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Pick your Top 5 Teams for next season in the 15th.
Pike Central is a good team don't get me wrong, but when they lost Chase Lyons, they just basically back slid. Now that they lose even more due to graduation, all they have is Brad Lowe. Now Brad is a great player, but not one who can take a team by himself. I do see PC ranked around 5th-8th in the region, but not ahead of that. 8)
with coach starns at the helm JC is a very good pick for the #1 spot in the 15th

2) Paintsville
3) Pikeville
4) SV
5) SF
[dude pikeville dosnt have a chance in heck i really cant even name a good player on pikeville.
Don't look over Pikeville so quickly. The last few years Pikeville has not played like the Pikeville of old, but the tide could turn this year. I'm hoping it will so that Pike Central and Pikeville rivalry will return full force. From 1994-99 those were some great games between PC and P-Ville, but I think Pike Central has beat the Panthers like 6 or 7 straight times.
I want the pep clubs to go at eachother like they used to. So dont look over the Panthers in 05-06.
I have to agree with jmurray and chall on their picks because with coach starns who has an outstanding line of coaching jobs and a JC team that is made up of a bunch of players w/ a huge amount of potential and defensive minded attitude the "gold rush" will be a big threat this year in the 15th
1. Paintsville
2. Johnson Central
3. Shelby Valley
4. Sheldon Clark
5. Pike Central
I agree, Betsy Layne should be a top 5 team next year but Derrick Case will not be allowed to play for them next year... I think South Floyd will own the 58th and 15th next year... I heard they r gettin a transfer from over seas that is like 6'2 or 3 and has skills... I know when Ryan Johnson hears about him he will be happier than a fat boy in a dougnut factory... Big Grin
"TheFreak" Wrote:I agree, Betsy Layne should be a top 5 team next year but Derrick Case will not be allowed to play for them next year... I think South Floyd will own the 58th and 15th next year... I heard they r gettin a transfer from over seas that is like 6'2 or 3 and has skills... I know when Ryan Johnson hears about him he will be happier than a fat boy in a dougnut factory... Big Grin

Wow..6'2..Watch out! :roll:
"BALCO" Wrote:1.Paintsville
South Floyd
Shelby Valley
Magoffin Co.
Johnson Central
I know Paintsville should be the favorite with all of their players returning and a third team all stater in Landon Slone. But the rest of the teams are pretty much even. Who are your picks for the top 5 next season?

Pretty good list BALCO. But IDK if I would put Magoffin Co. in the Top 5. They are definately in the Top 10 though. I just can't wait to sit back and watch the 15th Region this year. Idea 8)
1)Johnson Central
3)South Floyd
5)Betsy Lane
"ManOfSteel20" Wrote:1)Johnson Central
3)South Floyd
5)Betsy Lane

There is no way Johnson Central should be in front of Paintsville. They lose what, four of their starting five to graduation. Paintsville loses no one and return Slone. I would have Central at #2. For that reason only.
"Jamie McCarty_and_Jesse M" Wrote:There is no need for anyone to write anything on this post because..............We all know that paintsville is going to win the STATE tournament. For the next 3years since they have the legendary Landon Slone and the tripletts J.D. Vanhoose,Blake Bundy, and Shane Grimm.......Not to mention the dictator himself BMR.

-23-Jesse Meek

I like your thinking other than the simple fact that they won't win the state, but go to state is a great possibility. Landon is another Paintsville legend in the making, I look for his jersey to be up there soon. JD, Blake, and Grimm are a triple threat. I wouldn't call Coach Runyon a dictator, he does what it takes to get the most out of his players. Until Starns proves himself in the regular season I have:

1 Paintsville
2 South Floyd
3 JC

then the rest.
"Jamie McCarty_and_Jesse M" Wrote:There is no need for anyone to write anything on this post because..............We all know that paintsville is going to win the STATE tournament. For the next 3years since they have the legendary Landon Slone and the tripletts J.D. Vanhoose,Blake Bundy, and Shane Grimm.......Not to mention the dictator himself BMR.

