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Prestonsburg 67 - Allen Central 57
Couldnt have been a better atmosphere tonight for the big rivalry game, both teams came out to play tonight. Prestonsburg had a sluggish first half but came out after half time on fire hitting almost every three they shot. I would like to say good job to Taylor Clark who did an amazing job guarding Crum tonight and Jody Tackett also had a great game. Congrats to Pburg and now they look to take out the bobcats on friday night.
I'd also like to congratulate Prestonsburg coach Jackie Day Crisp on his 100th victory at Prestonsburg.
Congrats Coach! and to the team on the win.
Very big upset. The 58th is officially open for whoever wants it the most
Torch Wrote:Very big upset. The 58th is officially open for whoever wants it the most

You are so right, Whoever is hot on the right night :Wave:
The One and Only 13 Wrote:Jody Tackett was given the ardulous task of guarding Crum and did a phenomenal job. Crum went 1-6 from downtown if I'm not mistaken. Someone may actually have to correct that one.

From what I seen looked like Taylor Clark guarded him the whole night, and did a very good job at doing so. P-burg came out on fire and I mean on fire to start the second half and kept it going throughout. Congrats to the Blackcats on the huge W and a tough loss for AC.
The One and Only 13 Wrote:Finally someone speaks the truth. I completely agree. Granted, he is a great shooter, but he's one of those classic set shooters. They have to have an open look to score. When pressured, they perform horribly as did Crum tonight. Great post. :Thumbs:

First i want to say p-burg played a great game especially the 2nd half and clark is a very good defensive player and a real good kid but before any of you gets to excited , crum still got off 6 uncontested shots they just weren't falling for him and most people don't no that crum has been very sick all week and should not have played but he wouldn't say anything so he could play and played the whole game but don't worry, south floyd will get there chance on friday also not taking anything away from the p-burg players but they got the typical home cooking from the refs again especially webb who graduated from there i still don't see how this can happen but in the 15th region it always does but bottom line AC just didn't play team ball like they have been and when they don't then they lose and crum played his heart out on both ends congrats 2 p-burg good game but AC will take care of business in the district
This one surprised me
slingblade93 Wrote:First i want to say p-burg played a great game especially the 2nd half and clark is a very good defensive player and a real good kid but before the one and only and lips gets to excited and keep talking out of you *** like u always do crum still got off 6 uncontested shots they just weren't falling for him and most people don't no that crum has been very sick all week and should not have played but he wouldn't say anything so he could play and played the whole game but don't worry lips south floyd will get there chance on friday also not taking anything away from the p-burg players but they got the typical home cooking from the refs again especially webb who graduated from there i still don't see how this can happen but in the 15th region it always does but bottom line AC just didn't play team ball like they have been and when they don't then they lose and crum played his heart out on both ends but all u can do is pick on him but that's all right he will bounce back and u will stay the negative people that u always are and congrats 2 p-burg good game but AC will take care of business in the district

Rolleyes ... Crum got off 6 uncontested shots? Man to be honest I don't think that he even got off 2 uncontested shots. I've talked to a few people thats watched game film and they said that Crum only shot the ball about 5 times. And how in the world did Prestonsburg get there usual home cooking? Allen Central only had around 3 more fouls than Prestonsburg, and those 3 fouls where picked up in the final minute.
So, which was it - Crum's bad shooting, A.C's lack of Team ball, PBurg's great play, or the so called Home Cooking that won it for the Blackcats?
Oh let me Guess...........All of the above LOL
First off, I would like to say congratulations to Coach Crisp on his 100th Victory. The Cats played their best ball of the entire season in the second half last night. They came out firing on all cylinders, Hall was doing what he needed to get his team the win and Taylor Clarks excellent defensive play was a major factor in the outcome of this game.

Congrats Blackcats!
b-ball_guy Wrote:So, which was it - Crum's bad shooting, A.C's lack of Team ball, PBurg's great play, or the so called Home Cooking that won it for the Blackcats?
Oh let me Guess...........All of the above LOL

I'm telling the god's honest truth that Aaron Crum only shot the ball about 5 times. He hit one 3 and a 15ft jumper, and that was it. He didn't even touch the ball that many times. Don't get me wrong, Aaron Crum is a fantastic shooter and a really good teammate but Taylor Clark played in your face defense the whole time against Crum.
Quote:I'm telling the god's honest truth that Aaron Crum only shot the ball about 5 times. He hit one 3 and a 15ft jumper, and that was it. He didn't even touch the ball that many times. Don't get me wrong, Aaron Crum is a fantastic shooter and a really good teammate but Taylor Clark played in your face defense the whole time against Crum.
I was at this game & agree. It absolutely makes me laugh out loud to read at least once in EVERY thread started on here about the winning team getting "Home Cooking".
b-ball_guy Wrote:I was at this game & agree. It absolutely makes me laugh out loud to read at least once in EVERY thread started on here about the winning team getting "Home Cooking".

