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Would you vote for Hillary?
I don't mean to cause an uproar of all the women on here, just stating my oppinion.
I think you make a very good point BC, I never thought about that.
But still it never hurts people to change and what better way to prove those other countries wrong than to elect a woman and let her kick their ass. I think a woman could run this country better than some of the men we have had. As for the comment about would she be able to send them over when we needed to, yes I think so. Women are smart and they look at things based on the future not just at that moments like men do. They put more careful thought into their decisions and don't just act because somebody pissed off Daddy...
DTfan Wrote:But still it never hurts people to change and what better way to prove those other countries wrong than to elect a woman and let her kick their ass.

Another good point. Just if it would work, that would be great.
Golda Mier, Margret Thatcher, two women who if had been Americans I would cast my vote for in a heartbeat.

Mrs Clinton, however would be the worst thing the democrats could do as a party, paired with Obama.

Our nation is not ready for a woman, and someone who sounds like a terrorist, plain and simple too many people will feel that way, for what ever reason. I dont think parts of our nation will accept them.

I for one would not vote for her, I just dont like her, she reminds me a greasy car salesman.

I would vote for jesse Venturia in a heartbeat because he was the most honest politician I have ever seen. But that is why he cant be President.

The republicans will run Rudy and McCain and if the democrats dont find 2 candidates that can Identify with the people then we will see the republicans hold the White House.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Why put her in? So she can deplete our military to nothing, and let them blow up our buildings and do nothing about it, like her weak as water husband? (World Trade Center 1993) all can say whatever you want about Bush, but he's got guts. Hillary would ruin this how do I say this politely? NO FREAKING WAY.
i guess they didnt run planes into the towers under Bushs watch
that is an excellent point, and thats one i never thought of either, but nonetheless, and excellent point!
BC75 Wrote:I think there are many capibale (sp?) women out there that could sucessfully run this country, but I would be worried if a women got elected. For the simple fact of all the Mid-Eastern Countries that Mis-treat women. This would be a sign of weakness for them, and I think they would try to take advantage of it.
yeah they did...your right....but correct me if im wrong, but didnt Bush DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT??? What did Clinton do? Other than nothing.
The Fan Wrote:i guess they didnt run planes into the towers under Bushs watch
Sure wouldn't.
No. Never.
DTfan Wrote:But still it never hurts people to change and what better way to prove those other countries wrong than to elect a woman and let her kick their ass. I think a woman could run this country better than some of the men we have had. As for the comment about would she be able to send them over when we needed to, yes I think so. Women are smart and they look at things based on the future not just at that moments like men do. They put more careful thought into their decisions and don't just act because somebody pissed off Daddy...
It's a religious thing, they're not going to change even if she does kick their asses. If anything, it will just bring more extremist to terrorist acts.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
DTfan Wrote:But still it never hurts people to change and what better way to prove those other countries wrong than to elect a woman and let her kick their ass.

BFritz Wrote:It's a religious thing, they're not going to change even if she does kick their asses. If anything, it will just bring more extremist to terrorist acts.

Hilary wouldn't kick anyone's ass, she would pull all our troops out of there and let the Middle East do whatever they wanted. She is totally against us being over there as it is. Would it take her bein president and our country get terrorized again for her to realize why we are over there. The risk we as a country would be takin electin her as president are dangerous.

Let's touch base on some other issues here. She is a baby killer for one, she likes two men or women gettin it on Tongueuke: (supports gay marraiges). This woman has got some serious issues.

Like I said earlier, Guilliani runs, he's got my vote. It's nothing against a woman bein president causeI would vote for a woman, should the RIGHT one come along.
Redneck Wrote:Let's touch base on some other issues here. She is a baby killer for one, she likes two men or women gettin it on (supports gay marraiges). This woman has got some serious issues.

Your name on here reflects exactly what kind of person you are. A redneck...get out of Eastern Kentucky or where ever the hell you're from.
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
Cali Wrote:Your name on here reflects exactly what kind of person you are. A redneck...get out of Eastern Kentucky or where ever the hell you're from.

What's that suppose to mean? You mad cause I speak the truth.
THUNDERCHILD Wrote:I don't think so, she's already been in the White House.

I wouldn't vote for her, but she does have an advantage over anyone else running and that would be her 8 years of experience in running the White House.
Bet she learned alot looking like the idiot who was stupid enough to stay with a man like Bill Clinton..I guess in more ways than one also, lol....
Redneck Wrote:What's that suppose to mean? You mad cause I speak the truth.

No, it has nothing to do with speaking the truth. People are going to be gay regardless of who the president is, so you should probably get used to seeing it or hearing about it.
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
Cali Wrote:No, it has nothing to do with speaking the truth. People are going to be gay regardless of who the president is, so you should probably get used to seeing it or hearing about it.