-23-Jesse Meek

LoL Your posts are amusing. I would think that you boys would show some respect for these athletes and the best coach in the 15th region. Your maturity level definitely shows in the posts that you make on here.
Agreed Superman....I guess the dynamic duo left off the bashing of another Paintsville player too, Daniel Pugh. Pugh is the BEST OVERALL athlete in the 15th region and I heard through the grape vine that he is the best or one of the best defensive players on the Tiger team this season. It's understandable why those two wouldn't bash him though, the kid can box....even scares an old man like me. 8)
"rip10" Wrote:I have to agree with jmurray and chall on their picks because with coach starns who has an outstanding line of coaching jobs and a JC team that is made up of a bunch of players w/ a huge amount of potential and defensive minded attitude the "gold rush" will be a big threat this year in the 15th

Gold Rush Cry I would say that after sitting the pine behind some people, receiving a championship ring that he wasn't even the head coach for, and the biggie filmed practices for the Boston Celtics. Man thats a tough list to handle, maybe all basketball masterminds should tape practices and be in charge of putting up the laundry and equipment to top out their resume.
TBIRD hahaha...I bet you wish you had a state championship ring too...and before you think Coach Starns didn't earn that ring your totally wrong...he was the mastermind behind the "Blue Swarm" and to be even mentioned as an assistant to Rick Pitino is good enough to be a head coach...We'll just see how quickly your mind changes when you see in the paper...head title "Johnson Central Wins 15th in Convincing Fashion"
"TBIRD" Wrote:
"rip10" Wrote:I have to agree with jmurray and chall on their picks because with coach starns who has an outstanding line of coaching jobs and a JC team that is made up of a bunch of players w/ a huge amount of potential and defensive minded attitude the "gold rush" will be a big threat this year in the 15th

Gold Rush Cry I would say that after sitting the pine behind some people, receiving a championship ring that he wasn't even the head coach for, and the biggie filmed practices for the Boston Celtics. Man thats a tough list to handle, maybe all basketball masterminds should tape practices and be in charge of putting up the laundry and equipment to top out their resume.

This just goes to show you how some people can be so immature. From all your post, it seems to me that jealousy runs through your vains. I'm sure a true grownup wouldn't act so childish on a site about high school kids on the internet. This arouses me to question if that any of your "facts" are true.....hmmm.....
"rip10" Wrote:TBIRD hahaha...I bet you wish you had a state championship ring too...and before you think Coach Starns didn't earn that ring your totally wrong...he was the mastermind behind the "Blue Swarm" and to be even mentioned as an assistant to Rick Pitino is good enough to be a head coach...We'll just see how quickly your mind changes when you see in the paper...head title "Johnson Central Wins 15th in Convincing Fashion"

He's just making the point that the guy hasnt proven himself yet, he never said the guy would do a bad job. As for JC winning by that much, idk if i would make such a bold statement if i were you.
"Coach_Eagle" Wrote:
"TBIRD" Wrote:
"rip10" Wrote:I have to agree with jmurray and chall on their picks because with coach starns who has an outstanding line of coaching jobs and a JC team that is made up of a bunch of players w/ a huge amount of potential and defensive minded attitude the "gold rush" will be a big threat this year in the 15th

Gold Rush Cry I would say that after sitting the pine behind some people, receiving a championship ring that he wasn't even the head coach for, and the biggie filmed practices for the Boston Celtics. Man thats a tough list to handle, maybe all basketball masterminds should tape practices and be in charge of putting up the laundry and equipment to top out their resume.

This just goes to show you how some people can be so immature. From all your post, it seems to me that jealousy runs through your vains. I'm sure a true grownup wouldn't act so childish on a site about high school kids on the internet. This arouses me to question if that any of your "facts" are true.....hmmm.....

And you can say that your fellow jc posters are acting mature on here?
"Superman" Wrote:
"rip10" Wrote:TBIRD hahaha...I bet you wish you had a state championship ring too...and before you think Coach Starns didn't earn that ring your totally wrong...he was the mastermind behind the "Blue Swarm" and to be even mentioned as an assistant to Rick Pitino is good enough to be a head coach...We'll just see how quickly your mind changes when you see in the paper...head title "Johnson Central Wins 15th in Convincing Fashion"

He's just making the point that the guy hasnt proven himself yet, he never said the guy would do a bad job. As for JC winning by that much, idk if i would make such a bold statement if i were you.