it's not all about fouls they got 2 mystery time outs when ac had a jump ball but instead they got a late time out and a out of bounds on hall but gave him a time out instead and crums shot the ball 6 times from 3 point range and he was open Give this kid a break he was sick and still played very hard but like i said p-burg came back strong and played great I never said the refs cost them the game just the usual called game at home not taking anything away from the players but I am looking forward to the rematch
Folks lets get back on topic... Allen Central & Prestonsburgs game
Congrats Prestonsburg
slingblade93 Wrote:it's not all about fouls they got 2 mystery time outs when ac had a jump ball but instead they got a late time out and a out of bounds on hall but gave him a time out instead and crums shot the ball 6 times from 3 point range and he was open Give this kid a break he was sick and still played very hard but like i said p-burg came back strong and played great I never said the refs cost them the game just the usual called game at home not taking anything away from the players but I am looking forward to the rematch

To be honest this was one of the fairest called games I've seen. If there was a bad call on one end, usually a bad call followed on the other. Pretty bad to say that's fair but in the 15th that is a pretty balanced officiating job. Arron Crum didn't get off 6 shots and maybe 1 uncontested due to a good pick set to get Taylor's great defense off of him. There was no home cooking, and pburg just came in and outplayed a very good Allen Central team.
OMG... that's the funny thing thing I've ever seen.

Why would you totally delete off the boards what was being said about what went on b4 last nights game in PBurg's locker-Room?
On or off Topic, this is a public message board. Start A new thread but, come on, don't just wipe the slate clean & Hope that it will be forgotten.
Are you kidding me??????
Are you a bunch of adolescent teen agers running this Message board?
Are you afraid of being punched in the nose for displaying what people think?
You have actually taken EVERY SINGLE post that WAS here about "Something happening last night b4 PBurgs game" & discarded it?
Speak up people!
Like chief said, if it's off topic, start a new thread but, don't just ignore it & HOPE it will go away!!
I only saw one uncontested shot and that was the one pick set on Taylor and Crum air balled it, so for him having open shots and missing them that wasn't the case. It was the in your face defense.
Crum did not have 6 uncontested shots..i was settin right there in the front row and i know for a god givin fact that he DID NOT have 6 uncontested shots. He had one open shot and he made. That is a prime example that he is a pure set shooter. If someone is in his face then he cant shoot. Taylor Clark shut him down and thats all there is to it!
IBleedRed Wrote:Crum did not have 6 uncontested shots..i was settin right there in the front row and i know for a god givin fact that he DID NOT have 6 uncontested shots. He had one open shot and he made. That is a prime example that he is a pure set shooter. If someone is in his face then he cant shoot. Taylor Clark shut him down and thats all there is to it!

well said
Taylor Clark did a good job on Akers from SF when P-burg played them and then he did an outstanding job on Crum in this game. Two of the 58th's best.

IMO I think it's time to give Taylor Clark a little love and say good job Wink JMO
Taylor Clark has improved so much this year and you can tell this kid is a hard worker.
blackcat_mvp6 Wrote:Taylor Clark has improved so much this year and you can tell this kid is a hard worker.

I bet he's added 10lbs of muscle. You can tell he's a hard worker. He's one of my favorite players to watch in the 58th.
IMO Crum is about 40 percent of AC's offense and Pburg showed that if you stop him as they did with Clark on him the whole night that you take AC out of everything they want to do. Congrats Pburg on a great played game you just flat out beat AC tonight. Keep it up and take care of business on friday.
Junk Yard Dog Wrote:I bet he's added 10lbs of muscle. You can tell he's a hard worker. He's one of my favorite players to watch in the 58th.

Yeah, He's an exciting player to watch.
IMO Crum is primarily a spot up shooter. Most teams that can play a lick of D can take any spot up shooter out of a game. I don't know if Crum is 40% of AC's offense, but obviously he is a big part of what they try to do, and any time you stop him you increase your chances of beating AC.
What I like about Taylor Clark is that he appears to earn everything he gets and he seems to have a great attitude IMO.
Junk Yard Dog Wrote:What I like about Taylor Clark is that he appears to earn everything he gets and he seems to have a great attitude IMO.

Yes, I agree

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