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Jason Chappell named Great Crossing Head Coach
I wouldn’t be so sure that all the football players stay at Scott County, got to be some backups that want to start or want a shot at a different position. Just let the dust settle and we will see who he has.
pjdoug Wrote:is Rains going to be the only assistant?

Not sure if that is official but yes that's what I have heard he is the only name that has been mentioned, they might have reached out to a couple of former Scott County players but not real sure. I do no that McKee, the DC and the Dline Coach are the only Coaches in the school they only have 6 Varsity Coaches and all our staying and not another football mind in the school, none of the PE/Health teachers Coach a sport. Most thought the DC was going to take the job but wasn't interested that would have fit like a puzzle and probably could have competed right off the bat some would have followed him but he and McKee are staying not sure they will lose any kids 11-9. Should start the year off as favored to win 5A.
Big Daddy Bull Wrote:Not sure if that is official but yes that's what I have heard he is the only name that has been mentioned, they might have reached out to a couple of former Scott County players but not real sure. I do no that McKee, the DC and the Dline Coach are the only Coaches in the school they only have 6 Varsity Coaches and all our staying and not another football mind in the school, none of the PE/Health teachers Coach a sport. Most thought the DC was going to take the job but wasn't interested that would have fit like a puzzle and probably could have competed right off the bat some would have followed him but he and McKee are staying not sure they will lose any kids 11-9. Should start the year off as favored to win 5A.

I'm a McKee and Little Debbie is,
Coach Rains will be there. Kids do like to win but they also like to play. Scott Co had 81 on their roster. 14 played in all 15 games. 6 more played in 14 games and 8 played in 11-13 games. 53 played in less than 10 games. 13 didn’t play in any game and 15 more played in less than 5 games. I think there will be several willing to switch to play. Heck I bet little McKee would be intrigued throwing 20-25 times a game and running 10-12 times a game as apposed to throwing 4 and running 2.
footballfever Wrote:Coach Rains will be there. Kids do like to win but they also like to play. Scott Co had 81 on their roster. 14 played in all 15 games. 6 more played in 14 games and 8 played in 11-13 games. 53 played in less than 10 games. 13 didn’t play in any game and 15 more played in less than 5 games. I think there will be several willing to switch to play. Heck I bet little McKee would be intrigued throwing 20-25 times a game and running 10-12 times a game as apposed to throwing 4 and running 2.

That's why you have a Freshman, JV, special teams and Start 22 guys that's what the good teams do- Trinity, St X, Male, Boyle, Douglas all have kids that don't play much but they don't transfer for some reason they wait there turn to play, kids are on the sidelines for a reason. I guess I'm to old we seem to live in a world were everybody wants a trophy, and would rather play than win. Football is to hard, and dangerous a sport to try to make kids and parents happy and in the process the Coach lose there jobs. My last post on the matter unless someone post something that I no for a fact is false. Good Luck to both schools football season will be here before you no it.
Spoken like a Scott Co coach or booster who might be a little concerned about what players may be going to the new school. I agree 100% football is hard. Kids want to win but they also want to have a chance to win while playing. I guarantee Coach Rains in taking advantage of this unique situation and talking up Great Crossing Warhawks Football everyday in halls of Scott Co High School.
I a big Coach Chappell and Coach Rains fan and I think they will get things going in the right direction quickly.
footballfever Wrote:Spoken like a Scott Co coach or booster who might be a little concerned about what players may be going to the new school. I agree 100% football is hard. Kids want to win but they also want to have a chance to win while playing. I guarantee Coach Rains in taking advantage of this unique situation and talking up Great Crossing Warhawks Football everyday in halls of Scott Co High School.
I a big Coach Chappell and Coach Rains fan and I think they will get things going in the right direction quickly.

Just a fan brother- I hope both teams are really good wouldn't bother me one bit I just no football talent doesn't run that deep in Georgetown/Scott like some think I'm just a old fart who been aroun awhile, but for some just off the wall facts Scott County High had 66 kids start in Football last season 22- Frosh, 22 JV, and 22 Varsity thats a lot to me, that's why they are good, with the new school in a few years will be just 2 mediocre teams. Yes hard to see the run slowly end
Jim Mckee has done a great job, but he has also benefited from being one of the largest public schools in the state. Being the AD at the school he coaches, and having three different successful middleschool football teams feed his program from middle school. There are a lot of advantages he has built on his own and benefited from.. Not trying to down play anyone's success. However, now a lot of that is gone. Scott Co. Middle, Georgetown, and Royal springs were all competitive middle schools but are not as dominant as previous years.. and were beaten by better teams and programs.

