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Landon Slone
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:You know i watched him play his freshman year and was like dang this kid is going to be something special, not only him but that whole team. Then years past and the comotion of what they were became to what they could be. The mountains crumbled with all the talk about them, about the arguments between players to some were transfering. Now they are in their senior year and now talk is cheap. They are a team and to be honest i feel they know now that they must work together and not be individuals and its sad that with their talent its took this long for them to figure that out. They now know that when they are on the court Pride flows through those blue and white jerseys. As the same name flows across the chest as when Pelphrey and Vanhoose played. They now realize that when they step on the court they are not in the halls of Paintsville High as indviduals but are one, as they wear the same jerseys and their goal is the same. I hope all this hype about Landon going D-1 can die down until late March so this young man can focus on his goals and can live a normal teenage life. B/c his whole life it has been anything but ordinary. Good Luck Landon and may God bless you and lead you in the right direction.
Do you think that that pride runs any deeper than that of say, Virgie/Shelby Valley or perhaps Allen Central/Maytown/Wayland/Garrett/ Martin or Meade Memorial/Oil Springs/Flat Gap/Johnson Central or Inez/Sheldon Clark. I would say definately not. This group has nowhere near the talent of the former Paintsville teams and for the life of me I cant figure out why everybody wants to keep comparing them to the former teams. Shelby Valley and Virgie may have the most reveared tradition in the mountains, not Paintsville. Pike ville won 7 regional championships themselves under Trivette, and one under Thomas, so they perhaps have a richer tradtion themselves. Virgie and Johnson Central pretty well ruled the 70's. Paintsville had about a 15 year run with some staggering talent. That particular amount of talent is what made them successful. Paintsville was a nothing in basketball before the mid to late 80's and since 1998 they have just been very mortal, with a couple of losing seasons in that time span. Folks that has been 10 years ago. Keep in mind that this current group of players only got the chance to play at an early age because there was simply no one else to put on the floor. Paintsville was dry of talent. There were simply no upperclassmen on the roster, period. Paintsville certainly does not own a patent on what pride means or stands for.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Do you think that that pride runs any deeper than that of say, Virgie/Shelby Valley or perhaps Allen Central/Maytown/Wayland/Garrett/ Martin or Meade Memorial/Oil Springs/Flat Gap/Johnson Central or Inez/Sheldon Clark. I would say definately not. This group has nowhere near the talent of the former Paintsville teams and for the life of me I cant figure out why everybody wants to keep comparing them to the former teams. Shelby Valley and Virgie may have the most reveared tradition in the mountains, not Paintsville. Pike ville won 7 regional championships themselves under Trivette, and one under Thomas, so they perhaps have a richer tradtion themselves. Virgie and Johnson Central pretty well ruled the 70's. Paintsville had about a 15 year run with some staggering talent. That particular amount of talent is what made them successful. Paintsville was a nothing in basketball before the mid to late 80's and since 1998 they have just been very mortal, with a couple of losing seasons in that time span. Folks that has been 10 years ago. Keep in mind that this current group of players only got the chance to play at an early age because there was simply no one else to put on the floor. Paintsville was dry of talent. There were simply no upperclassmen on the roster, period. Paintsville certainly does not own a patent on what pride means or stands for.

I think it goes deeper than just 15th Region titles. I think it is what teams do after getting out of the mountains and to the state tournament that gives them a tradition to build on. Also, having one coach (Coach Runyon) that is there during those runs into the KHSAA Final Four and State Championship games helps to maintain that tradition. Is it great to win a 15th Region titles, you bet, and it is a great acomplishment, but getting to the Final Four, or playing in a State Championship game, helps build tradition and maintain it for years. I would think that basketball tradition also includes what accomplishments your players get in high school and after. Paintsville, I believe has had 13 players sign D1 scholarships (probably another one with Landon) and numerous others have gone on to play at the D2, D3, and NAIA level. Paintsville has also had well over 30 players named to an All-State team since 1944. Not to mention that Paintsville is one of only a few schools in state history that can claim to have 2 Kentucky Mr. Basketball's. I am not trying to put down any other schools, but I just feel that based on everything involved with a "tradition," that Paintsville has the most in Eastern Kentucky.

