players cant always do exactly what the coaches say! Now in no way am I saying play like a rebel and dont listen to your coaches. Just play instinctivly and play with emotion and heart and desire! That is the only way you can compete with real good teams!
PureRedDevil Wrote:Dave gets Mikey as a blocker, just not on reverse. Mitchell lines up on the weak side, away from the play. Strom at LT is a good idea, but I kinda like the idea of him playing the wing back, like we did with Bender last year.

The only problem with that is it makes it obvious what plays are coming. Then if you put Dave in there, it makes it obvious. The idea for the wing t to work is confusion. If the other team can just run goal line defense and not worry about the pass, then the wing t is not very effective.

If your gonna use Storm as a blocking back, then its obvious we need to be in the power I. Put Dave and Mitchell out wide, and spread out the defense.

This may be our best offense at this point, since they don't use Dillon at TE, might as well put him at left tackle, with Rice and Storm in the backfield, with Abrams dotting the I, Dave and Mitchell as wideouts to spread out the D, only allowing them 7 guys in the box. We can use alot of motion handoffs to Dave to get him some carries, also run more pitches. We could then motion Rice sometimes out to reciever, I think with his quickness he could really be good on quick routes in open field.
Beetle01 Wrote:The only problem with that is it makes it obvious what plays are coming. Then if you put Dave in there, it makes it obvious. The idea for the wing t to work is confusion. If the other team can just run goal line defense and not worry about the pass, then the wing t is not very effective.

If your gonna use Storm as a blocking back, then its obvious we need to be in the power I. Put Dave and Mitchell out wide, and spread out the defense.

This may be our best offense at this point, since they don't use Dillon at TE, might as well put him at left tackle, with Rice and Storm in the backfield, with Abrams dotting the I, Dave and Mitchell as wideouts to spread out the D, only allowing them 7 guys in the box. We can use alot of motion handoffs to Dave to get him some carries, also run more pitches. We could then motion Rice sometimes out to reciever, I think with his quickness he could really be good on quick routes in open field.

This sounds like a pretty good way to utilize the talent that Russell has. I agree that if Dillon is not going to be used at TE, then they should put him at LT. This would shore up the line tremendously. My only question is if the guards and center would be strong enough to run the straight ahead power game effectively?

Of course, we all know the chances of Russell coming out with an entirely different offensive philosophy are remote...but it does make for good discussion.
Beetle01 Wrote:The only problem with that is it makes it obvious what plays are coming. Then if you put Dave in there, it makes it obvious. The idea for the wing t to work is confusion. If the other team can just run goal line defense and not worry about the pass, then the wing t is not very effective.

If your gonna use Storm as a blocking back, then its obvious we need to be in the power I. Put Dave and Mitchell out wide, and spread out the defense.

This may be our best offense at this point, since they don't use Dillon at TE, might as well put him at left tackle, with Rice and Storm in the backfield, with Abrams dotting the I, Dave and Mitchell as wideouts to spread out the D, only allowing them 7 guys in the box. We can use alot of motion handoffs to Dave to get him some carries, also run more pitches. We could then motion Rice sometimes out to reciever, I think with his quickness he could really be good on quick routes in open field.

I think so too, use the power I backfield and use mitchell, bailey, rice, rogers, anyone out there to spread em out. Put Storm as a power back or something.
Yeah, it seems like we always have good ideas, but come friday its Wing-T time haha!.
What makes the good high schools teams good year in and year out is they run the same offense each week. The wing-t has been awful good to Russell over the last 30+ years.
BBB Wrote:What makes the good high schools teams good year in and year out is they run the same offense each week. The wing-t has been awful good to Russell over the last 30+ years.

While that helps, what really makes a good Hs team is a great feeder system and proper use of talent. If your not using players to their full abilities, then you are not doing your job as a coach.
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:Hey F-Ball!!!! The Rams have been eating some "MEAN CABBAGE" all week. Does that scare you?

I thought that was you when I read your first couple of posts. I'll bring the "VICIOUS SLAW"

No, what scares me is if this team is more worried about who carries the ball than winning. I don't care who gets the most carries. I just hope the players don't think the same way as some of our fans.

