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Pike Central '07
Jimmy Dugan Wrote:I played against tolsia and belfry last year, tolsia was a better team last year. But I have no clue about the upcoming season.

You play Football???...For ER?
I heard they had someone other than Quirvon running QB. Does this mean that Q is not going to play or they just won't let him because of grades and discipline.
yes the hawks have another qb he is much better... bigger arm and more precise with his throws... he is alos much bigger than q
q will be playin for the hawks he will be playin a slot reciever olny makin the hawks recievers more dangerous...
Rumor has it that Cory Gannon will be PC best player next year. Also heard that he could see some time at QB. At least that is what he is saying.
bigpun Wrote:Rumor has it that Cory Gannon will be PC best player next year. Also heard that he could see some time at QB. At least that is what he is saying.
lol ok suuuuuure....Smile Cool It's like those fishing stories where u swear the fish was 2 feet long lol.
I'm just going by what he said.
bigpun Wrote:I heard they had someone other than Quirvon running QB. Does this mean that Q is not going to play or they just won't let him because of grades and discipline.

They actually have two kids who are now playing QB rather than Q, One is Ethan who is about 6'1 or 2 nice body with one heck of an arm, the problem lies in his footwork which is improving he will b a Senior. The other will be a sophmore I can not remember his name he is about 5'11 if that but is quick as lightning also has a nice arm, he will be Pike Central's scramble QB and will more than likely run the option when they decide to. The sophmore will prob see some time at RB and will be in slot at times as well. This new offence that Pike Central has will really open alot of things up they just have to hope their line stays healthy unlike last season b/c if one kid goes down on that line the QB is going to get pounded.
the hawks will so better than 4-5 they have already started practicing so they will be in real good shape for the pike county bowl
How can they practice its the dead periord. last time i cheacked no team can practice during the dead periord
warriorpride Wrote:How can they practice its the dead periord. last time i cheacked no team can practice during the dead periord

actually your incorrect the dead period begins this coming week...
Mybad, sorry about that.
Can't wait to see the Hawks in the new system. I also sure hope to see Q on the field with a ball in his hands.
You PCC boys better be rady for the pke CO. Bowl, because SV will beat the tar out of you boys. I'm making my prediction now!

SV- 35
PCC- 6

Also by what I've heard fomm PCC players about trying to take out Sv 's QB by cheap shots to his bad knee thta he had operated on. Then you all will have big problems and problems that you punks won't be able to get out of. So just remember that boys.
Sv barley beat PCC last year I dont think they will beat them that bad it will be a good close game. WP's prediction:
warriorpride Wrote:Sv barley beat PCC last year I dont think they will beat them that bad it will be a good close game. WP's prediction:

I said it once I'll say it again SV will blow them out of the water.
Like SV did ER last year??? ya dont count ur chickens before they hatch.
warriorpride Wrote:Like SV did ER last year??? ya dont count ur chickens before they hatch.

what do you mean
kysportsguru Wrote:what do you mean

kysportsguru Wrote:I said it once I'll say it again SV will blow them out of the water.

If by some chance Sv does beat PC it wont be by much, if they even do.
This is a toss up of a game if I ever saw one.
you guys can say what you want on here... somehow valley has got some talent that is ready for the nfl... the way everyone talks on here valley could go and play the pittsburg steelers and win...
so say what you want but we will se come the pike county bowl... even if valley does beat central it WILL NOT BE A BLOW OUT!!!
my perdiction is one of the best game of the year....
kysportsguru Wrote:You PCC boys better be rady for the pke CO. Bowl, because SV will beat the tar out of you boys. I'm making my prediction now!

SV- 35
PCC- 6

Also by what I've heard fomm PCC players about trying to take out Sv 's QB by cheap shots to his bad knee thta he had operated on. Then you all will have big problems and problems that you punks won't be able to get out of. So just remember that boys.

This is probley one of the biggest jokes for a post or prediction that I have ever read in my life. Last year Valley won off of a bad long snap and all of a sudden they are being put on the market for beating PC on the same level as to how Belfry normaly would. I can tell you one thing if Valley beats PC it will be a great game and not a blow out like you predict. By a post like this it is really hard for me to respect your opinion on this topic. Bad Blood not only flows through these two programs but now coaches as well. This has always been one heck of a game, by alot of the talk im beggining to think that Valley is going to go all the way to the regional semis. Valley has some great talent but they are a mediocre team just like PC. Get over it Valley is nothing special all though they have some special talent down in the Valley.

My prediction

PC- 34
Valley- 28

in overtime
Now that seems like a resonable score.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:by alot of the talk im beggining to think that Valley is going to go all the way to the regional semis.
That is comical if you really think SV will make it to semis. They won't make it out of their district let alone their region.
bigpun Wrote:That is comical if you really think SV will make it to semis. They won't make it out of their district let alone their region.

its called sarcasm
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:its called sarcasm
I gotcha.
If i remeber right pcc beat themselves!!!! They had three trys to put it endzone and ended up fumblin or some other mistake. pcc could of blown sv out last year, so what makes these valley punks think they will blow us out??
Hawkman05 Wrote:If i remeber right pcc beat themselves!!!! They had three trys to put it endzone and ended up fumblin or some other mistake. pcc could of blown sv out last year, so what makes these valley punks think they will blow us out??

I got my money of PC, good luck Hawks.
Hawks by a touchdown!!!!
If Josh Preece is gone they will really struggle.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:well this was coming from a player so idk...maybe they were just screwing around...are you 100% sure he did...if so great news but now he MUST get his grades up...

I'm sure he went to camp, just confirmed it with a reliable source. He has also been lifting with them.

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