Hopefully, those boys will be able to build on it this year and add to the legacy of Coach Runyons brilliant coaching career and that of Paintsville High School basketball!!!
J. R. VanHoose Wrote:I think it goes deeper than just 15th Region titles. I think it is what teams do after getting out of the mountains and to the state tournament that gives them a tradition to build on. Also, having one coach (Coach Runyon) that is there during those runs into the KHSAA Final Four and State Championship games helps to maintain that tradition. Is it great to win a 15th Region titles, you bet, and it is a great acomplishment, but getting to the Final Four, or playing in a State Championship game, helps build tradition and maintain it for years. I would think that basketball tradition also includes what accomplishments your players get in high school and after. Paintsville, I believe has had 13 players sign D1 scholarships (probably another one with Landon) and numerous others have gone on to play at the D2, D3, and NAIA level. Paintsville has also had well over 30 players named to an All-State team since 1944. Not to mention that Paintsville is one of only a few schools in state history that can claim to have 2 Kentucky Mr. Basketball's. I am not trying to put down any other schools, but I just feel that based on everything involved with a "tradition," that Paintsville has the most in Eastern Kentucky.

Hopefully, those boys will be able to build on it this year and add to the legacy of Coach Runyons brilliant coaching career and that of Paintsville High School basketball!!!
:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :Thumbs:
J. R. VanHoose Wrote:I think it goes deeper than just 15th Region titles. I think it is what teams do after getting out of the mountains and to the state tournament that gives them a tradition to build on. Also, having one coach (Coach Runyon) that is there during those runs into the KHSAA Final Four and State Championship games helps to maintain that tradition. Is it great to win a 15th Region titles, you bet, and it is a great acomplishment, but getting to the Final Four, or playing in a State Championship game, helps build tradition and maintain it for years. I would think that basketball tradition also includes what accomplishments your players get in high school and after. Paintsville, I believe has had 13 players sign D1 scholarships (probably another one with Landon) and numerous others have gone on to play at the D2, D3, and NAIA level. Paintsville has also had well over 30 players named to an All-State team since 1944. Not to mention that Paintsville is one of only a few schools in state history that can claim to have 2 Kentucky Mr. Basketball's. I am not trying to put down any other schools, but I just feel that based on everything involved with a "tradition," that Paintsville has the most in Eastern Kentucky.

Hopefully, those boys will be able to build on it this year and add to the legacy of Coach Runyons brilliant coaching career and that of Paintsville High School basketball!!!

I believe what Mr. Kimball is trying to say is that PHS hasn't sustained as long and rich of a tradition as the aforementioned schools.

tradition |trəˈdi sh ən| noun - the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way

Between the 1930's and the early to mid 80's the TRADITION of the tigers was not that great. They had some successes and great players and coaches, but they were not considered a basketball school. Football dominated.
What BMR and his vast development of talent in his tenure has PHS becoming one the best (if not the best) traditions in the mtns.:Thumbs:

I agree this years group could add to the BMR MYSTIQUE and keep developing the tradition that has began at PHS. Or could they be the demise of it? Listen to your coach boys!

