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Former Eagle now a Tiger?
jazz buddy you need to chill out and reread what most have posted. Everyone that has posted on here has seen the boy play. I have seen his outbursts and thuggish style retaliations in EVERY game I seen him play (mostly against Pville, seen a couple other games as well). What does your last post have to do with him playin at Paintsville, this thread is about him now bein a Tiger, not about his dad or anyone else.
Redneck Wrote:jazz buddy you need to chill out and reread what most have posted. Everyone that has posted on here has seen the boy play. I have seen his outbursts and thuggish style retaliations in EVERY game I seen him play (mostly against Pville, seen a couple other games as well). What does your last post have to do with him playin at Paintsville, this thread is about him now bein a Tiger, not about his dad or anyone else.

jazzy57 Wrote:You know, I normally don't waste my time with things like this, but I'm so sick of reading false statements and things that only people that are stuck in their teen years could write.
I personally know the Murray family and happen to think they are fine people, but even the best of people will only take so much when it comes their family. I could tell you things that have happened under coach Starns watch that would make alot of you set back and rethink some of things you've said, trust me , if I were his dad I would have acted alot sooner and with more action than he did. I 'm only writing this because the whole family has been give a bum rap on this site .
They are moving mainly because of health issues with Mr Murray and I know you say , oh yeah right, but it's true and I'm sure if he wanted to stoop to your guys level he could prove it, I know he has lost his temper at times, but if you new the whole story , you probably would have done worse. and besides that, 3 coaches in four years, please , you want a child to act more grownup than the man that coached him, Starns isn't the great guy you think he is, trust me, applying for 2 jobs in his first season. and your coming down on a child for wanting to get somewhere that is if nothing else stable, give me a break, better yet , give them a break and put the blame where it belongs.
i think by the end of next season you guys will take some backwater, and this crap about the house they bought, please, they bought it though a real estate agent and had no idea who it even belonged to before that, they have there farm up for sale as well, through an agent.
I know Lon personally, and you guys have the whole family wrong, and no he didn't pay me to write this , in fact he says he's never been on this site , he has businesses to run and not time for child's play, and he teaches his boys not let other people control there destiny. most of you are so afraid of change your probably stuck in the same place you started years ago.
one other unknown fact, Lon did have enough class to call a meeting with the coach and asst. coach's, along with the AD and say he was sorry for his actions on the side lines and that he was out of line.
That in its self shows more class than some of you guys and certainly more than coach Starns , why do you judge other people for things you know nothing about.
I wish them good luck and the best at Paintsville, you guys that have bashed them , don't know them, and thats to bad, you know the old saying , don't judge someone until you've walk in their shoes, that truly applies in this case.
just a friend.[/b]

I wish the best for Lon and his family, I just have one question... What kind of health issues does he have that would require him to move about 10 miles into town??:confused:
Redneck Wrote:jazz buddy you need to chill out and reread what most have posted. Everyone that has posted on here has seen the boy play. I have seen his outbursts and thuggish style retaliations in EVERY game I seen him play (mostly against Pville, seen a couple other games as well). What does your last post have to do with him playin at Paintsville, this thread is about him now bein a Tiger, not about his dad or anyone else.

I don't think Lon would want me to air his health issues, so I wont, however I'll say he's not on his death bed or anything like that, the fact is, they live on a large farm and as most would know if they've seen it, it take's a lot of work to keep up, and with his boys leaving for college in the next couple of years, he's not going to able to do it on his own, so he's been looking for something in town for sometime now, something that will be easier to manage.
and NO I'm not Justin's dad, just a close friend of the family, in fact I'll give you my name and phone number, so you can feel free to call me at anytime, I wont hide under a mask if you don't.
This will be my last post on this subject , and maybe I did get a little off topic, sorry for that , but I think theres always too side to every story , and I hate to see good people get a bum rap, wheather it be them or someone else, so someone needs to tell the real truth and not just rumors, and I know them, they wont even visit this site , little lone reply to anything.
So lets give them a little respect and I'm sure they'll do the same for you guy's , in fact they've already, by not getting mixed up in all of these postings. they've been told the things that have been posted on here, but yet they refuse to reply, his response to me was , let them talk, everyone has a right to own beliefs, be it right or wrong.
So good luck to JCHS and Paintsville, last I checked , we all call Johnson County home, and should act like it.
so someone needs to tell the real truth and not just rumors

Chill out, what rumor or lie is everyone telling, they posted that he was leaving JCHS and headed to Pville...True.. They said he and his dad are hot heads..... True. They said he was a ballhog...True...They said that the both of them had probs with Coach Starns....True... , I dont believe that there has been any lies told, just people calling a spade a spade. I hope this young man and his family the best.:howdy:
Bluebells , your entitled to your thoughts , no matter how far out in left field they may be.
I'm sure you were born just as perfect as you seem to be, to bad JCHS doesn't have a whole team of your off spring...hahahaha. They'd be loaded, with what I wont say, but they'd be loaded.
jazzy57 Wrote:I don't think Lon would want me to air his health issues, so I wont, however I'll say he's not on his death bed or anything like that, the fact is, they live on a large farm and as most would know if they've seen it, it take's a lot of work to keep up, and with his boys leaving for college in the next couple of years, he's not going to able to do it on his own, so he's been looking for something in town for sometime now, something that will be easier to manage.
and NO I'm not Justin's dad, just a close friend of the family, in fact I'll give you my name and phone number, so you can feel free to call me at anytime, I wont hide under a mask if you don't.
This will be my last post on this subject , and maybe I did get a little off topic, sorry for that , but I think theres always too side to every story , and I hate to see good people get a bum rap, wheather it be them or someone else, so someone needs to tell the real truth and not just rumors, and I know them, they wont even visit this site , little lone reply to anything.
So lets give them a little respect and I'm sure they'll do the same for you guy's , in fact they've already, by not getting mixed up in all of these postings. they've been told the things that have been posted on here, but yet they refuse to reply, his response to me was , let them talk, everyone has a right to own beliefs, be it right or wrong.
So good luck to JCHS and Paintsville, last I checked , we all call Johnson County home, and should act like it.

shew, i was hoping ya really would put it on here...............then come back in a few days jumping on everyone for all the 3 a.m. wake-up calls! hahaha j/k

:zzz: + :phone: = :policeman
hahaha.....I'm not quit as dumb as some people on here.

you're the one that said ya would do it!!

come life on the edge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I said if you all wouldn't hide under your mask , and judging from the stuff I've seen on here, I doubt I could believe you if you did give a name.
it's been fun, but I gotta run, good luck to them and you , I think I need to quit having fun at their expense, I was only trying to be a freind, but I can see this is going no where fast.
Oh what the heck heres my cell number, give me a call at 3:00 am , 424-2791
jazzy57 Wrote:I said if you all wouldn't hide under your mask , and judging from the stuff I've seen on here, I doubt I could believe you if you did give a name.
it's been fun, but I gotta run, good luck to them and you , I think I need to quit having fun at their expense, I was only trying to be a freind, but I can see this is going no where fast.
Oh what the heck heres my cell number, give me a call at 3:00 am , 424-2791

On your post #95, you said that was your last post on this subject.
Obviously not his final post!

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