He hasn't proven anything...but WILL.
Rip10 was just saying that Starns knows basketball and will get the most out of his players and will have them ready come March for the 15th. He knows his defense and if you watched any summer ball you would say the same. Thats all he was saying.
"Superman" Wrote:
"Coach_Eagle" Wrote:
"TBIRD" Wrote:
"rip10" Wrote:I have to agree with jmurray and chall on their picks because with coach starns who has an outstanding line of coaching jobs and a JC team that is made up of a bunch of players w/ a huge amount of potential and defensive minded attitude the "gold rush" will be a big threat this year in the 15th

Gold Rush Cry I would say that after sitting the pine behind some people, receiving a championship ring that he wasn't even the head coach for, and the biggie filmed practices for the Boston Celtics. Man thats a tough list to handle, maybe all basketball masterminds should tape practices and be in charge of putting up the laundry and equipment to top out their resume.

This just goes to show you how some people can be so immature. From all your post, it seems to me that jealousy runs through your vains. I'm sure a true grownup wouldn't act so childish on a site about high school kids on the internet. This arouses me to question if that any of your "facts" are true.....hmmm.....

And you can say that your fellow jc posters are acting mature on here?

I don't believe they blame people for stupid stuff. Saying that McCarty was "king james" is not even funny. "Biggest punks in the 15th". Selfish....etc. Sounds like to me he has issues. Thats all I am saying.
Exactly Coach Eagle
"rip10" Wrote:TBIRD hahaha...I bet you wish you had a state championship ring too...and before you think Coach Starns didn't earn that ring your totally wrong...he was the mastermind behind the "Blue Swarm" and to be even mentioned as an assistant to Rick Pitino is good enough to be a head coach...We'll just see how quickly your mind changes when you see in the paper...head title "Johnson Central Wins 15th in Convincing Fashion"

Buddy I've got one, I played for it and was also on the All-Tourney team. So are you trying to say that Starns help invent the game of basketball, the "Blue Swarm" is just a simple press that any elementary team can beat. Video Assistant doesn't count rip, and no its not as good as being head coach, sure you make money at it but it ranks at the bottom of the barrell, heck I think the boy from SV has a more prestigeious job than that. My mind is never going to change, and here is a better title "JC blows it in first round of districts, McCarty cries...New Coaching Search in Process"
Im not even going to waste my time w/ that horendous post...You'll see when March rolls around
I wouldn't waste my time either rip...the boy speaks the truth and tells it how it is. If I knew who he was I'd shake his hand.
"rip10" Wrote:Im not even going to waste my time w/ that horendous post...You'll see when March rolls around

Go ahead big boy, say something about it. Every bit of its the truth, any school that fires a district champion proven coach and taken a team to several final fours are idiots. Even better the biggest idiot is the SG Carrot Top that doesn't know how to play team ball, and thinks himself that he's going to be a legend. Son, the sports world has no place for someone that thinks he's top dog, when his game isn't worth a pile dog poop all because his selfishness. If Central played team ball last season they would've won the Region, but because a Soph has to try to be Mr. Everything, they weren't worth all that much. Couldn't even win their own tourney that had only one decent team in it and that was Rowan Co. Before you say anything about Paintsville's tourney here is the facts, JC couldn't take the competition so they tried to have their own which would be easier so they may have a shot to win it. Paintsville had in it, Dupont Manual (Tourney Champion); Colony, AK(Eventual 3A AK State Champ); University Heights(Class "A" state champs, Sweet 16 Final Four); Morgan County; and Shelby Valley(Eventual 15th Region Champ). Now with that stated, as long as James is on that team they will NEVER WIN REGION.
We'll see come March
1) Betsy Layne
4)Pike C

Thats my list but i would just add something else for 1 thing Pikeville may be losing landon sloneto Oka Hill Academy and secondly from what i hear Derek Case is going to play next year for that reason betsy layne may be going to state
Landon Slone goes to Paintsville not Pikeville. Paintsville will still have 3 of the top players in the region even if he does go to Oak Hill which I doubt seriously....especially as a sophomore. I still think Paintsville and Johnson Central will be two of the top teams in the region and Betsy Layne may luck out and win their district over South Floyd or Prestonsburg.
1. Paintsville
2. Johnson Central (if Starns can get McCarty to play team ball and defense)
3. Sheldon Clark
4. Prestonsburg
5. Betsy Layne

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