Maybe BMR's replacement can keep it going after he retires! Let's say a coach that has returned pride into a certain girl's program!!:letsparty
J. R. VanHoose Wrote:I think it goes deeper than just 15th Region titles. I think it is what teams do after getting out of the mountains and to the state tournament that gives them a tradition to build on. Also, having one coach (Coach Runyon) that is there during those runs into the KHSAA Final Four and State Championship games helps to maintain that tradition. Is it great to win a 15th Region titles, you bet, and it is a great acomplishment, but getting to the Final Four, or playing in a State Championship game, helps build tradition and maintain it for years. I would think that basketball tradition also includes what accomplishments your players get in high school and after. Paintsville, I believe has had 13 players sign D1 scholarships (probably another one with Landon) and numerous others have gone on to play at the D2, D3, and NAIA level. Paintsville has also had well over 30 players named to an All-State team since 1944. Not to mention that Paintsville is one of only a few schools in state history that can claim to have 2 Kentucky Mr. Basketball's. I am not trying to put down any other schools, but I just feel that based on everything involved with a "tradition," that Paintsville has the most in Eastern Kentucky.

Hopefully, those boys will be able to build on it this year and add to the legacy of Coach Runyons brilliant coaching career and that of Paintsville High School basketball!!!
All I was tring to say is that Paintsville only has a tradition worth talking about in basketball ranging from the years of only about 1986 to 1998.

By the way I think that Inez has a total of TWO state championships. I think that that may top anything that any of our teams in Johnson County and the entire mountain region as well have done. Would you not say that that gives the folks at Sheldon Clark a little reason to puff their chests out a little as well when it comes to tradition.(Heck throw some of the great Hazard teams of years gone by in this equation. Perhaps, nobody can even come close to their tradition.) I think that Russell Williamson might have the edge on coach Runyon as far as legendary status and with bragging rights that go with it as far as his and their accomplishments because of his longivity and his TWO state titles . The difference being is that there is not a person that posts on this board that can remember the first game that they ever played or he coached, so obviously they are going to be slighted and not recieve the respect of what they accomplished during their times of dominance. You'll probably never see the first person from that era toot their own horns, so in a way they have been and will completely forgotten by us all. Those series of teams certainly never had the media exposure that the teams of this era to exalt them. And not to take anything away from anybody in this day and time, but I would just have to imagine how tough it would have been back in those days to win a regional championship, let alone a state title.

Most posters that post on this board as well as the players on this years squad were not even born when John Pelphrey and Joey Couch played and these same Tigers were not more than 8 or 9 years old when you played, so all they really know about the tradition and pride is what has been told to them, or of what they may have read. If you hadn't come back to be part of the Paintsville system and associated yourself with the area and program, I fear that even the great things that you helped your teams to do would not be in our memories quite as vivid. Heck, even the fact of your being an active poster on this board helps to keep your teams and the memory of yourself a little fresher than what it could have been. Sorry to tell ya JR but the years have swiftly gone by since you wore the Tiger Blue, and the bad part is they go on by even quicker the older you get. Just remember that time has a way of tarnishing the memories of anything that any of us have ever done. Just ask a couple of other mountain boys such as Johhny Cox or WahWah Jones how many 18 years old kids worship the grounds that they walk on. I'm betting that maybe if polled you might find 5% of todays kids that had a clue as to whom they even were or who they played for. Try to keep this in perspective with what I am saying: during their respective reigns that were the best players in the United States. Even yourself, being the history buff that you are, are slighting the reins of the former past great players and teams.

Glad that you had the chance to experience what you have .
jchsrulz Wrote:Maybe BMR's replacement can keep it going after he retires! Let's say a coach that has returned pride into a certain girl's program!!:letsparty