I wasn't saying people would turn gay just because she is the president Rolleyes . If they (bisexuals) wanna go to hell then more power to em, I don't think we need a president that supports something like gay marraiges, it is against the bible you know. The United States of America, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, gay relationships/marraiges doesn't fit in that phrase.
^^^^THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Turn this country back around on it's old beliefs...Prayers before football games, 10 commandments wherever anyone wants to post them...We should be a country that takes no shit and if you do wrong in our country, then you better get ready to pay up and MAKE sure that they don't do it again..Would be hard to steal if you have no fingers left huh..We need a BALLS TO THE WALL PREZ who will not be scared to be vocal and who will not be scared to be sued by whoever. To run this country like AMERICA USE TO BE!!!
if you put Hillary in the White House (again) then you may as well put the ACLU or any other human rights crap in there, because thats exactly what your gonna get. I personally dont care if your gay as long as you dont come at me or my family with it. But since this IS America, I dont have to respect you JUST BECAUSE your gay. Thats MY right, and MY rights work for me the same way it works for those that dont like MY rights. However, I get so tired of seeing it plastered all over the TV screens, and it pisses me off when they force you to accept it, but then they take religious programming off of the air because "its offensive". That absolutely rips at my soul. IMO (and anybody who has religious beliefs) abortion IS wrong, and thats my moral reason for never voting for a democrat. I would never vote for a democrat in a NATIONAL election because just about all my morals wouldnt allow for me too. I own several guns, and there is no way in hell a gun control supporting democrat, like Hillary, is going to try to take them from me, because "she thinks its wrong"..And I agree with Redneck, I like my heat in the winter, and I like the fact that my dad made a good living as a coalminer for 24 years, as well as many other miners around here. You vote for her, you might as well take eastern Kentucky off the map, because we will be forgotten about. I agree with Playboy, what is a 30 second prayer before a football game doing to ruin somebodys life by offending them? Those poor athiests dont care to spend that money or win that money in court (you know, that money that has "in God we trust" all over it). These are also issues supported widespread by democrats. Im not saying all democrats are bad. Because hell, this doesnt mean I wouldnt vote for one in a local election. I have a real problem with religion being taken out of schools, our government buildings, etc..If America is free, why is it wrong to support religion (which the principles of our country was founded on, no less)? Ill tell you this much, if I were President, I would be a flat out NIGHTMARE for any human rights group, and for people like Hillary.
Can't say anything else TidesHoss32..WELL SAID! And anyone that don't agree with it..Get the Hell out of America!
:Clap: GREAT POST TidesHoss. Man that gave me chills. And PLAYBOY, you're right too, if you didn't agree with that get the hell out.
Thanks Bro!
Yea I agree wit ya...Its only a matter of time when the world ends...I mean come on...Animals have more rights than Humans now
Ill vote for you number 12... But seriously.. lets take out the fact that she is woman.. because although im a die hard traditionalist, i do think women can add alot to this world.. and im proud that as a woman i can now express my beliefs without being belittled for it.. Yes Hillary is a woman.. but for a minute.. look at what she believes.. would we vote for a man that had her same background, beliefs, and messed up way of life.. OF COURSE NOT! I for one am proud to be an american. I have a brother that just got back from Iraq and in talking to him have realized that we all need to stop complaining about "our boys" being over there and focus on the reasons why they are.. its because we as americans have made bad choices and elected those into office that have set back and allowed the greatest powerhouse in the world to be laughed at. Its about time someone take control and get something done.. I dont want him to go back but it sure makes me proud to know he'd go back tomorrow if our country needed him.........

Anyone who votes for her should go back to the desert with my brother.. but not have a weapon at their disposal..
I_AM_MARSHALL Wrote:Ill vote for you number 12... But seriously.. lets take out the fact that she is woman.. because although im a die hard traditionalist, i do think women can add alot to this world.. and im proud that as a woman i can now express my beliefs without being belittled for it.. Yes Hillary is a woman.. but for a minute.. look at what she believes.. would we vote for a man that had her same background, beliefs, and messed up way of life.. OF COURSE NOT! I for one am proud to be an american. I have a brother that just got back from Iraq and in talking to him have realized that we all need to stop complaining about "our boys" being over there and focus on the reasons why they are.. its because we as americans have made bad choices and elected those into office that have set back and allowed the greatest powerhouse in the world to be laughed at. Its about time someone take control and get something done.. I dont want him to go back but it sure makes me proud to know he'd go back tomorrow if our country needed him.........

Anyone who votes for her should go back to the desert with my brother.. but not have a weapon at their disposal..

Good post.
How old are you and are you married, lol...???
well well...could we have the first marriage through BGR Smile
I_AM_MARSHALL Wrote:Ill vote for you number 12... But seriously.. lets take out the fact that she is woman.. because although im a die hard traditionalist, i do think women can add alot to this world.. and im proud that as a woman i can now express my beliefs without being belittled for it.. Yes Hillary is a woman.. but for a minute.. look at what she believes.. would we vote for a man that had her same background, beliefs, and messed up way of life.. OF COURSE NOT! I for one am proud to be an american. I have a brother that just got back from Iraq and in talking to him have realized that we all need to stop complaining about "our boys" being over there and focus on the reasons why they are.. its because we as americans have made bad choices and elected those into office that have set back and allowed the greatest powerhouse in the world to be laughed at. Its about time someone take control and get something done.. I dont want him to go back but it sure makes me proud to know he'd go back tomorrow if our country needed him.........

Anyone who votes for her should go back to the desert with my brother.. but not have a weapon at their disposal..
You think when Bill Clinton was in office, noone was laughing at us????

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