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Democrat or Republican?
ba11er_05 Wrote:Republical all the way noway i could be a christian and vote democrat

Are you being serious?

Just because Democrats belive in a womens right that she can choose if she wants to have a kid, that makes them no christian?

See, this steryotypical shit sickens me....You do not have your own views you just go by what everyone else thinks....Honestly, you need to do some serious research and learn some true facts.

And Geroge Bush, yeah great guy we have ....He "says" he is "pro-life" but yet as the ex-govnor of Texas he killed more people with the death Pently then any other goverment in any other state?
Hmm, and dont say a baby is harmless, because if people can put other people to death then why cant a women make a stand and get rid of the baby.

Its not about a man on captil decision.
Its Her, the doctor and God 's decision not anyones else's.

Idiots come on here and run your mouth about stuff you dont know what your talking about.

Good day.
Good post Face.
ba11er_05 Wrote:Republical all the way noway i could be a christian and vote democrat

No way I could be Christian and vote Republican!
im srry everyone thats just the way my dad has taught me and republicans and democrats i apologize sincerely
Are you serious, theres a huge difference in the death penalty and abortion?
The death penalty is given to those who have committed murder, rape, and have broken other laws to the extreme. A baby however is innocent and has no influence on whether or not it is to be murdered.
im more in the middle but swing more with the democrats
Face2Face Wrote:
ba11er_05 Wrote:Republical all the way noway i could be a christian and vote democrat

Are you being serious?

Just because Democrats belive in a womens right that she can choose if she wants to have a kid, that makes them no christian?

See, this steryotypical sickens me....You do not have your own views you just go by what everyone else thinks....Honestly, you need to do some serious research and learn some true facts.

And Geroge Bush, yeah great guy we have ....He "says" he is "pro-life" but yet as the ex-govnor of Texas he killed more people with the death Pently then any other goverment in any other state?
Hmm, and dont say a baby is harmless, because if people can put other people to death then why cant a women make a stand and get rid of the baby.

Its not about a man on captil decision.
Its Her, the doctor and God 's decision not anyones else's.

Idiots come on here and run your mouth about stuff you dont know what your talking about..
just because God allows it to happen doesnt mean he did it. The devil did it. And how can you say a baby isnt harmless, name one thing a baby between the age of 0-1 has ever done to hurt someone, physically or mentally.
FAce2Face.....Dont make threats....Read your Rules.
Im definently Republican. Im sorry but theres no way i support homosexuals, abortion, tree-huggers, tax raisers, and people who want gun control/bans. and theres nothing wrong with the death penalty, if you cant face the consequences dont do the crime. THe death penalty saves each state about 25,000 dollars each year for each prisoner. Thats the cost for one prisoner in a year. Good riddance I say
hawkamania Wrote:Im definently Republican. Im sorry but theres no way i support homosexuals, abortion, tree-huggers, tax raisers, and people who want gun control/bans. and theres nothing wrong with the death penalty, if you cant face the consequences dont do the crime. THe death penalty saves each state about 25,000 dollars each year for each prisoner. Thats the cost for one prisoner in a year. Good riddance I say

Spoken like a true Republican....haha
hawkamania Wrote:Im definently Republican. Im sorry but theres no way i support homosexuals, abortion, tree-huggers, tax raisers, and people who want gun control/bans. and theres nothing wrong with the death penalty, if you cant face the consequences dont do the crime. THe death penalty saves each state about 25,000 dollars each year for each prisoner. Thats the cost for one prisoner in a year. Good riddance I say

So you believe in saving babies but killing grown-ups? And you also dont believe we should control the types of guns normal citizens have? You are discriminatory towards homosexuals and environmentalists? Yeah sounds like a narrow-minded republican to me.
Im sorry to offend you Godfather, but thats just the way I feel, didnt me to offend anybody, just my opinion thats all. Thats what is great about America, freedom of speech, or typing rather. And to me, this country won its freedom with guns and theres no way they should be taken away from me. And yes, I am pretty narrow-minded.
This gun control issue will be carried on to another thread.
suit yourself
hawkamania Wrote:Im definently Republican. Im sorry but theres no way i support homosexuals, abortion, tree-huggers, tax raisers, and people who want gun control/bans. and theres nothing wrong with the death penalty, if you cant face the consequences dont do the crime. THe death penalty saves each state about 25,000 dollars each year for each prisoner. Thats the cost for one prisoner in a year. Good riddance I say

Hopefully you'll never leave Pike County...
^Hah, yeah.
CNN Wrote:
hawkamania Wrote:Im definently Republican. Im sorry but theres no way i support homosexuals, abortion, tree-huggers, tax raisers, and people who want gun control/bans. and theres nothing wrong with the death penalty, if you cant face the consequences dont do the crime. THe death penalty saves each state about 25,000 dollars each year for each prisoner. Thats the cost for one prisoner in a year. Good riddance I say

Hopefully you'll never leave Pike County...

There's no way he'd survive if he did.
You're giving him too hard of a time. There are other people out there with the same exact viewpoints as Hawkamania and they need to be respected just as much as everyone else.
Appreciate 4leaf, at least 2 people have some dignity in here, me and you. Much Thanks. And Im pretty sure Id survive just fine.
Why exactly do you believe the way you do HM?
No, don't answer that here. New thread.

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