Not sure that I would feel comfortable following Coach Runyon. I mean, a former Mr. Basketball coming back to his former school to take over and follow the sucess of Coach Runyon, talk about pressure!!! I really want to stay at Phelps as long as I can, build the program back to where it should be. Who knows, maybe I can stay at Phelps as long as Coach Runyon has been at Paintsville, that is my goal, be a mainstay at that program, and build back its own tradition!!!!
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Do you think that that pride runs any deeper than that of say, Virgie/Shelby Valley or perhaps Allen Central/Maytown/Wayland/Garrett/ Martin or Meade Memorial/Oil Springs/Flat Gap/Johnson Central or Inez/Sheldon Clark. I would say definately not. This group has nowhere near the talent of the former Paintsville teams and for the life of me I cant figure out why everybody wants to keep comparing them to the former teams. Shelby Valley and Virgie may have the most reveared tradition in the mountains, not Paintsville. Pike ville won 7 regional championships themselves under Trivette, and one under Thomas, so they perhaps have a richer tradtion themselves. Virgie and Johnson Central pretty well ruled the 70's. Paintsville had about a 15 year run with some staggering talent. That particular amount of talent is what made them successful. Paintsville was a nothing in basketball before the mid to late 80's and since 1998 they have just been very mortal, with a couple of losing seasons in that time span. Folks that has been 10 years ago. Keep in mind that this current group of players only got the chance to play at an early age because there was simply no one else to put on the floor. Paintsville was dry of talent. There were simply no upperclassmen on the roster, period. Paintsville certainly does not own a patent on what pride means or stands for.

JMO, but to answer your question.....YES I DO.
Of all these teams you have mentioned only AC, JC, SC, SV and Pikeville are presently High Schools. So IMO it is imppossible for a defunct School to have any kind of "Tradition" They have "History", but that is all.
Of the remaining schools....I would say that Paintsville has a lot more "Tradition". Granted their "Tradition" has been boosted by what they have accomplished in the last 20+ years to overtake say...Pikeville, but I truly believe that they have.

Go Lando!!!! Go Tigers!!!
J. R. VanHoose Wrote:Not sure that I would feel comfortable following Coach Runyon. I mean, a former Mr. Basketball coming back to his former school to take over and follow the sucess of Coach Runyon, talk about pressure!!! I really want to stay at Phelps as long as I can, build the program back to where it should be. Who knows, maybe I can stay at Phelps as long as Coach Runyon has been at Paintsville, that is my goal, be a mainstay at that program, and build back its own tradition!!!!

Well, I believe you could handle the pressure. Good luck at Phelps! The Black & Gold side of the creek will be watching ya!:Thumbs:
The Guru Wrote:JMO, but to answer your question.....YES I DO.
Of all these teams you have mentioned only AC, JC, SC, SV and Pikeville are presently High Schools. So IMO it is imppossible for a defunct School to have any kind of "Tradition" They have "History", but that is all.
Of the remaining schools....I would say that Paintsville has a lot more "Tradition". Granted their "Tradition" has been boosted by what they have accomplished in the last 20+ years to overtake say...Pikeville, but I truly believe that they have.

Go Lando!!!! Go Tigers!!!
I'm sure that if you ask any one of those associated with those schools that they would tell you that what ever happened prior to their consolidations that they would feel it a part of their own heritages and tradition. In most cases it involves the 2nd, third and perhaps 4th generations of families playing, and in some cases the same coach post consolidation. I think the Stepp, Wallen, and Newsome families could argue with you somewhat. I believe in the case of the Stepp family that they had the same family members to star at Warfield , Inez and at Sheldon Clark. I'm guessing that if you asked any of them, the tradition would all be one and the same. Just look in the trophy cases at Sheldon Clark, or at Shelby Valley to see how they consider themselves. The name of the school may have changed , but their personal P.O. Box's always remained the same.

Point is, it has not been 20+ years , It was a streak that lasted about 12 years. But agreed, it was a phenominal streak.

