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03-08-2007, 12:20 AM
Arbys Man Wrote:That Letcher County for ya.
You looking to turn this into something personal?
03-08-2007, 12:37 AM
I'm just curious, where are you people gettin that the capacity for our gym is 2,500 people? I was on the committee to help design the school. Trust me, I would not lie, the gymnasium was built and approved by the fire marshall for 3,500 people. I assure you. The gym is capable of handling the regional tourney. Rumor had it a long time ago that the gym did not have the seating capacity to host a regional tournament. They was just going to let Letcher Central host it one time to welcome the new high school into the region. That is false. The superintendent told me herself that is not true and that KHSAA will permanently place LCC into the 14th region rotation. The rumor came about because KHSAA was looking at an old blue print of the gym at a 3,000 person capacity. When they became aware that KHSAA wouldn't approve them as a regional tournament site they increased it to 3,500 people. The same as many other gyms who gets to host. Of course we wanted it to be bigger. But take a look around, where could we possibly place it? I think the gym is very nice. It has proven to be very adequate during regular season games and handled the first round of the tournament easily.
03-08-2007, 12:42 AM
I know it may seem stupid, but it's only becuase the gym is small and they cant ift 4 teams in it at once.
03-08-2007, 12:42 AM
Powell's gym is big. And the parking is by far the best in the region. They have a parking lot like Wal-Marts and a gravel section and the city park is right next door.
03-08-2007, 09:56 AM
Well--the 1st night is over and I ( along with a lot of other people was VERY impressed).JROTC cadets to help with parking, shuttle buses to transport people from the various parking lots, more than ample seating, satellite concession areas, fresh grilled hamburgers, player introductions under the spotlight, tables for ALL the radio ststions and press to set up, wireless connections for the radio stations, a hospitality room that would make UK blush( lasagna, pasta salad, tacos, mexican rice and beans,cheese balls,ect.) a big screen in the lobby and another big screen in the hospitality room so you don't miss any action, over 40 volunteers helping. It was a class act---only way to describe it. I knew LCC would put on a great show and now it is a fact. If you have anything negative to say now---then apparently you are just someone who looks for something to gripe about. I can't wait to go back tonight and see some more b-ball
03-08-2007, 10:03 AM
I guess they could have played at KCC ----with all the water tanks, and trucks that are in the parking lot. wonder if there would have been enough water to flush the commodes
03-08-2007, 10:06 AM
Windsprint Wrote:I guess they could have played at KCC ----with all the water tanks, and trucks that are in the parking lot. wonder if there would have been enough water to flush the commodes
03-08-2007, 10:13 AM
Windsprint Wrote:Well--the 1st night is over and I ( along with a lot of other people was VERY impressed).JROTC cadets to help with parking, shuttle buses to transport people from the various parking lots, more than ample seating, satellite concession areas, fresh grilled hamburgers, player introductions under the spotlight, tables for ALL the radio ststions and press to set up, wireless connections for the radio stations, a hospitality room that would make UK blush( lasagna, pasta salad, tacos, mexican rice and beans,cheese balls,ect.) a big screen in the lobby and another big screen in the hospitality room so you don't miss any action, over 40 volunteers helping. It was a class act---only way to describe it. I knew LCC would put on a great show and now it is a fact. If you have anything negative to say now---then apparently you are just someone who looks for something to gripe about. I can't wait to go back tonight and see some more b-ball
Well this sounds awesome. Now im looking forward to heading down to LCC tonight.
03-08-2007, 10:55 AM
Well, the 15th region tourney is held in the biggest facility in Eastern Kentucky. At the East Kentucky Expo Center. Between games, all fans are expected to leave their seats after their team plays so the next games fans can get their seats to watch them. I dont see a problem with doing that. They dont have to leave the arena just their seats.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
03-08-2007, 11:13 AM
From what was explained to me last night at LCC--that is basically the same thing they are gonna do----on monday night after the 1st game , the people that have purchased tickets for both games will be allowed to go into the schools spacious lobby ( never having to go outside) until the gym is cleaned. Then they will be allowed back into the gym area ( along with the people that are there for the 2nd game only) without ever leaving the building. Their purpose is to allow fans for the 2nd game to be able to sit together and support their favorite team. may be a minor inconvience but allows for ALL teams to have their fans in the same general areas of the gym. Once again---I was VERY IMPRESSED with the way things were handled last night. Athletic director Ozz Jackson and the rest of the organizers did a terrific job. Hats off to them!!!!!!
03-08-2007, 11:33 AM
Attended the game last night and was very impressed. Going back tonight !! Not to crazy about putting the two teams playing each other on the same side but it seem to work good last night. Very nice gym and love it where no one has to walk around the playing floor to get to their seat. Good job LCC!!
03-08-2007, 01:37 PM
According to softballer KHSAA has no idea what they post on their website. I would think they know how many people these gyms hold.
softballer17 Wrote:This is a joke. Memorial gym or LCC gym couldnt get 3500 in there gym is they was preschools on a class trip. 2500 is the most and that is packing them tight with no room to move.