Hopefully the players don't read any of this crap. If they do I hope they are reading another site as well. It should tick them off.
i've noticed talk of "disagreement" about russells play calling, that the running back by committee. the only problem i can see with it is it takes certain players out of a groove. some may see it as hurting one players over all numbers, but this is a selfish statement. i've always been a big TEAM guy. Raceland's Denton and Carver have combined for 1620 yds this season...avg 8.2 yds/carry and combined for 20 rushing tds. individualy, Denton has rushed for 921 at 8.5 a carry and Carver going for 699 at 7.9 yds a carry. each having 10 touchdowns. Simple fact is...The "DC Express" is going to gain yards. and so will Abrams, Bailey, and Rice. I don't see what the problem is with using more than 1 back. Russells avg yard per carry with these three is 7.2 yds. What more can you ask for? It going to come down to who can get the big deffensive stops. i look for these to be a knock down drag out, SMASH MOUTH, football game. this game will not be for the faint of heart. hahahaha....may not be a better time for the two teams to play. both needing that last test before playoff time. Raceland needs another test to see where we stand going into the playoffs. good luck to russell the rest of the year...but as for friday night GO RAMS.
FBALL Wrote:I thought that was you when I read your first couple of posts. I'll bring the "VICIOUS SLAW"

No, what scares me is if this team is more worried about who carries the ball than winning. I don't care who gets the most carries. I just hope the players don't think the same way as some of our fans.

Hopefully the players don't read any of this crap. If they do I hope they are reading another site as well. It should tick them off.

i agree. thats what i've loved about ram football the last 2 years...its not been about 1 individual putting up huge numbers, its about the team WINNING. Offense may score points, but defense wins championships. i wish we could see some people talking about takles, fumble recoveries, int's(this includes myself) dont' want people thinking i'm a hippocryt.

according to khsaa

racelands defensive stats:

Only giving up 13.3 pts a game
As a Team Raceland is avg 48 solos tackles a game
Raceland's leading tackler is Todd Selvage with 5 solos and 2 assts a game
As a team Raceland has 8 int's
Boyles has 3 pics 2 going for tds
Denton has 1 with it giong for a td
As a team Raceland has 11 fumbles
Logan has 4 with 1 going for a td
Raceland has 4 defensive td's this year

Russell's defensive stats:

Only giving up 18.3 pts a game
As a team Russell has 39 tackles/game
Will Rice is the leading tackler with 4 solos and 3 assts a game
As a team Russell has 7 ints
As a team Russell has 8 fumble recoveries
Russell has 1 defensive td this year

just figured i'd give a little defensive insight. hope it give someone some interest.
Stats are not a good source of comparison. Different teams, different fridays.
The defensive stats are really pretty close.

Russell has really had only one really bad game this season. That was the Ashland game. That was a game that IMO the players thought that all they had to do is walk onto the field and they would win. Ashland had none of that. After the Tomcats got physical and the many mistakes made it was to late.

Simon Kenton is just a good team with a great RB. That game got away after a flurry of fumbles. Still Russell moved the ball very well that game.

Mason County is a good team that honestly Russell should have beaten. Russell won almost every catagory except the score. Poor execution on special teams and silly penalties killed Russell in that game.

If Russell takes care of the ball, eliminates those ridiculous illegal procedure penalties and comes out ready to play then they will win this game.
FBALL Wrote:The defensive stats are really pretty close.

Russell has really had only one really bad game this season. That was the Ashland game. That was a game that IMO the players thought that all they had to do is walk onto the field and they would win. Ashland had none of that. After the Tomcats got physical and the many mistakes made it was to late.

Simon Kenton is just a good team with a great RB. That game got away after a flurry of fumbles. Still Russell moved the ball very well that game.

Mason County is a good team that honestly Russell should have beaten. Russell won almost every catagory except the score. Poor execution on special teams and silly penalties killed Russell in that game.

If Russell takes care of the ball, eliminates those ridiculous illegal procedure penalties and comes out ready to play then they will win this game

You are 100% right
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