Again, the more I think about it, I dont think that any of us here in the mountains can top what Hazard High School has accomplished. They've fielded great teams now for probably 70+ years, and are still going strong.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:By the way I think that Inez has a total of TWO state championships. I think that that may top anything that any of our teams in Johnson County and the entire mountain region as well have done. Would you not say that that gives the folks at Sheldon Clark a little reason to puff their chests out a little as well when it comes to tradition.(Heck throw some of the great Hazard teams of years gone by in this equation. Perhaps, nobody can even come close to their tradition.) I think that Russell Williamson might have the edge on coach Runyon as far as legendary status and with bragging rights that go with it as far as his and their accomplishments because of his longivity and his TWO state titles . The difference being is that there is not a person that posts on this board that can remember the first game that they ever played or he coached, so obviously they are going to be slighted and not recieve the respect of what they accomplished during their times of dominance. You'll probably never see the first person from that era toot their own horns, so in a way they have been and will completely forgotten by us all. Those series of teams certainly never had the media exposure that the teams of this era to exalt them. And not to take anything away from anybody in this day and time, but I would just have to imagine how tough it would have been back in those days to win a regional championship, let alone a state title.

I will have to agree with you on this one. Inez had some pretty tough teams and probably does have a tradition that is equal to, or better, than Paintsville, with having two state championships, and four other trips to the Final Four but they have been consolidated and Sheldon Clark has not come close to matching the success of the old Inez teams. I agree with you that they are probably forgotten, because their accomplishments have been so long ago, as I am sure the accomplishments at Paintsville will largely be overlooked in the next 50 years. I just have a fierce loyalty to Paintsville, and I believe, in all of my heart, that we do have the best tradition around the region, and in Eastern Kentucky.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Again, the more I think about it, I dont think that any of us here in the mountains can top what Hazard High School has accomplished. They've fielded great teams now for probably 70+ years, and are still going strong.

I agree with you about Hazard as well. Been a staple in the 14th Region since their first region title in 1925! An 82 year span!!!
You can't compare Apples and Oranges. Most of the "great" teams mentioned in previous posts have been stained due to consolidation. When you consolidate you not only loose tradition you loose your community. Schools of today have no community lines, for example players at any school in the 15 region alone many have players that are from other counties, other cities but come (or at least set up an address) to play fro that particular coach or team. Those teams such as Inez, Oil Springs, Meade, etc. all developed their success from kids from that community and that community only. The community was built around those basketball and some built around football games. Pride, i am sure flows in kids blood nowadays but being from very small, very rural sections of Eastern KY. and only being able to picture Rupp Arena by the descriptions on the radio ,is a little different than modern day 15th region basketball. I am sure pride still exists but it used to be at a different level.
Watchful Eye Wrote:You can't compare Apples and Oranges. Most of the "great" teams mentioned in previous posts have been stained due to consolidation. When you consolidate you not only loose tradition you loose your community. Schools of today have no community lines, for example players at any school in the 15 region alone many have players that are from other counties, other cities but come (or at least set up an address) to play fro that particular coach or team. Those teams such as Inez, Oil Springs, Meade, etc. all developed their success from kids from that community and that community only. The community was built around those basketball and some built around football games. Pride, i am sure flows in kids blood nowadays but being from very small, very rural sections of Eastern KY. and only being able to picture Rupp Arena by the descriptions on the radio ,is a little different than modern day 15th region basketball. I am sure pride still exists but it used to be at a different level.
Watchful Eye, I agree with you 100%. Consolidation has been the very worst thing that has ever happened to basketball. In the 15th region, I think that Shelby Valley could be the exception.
J. R. VanHoose Wrote:I will have to agree with you on this one. Inez had some pretty tough teams and probably does have a tradition that is equal to, or better, than Paintsville, with having two state championships, and four other trips to the Final Four but they have been consolidated and Sheldon Clark has not come close to matching the success of the old Inez teams. I agree with you that they are probably forgotten, because their accomplishments have been so long ago, as I am sure the accomplishments at Paintsville will largely be overlooked in the next 50 years. I just have a fierce loyalty to Paintsville, and I believe, in all of my heart, that we do have the best tradition around the region, and in Eastern Kentucky.