03-08-2007, 05:22 PM
The fact is LCC is hosting! and They are doing a very GOOD JOB! and let it go at that! I'm sure the POlicy Board will look at every thing after the fact and will determine if LCC should remain in the rotation.( I pesonally thinlk they will). Ozz did the right thing in quizzing others who has hosted a regional tournament and the putting the awnsers together to host a successful round 1. It appears Ozz has dotted all his is' and crossed all his ts'. I as a member of the media thank Ozz and LCC for all the great hospitality!
03-09-2007, 01:11 AM
Oz has done an EXCELLENT JOB with the 14th region tourney and has had as good of an atmosphere of any high school games that I can remember in Regional Tourney play!
03-09-2007, 01:17 AM
I must say that Letcher Central's people were extremely nice to everyone from JBS, and it is greatly appreciated. But I would really like to know the master-mind behind sitting opposing teams on the same side. That's just not smart. Duhh. What is up with that?
03-09-2007, 01:24 AM
Windsprint Wrote:I guess they could have played at KCC ----with all the water tanks, and trucks that are in the parking lot. wonder if there would have been enough water to flush the commodes
Right now it isn't so nice but if we had, had the 14th region tourny there it would look alot different trust me.
But anyways LCC did a great job with everything everybody was nice and i really like that. And i would like to see LCC in the rotation.
03-09-2007, 01:37 AM
I think a lot of people were just a little nervous about the "unknown". Before the tournament started people were acting like it was going to be the worst one ever at Letcher Central. This is not the case. It has ran very smoothly in an organized manner. I think everything will be just fine. Let them get a tourney under their belt and I think you will see a great host in Letcher County Central in their rotations to come. As somebody said above, the hospitality room would make UK blush. I'm suprized AAA hasn't came and gave it a five star rating.
03-09-2007, 01:38 AM
Windsprint Wrote:Well--the 1st night is over and I ( along with a lot of other people was VERY impressed).JROTC cadets to help with parking, shuttle buses to transport people from the various parking lots, more than ample seating, satellite concession areas, fresh grilled hamburgers, player introductions under the spotlight, tables for ALL the radio ststions and press to set up, wireless connections for the radio stations, a hospitality room that would make UK blush( lasagna, pasta salad, tacos, mexican rice and beans,cheese balls,ect.) a big screen in the lobby and another big screen in the hospitality room so you don't miss any action, over 40 volunteers helping. It was a class act---only way to describe it. I knew LCC would put on a great show and now it is a fact. If you have anything negative to say now---then apparently you are just someone who looks for something to gripe about. I can't wait to go back tonight and see some more b-ball
This really has been a great tournament. Letcher Central is an awesome host and their facilities/ammenities are out of this world.
03-09-2007, 03:15 AM
Yeah i agree. The tournament this year was really nice and well done. Letcher Central has a real nice facility.
03-09-2007, 03:22 AM
LetcherCentral23 Wrote:I think a lot of people were just a little nervous about the "unknown". Before the tournament started people were acting like it was going to be the worst one ever at Letcher Central. This is not the case. It has ran very smoothly in an organized manner. I think everything will be just fine. Let them get a tourney under their belt and I think you will see a great host in Letcher County Central in their rotations to come. As somebody said above, the hospitality room would make UK blush. I'm suprized AAA hasn't came and gave it a five star rating.
I wouldn't know anything about the hospitality room since us common people can't go in it.
03-09-2007, 04:02 AM
lcc did a great job.....the only thing i disagree with is sitting the two sets of fans on the same side....
03-09-2007, 05:08 AM
03-09-2007, 10:57 AM
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:Well, the 15th region tourney is held in the biggest facility in Eastern Kentucky. At the East Kentucky Expo Center. Between games, all fans are expected to leave their seats after their team plays so the next games fans can get their seats to watch them. I dont see a problem with doing that. They dont have to leave the arena just their seats.
Yea, I agree
03-09-2007, 12:37 PM
LCC has done an awesome job hosting the tourney. I agree that the teams playing each other should sit on opposite sides!! Everything else has been nice!!! THANKS LCC
03-09-2007, 12:47 PM
I will definately be talking to Oz Jackson concerning the issue. He is a smart man who is willing to take advice and constructive criticism. He will make it right. And as far as the hospitality passes are concerned. I think they can be baught??? I'm not sure of the price though.
03-09-2007, 02:15 PM
I'll have to admit that I was skeptical about how well LCC would do hosting the regional
but in the many years I have attended the 14th regional tournament I have never been more impressed. They have done an excellent job!:thumpsup:
but in the many years I have attended the 14th regional tournament I have never been more impressed. They have done an excellent job!:thumpsup:
03-10-2007, 01:09 AM
I spoke with somebody at Central Office and they did not intentionally mean for the teams to set on the same side. There was some miscommunication within the staff and the placement of their signs for each designated fan section. It will not happen at the semi-finals or the final game.
03-10-2007, 02:39 AM
LetcherCentral23 Wrote:I spoke with somebody at Central Office and they did not intentionally mean for the teams to set on the same side. There was some miscommunication within the staff and the placement of their signs for each designated fan section. It will not happen at the semi-finals or the final game.
THANK YOU!!!!!!! :thumpsup:
Now get me into that hospitality room and i'll be your friend for life!!

03-10-2007, 03:01 AM
The 14th region tournament should only be held at Perry and Knott.
03-10-2007, 01:07 PM
Survivor Wrote:The 14th region tournament should only be held at Perry and Knott.
Your wrong! .... Nuff said!

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