Wish you all the best in your future endeavors, JR.
Russell Williamson won only 1 state title. The 54 state champs of Inez was coached by Claud Mills. Russell was an assistant on this team.
You make some very good points about some of the old schools that no longer exist because of considation. Inez High School was probably and still is in my opinion the school with the most tradition in basketball in the 15th region.
kyrifle Wrote:Russell Williamson won only 1 state title. The 54 state champs of Inez was coached by Claud Mills. Russell was an assistant on this team.
You make some very good points about some of the old schools that no longer exist because of considation. Inez High School was probably and still is in my opinion the school with the most tradition in basketball in the 15th region.

What about Billy Cassidy? I thought during his watch they won one?
Congrats Landon and good luck this upcoming season.
I thought this thread was about Landon Slone?
mcfan1 Wrote:I thought this thread was about Landon Slone?


Just kidding, we do need to get on track. Mr. Kimball keeps getting us off track!Confusedhh:
Yeah guys this thread is about Landon so keep it on topic, I mean theres been alot of interesting conversation on here but try to keep it on topic please.
According to reports out of California, Landon Slone (Paintsville) and Matt Clevenger (Pikeville) are both having great weeks in LA this week. Landon is on the 17 year old team and Matt the 16 year old team for the Derek Smith All-Stars. Matt's team is in the semi-finals of the tourney tomorrow. Landon's team was eliminated today. They both return to KY tomorrow.
jchsrulz Wrote:Who?:goofy:

Just kidding, we do need to get on track. Mr. Kimball keeps getting us off track!Confusedhh:

Hey, I thought we were on the same side.:redboxer: Big Grin
Billy Ray Casidy was a player on the 54 state champ team. Went on to play at UK.
Coached at Paintsville High in early 60's before taking over the coaching job at Inez.
Watchful Eye Wrote:What about Billy Cassidy? I thought during his watch they won one?

I don't remember Inez going back to the state tournament while Billy Ray was coaching .
kyrifle Wrote:Billy Ray Casidy was a player on the 54 state champ team. Went on to play at UK.
Coached at Paintsville High in early 60's before taking over the coaching job at Inez.

I know this is off topic, but thanks for answering that for me. I appreciate it.
kyrifle Wrote:Billy Ray Casidy was a player on the 54 state champ team. Went on to play at UK.
Coached at Paintsville High in early 60's before taking over the coaching job at Inez.

Gary Knight was Paintsville basketball coach from 1961-1969/70. I guess this was during that time when Mr. Kimball thought Paintsville Basketball was "nothing".
Coach Knight took over from Coach Wheeler. After Coach Knight, I believe Dwight "orange head" Burchett coached a season. Not too sure who came after him, maybe Coach Wheeler again, but it was NOT Billy Ray Cassidy during the 70's. I know Coach Williams coached in the late 70's and Runyon beginning in the 80's. Perhaps Coach Cassidy came in the mid to late 50's.
I know, I know, this has nothing to do with Landon.. sorry Landon... Maybe someone will begin a thread for this other topic. I just had to interject my information.
Lisa Douglas Wrote:Gary Knight was Paintsville basketball coach from 1961-1969/70. I guess this was during that time when Mr. Kimball thought Paintsville Basketball was "nothing".
Coach Knight took over from Coach Wheeler. After Coach Knight, I believe Dwight "orange head" Burchett coached a season. Not too sure who came after him, maybe Coach Wheeler again, but it was NOT Billy Ray Cassidy during the 70's. I know Coach Williams coached in the late 70's and Runyon beginning in the 80's. Perhaps Coach Cassidy came in the mid to late 50's.
I know, I know, this has nothing to do with Landon.. sorry Landon... Maybe someone will begin a thread for this other topic. I just had to interject my information.
Just meaning that they had not won any regional tournaments up until the mid to late 80's. I know they had some good teams in the 60's but that was just not the time when Paintsville was considered a dominant team. The statement was made about a rich tradition in winning, and prior to the late 80's that didn't exist, at least in the perspective of regional championships under their belts. Sorry, if I appeared rude in my commentary. Probably a poor choice of wording on my part. I apologize for that. It was hard for them to even get out of the district during that period primarily because of Wendall Wallen's Meade Memorial Red Devils. Was just trying to make the point that it took almost 65 years for Paintsville to win their first regional tournament. Hey it had to be a lot tougher back then to win a regional tournament than what it is today.

Coach Wheeler did again coach Paintsville in the early to late 70's, and coach Runyon, I want to say, began his career around '84.

I am sure that J.R. can tell us exactly the year by year breakdown.
Lisa Douglas Wrote:Gary Knight was Paintsville basketball coach from 1961-1969/70. I guess this was during that time when Mr. Kimball thought Paintsville Basketball was "nothing".
Coach Knight took over from Coach Wheeler. After Coach Knight, I believe Dwight "orange head" Burchett coached a season. Not too sure who came after him, maybe Coach Wheeler again, but it was NOT Billy Ray Cassidy during the 70's. I know Coach Williams coached in the late 70's and Runyon beginning in the 80's. Perhaps Coach Cassidy came in the mid to late 50's.
I know, I know, this has nothing to do with Landon.. sorry Landon... Maybe someone will begin a thread for this other topic. I just had to interject my information.

Coach Knight followed Billy Ray at P-ville. If you will look at the post , it says Cassidy coached at P-ville in the early 60's not 70's
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Hey, I thought we were on the same side.:redboxer: Big Grin

Same side! But you always start trouble, so I just thought it was you. LOLBig Grin
J. R. VanHoose Wrote:I will have to agree with you on this one. Inez had some pretty tough teams and probably does have a tradition that is equal to, or better, than Paintsville, with having two state championships, and four other trips to the Final Four but they have been consolidated and Sheldon Clark has not come close to matching the success of the old Inez teams. I agree with you that they are probably forgotten, because their accomplishments have been so long ago, as I am sure the accomplishments at Paintsville will largely be overlooked in the next 50 years. I just have a fierce loyalty to Paintsville, and I believe, in all of my heart, that we do have the best tradition around the region, and in Eastern Kentucky.

The consolidation of Sheldon Clark has nothin to do with the tradition of the Inez Indians basketball tradition. The Inez basketball teams will always be remembered as a great school for it's success on the hardwood.
Sheldon Clark High School has never had the support that Inez or Warfield had when they were high schools. These two communities thought so much of their teams that it wasn't uncommon for brawls to break out when they played each other.
Inez has always been the standard of exelence to live up to in the 15th region. Pikeville has a lot of tradition as well as Paintsville, but neither school can claim the TRADITION that the Inez community can claim.
These old schools will live on forever in the minds of the people in the communities that supported these schools . Paintsville, Johnson Cent. and Sheldon Clark has a lot of catching up to the old schools in the 57th district.
There are only 5 schools in the 57th district now. Before consolidation there were 9 and 10 schools in the district tournament. YHou had to put 4 good games together to win the district. Much tougher getting out before consolidation.
A lot of people that post on this site are kids or young adults who know nothing about the history of the 57th district, yet they would lead you to believe that they know everything about the subject of basketball, baseball and football. I've watched these teams over the years (50 years to be exact ). I've seen maybe 3 great players in this time. Everyone that plays this game isn't GREAT as many of you would like to believe they are.
Donis Buthcer, Alvin Ratliff, Richard Conley these players could have played today and dominated the 57th district.
This is a little off track and has nothing to do with Landon Slone, but you people who are spouting opinions about players and schools need to be out of high school 20 year's before your opinion matters, you haven't seen enough to make statements that only cover your short existance.
As far as Landon Slone as a D-1 player, he's mid major at best. He's not as good as J.r or Todd Tackett. J.R. had a pretty good college carere, went to the school he wanted to attend and contributed. Tacket on the other hand lands at UK and dosent play 40 minutes in 2 years. Landon isn't nearly the athlete Tackett was. I think low mid major or NAIA for Landon.

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