Now those teams will stay together and not all be mixed up and forced to compete for spots and playing time as before.. this in itself will be the biggest change. My guess is they will have a few good years in 5a off of previous momentum, and fade as the time goes. I don't think they will just go away and be a bad team but more vulnerable to down years.

I hope they prove me wrong.
Options are a beautiful thing.... kids will have options now. Like I said it will not be business as usual at Scott County.
Big Daddy Bull Wrote:That's why you have a Freshman, JV, special teams and Start 22 guys that's what the good teams do- Trinity, St X, Male, Boyle, Douglas all have kids that don't play much but they don't transfer for some reason they wait there turn to play, kids are on the sidelines for a reason. I guess I'm to old we seem to live in a world were everybody wants a trophy, and would rather play than win. Football is to hard, and dangerous a sport to try to make kids and parents happy and in the process the Coach lose there jobs. My last post on the matter unless someone post something that I no for a fact is false. Good Luck to both schools football season will be here before you no it.

You don't feel like you are winning in bad programs full of politics, where you kill yourself in practice every day, and stand on the sideline watching kids play on the field that had missed half the practices the week before because their daddy is a big shot Confusednicker: . The "misfits" want a little playing time. They don't want to practice for years and stand on the sideline. They can watch from the sidelines in street clothes.
footballfever Wrote:Spoken like a Scott Co coach or booster who might be a little concerned about what players may be going to the new school. I agree 100% football is hard. Kids want to win but they also want to have a chance to win while playing. I guarantee Coach Rains in taking advantage of this unique situation and talking up Great Crossing Warhawks Football everyday in halls of Scott Co High School.
I a big Coach Chappell and Coach Rains fan and I think they will get things going in the right direction quickly.

That is definitely a great duo to start a program with.
Well looks as if the question was answered last night at the meet and greet. Right at 60 players signed up and 25 or so from SC team. Well, Well.....
Hearing bringing a coach or two with him, had a couple of really good young coaches.
AnswertheBell Wrote:Well looks as if the question was answered last night at the meet and greet. Right at 60 players signed up and 25 or so from SC team. Well, Well.....

Dude that is 100% simple not true. Nice crowd but mainly middle schoolers and parents. Lets just wait until August then we will all see. I hope both teams have a winning season time will tell.
Has there been anything published about his coaching staff as of recently?
Paul Rains is his DC.
barrel Wrote:Paul Rains is his DC.

Correct, ran into them at Nike Clinic, seem to have most of the staff lined out. Going to be interesting to see how year one goes.
70 kids showed up last night for their 1st team function.
That’s pretty good numbers for year one. I wonder what the breakdown was as far as grades.
I would also like to see the breakdown of those numbers, news I get locally are not as good as what I read or see from the Warhawk posters.
Go to their twitter account and look at the workout videos, stop the warm up and count. Numbers are correct. Are folks shocked or concerned?
The state is scared to death!
Nobody said scared, you alluded to the fact that numbers were wrong ,when they aren't.
AnswertheBell Wrote:Nobody said scared, you alluded to the fact that numbers were wrong ,when they aren't.

I asked to see the break down of the numbers. That has still not surfaced. I seen some nice kids in the videos, I have a close friend who has a son that attends them.
FCSPY Wrote:I asked to see the break down of the numbers. That has still not surfaced. I seen some nice kids in the videos, I have a close friend who has a son that attends them.

This what I have heard from multiple people, and from a Coach, so guys don't hold me to this- these numbers are from this year not next, these are the kids that were actually on Scott County's team last year- 5 Juniors, 1 Soph, 5 Freshman( Scott County doesn't let Freshman dress for Varsity). The others I want to say are about 10-15 8th graders maybe more and the rest are kids from the High School that were either ineligible or haven't played before. Time will tell its getting close, all the talking is about over.
Scott Co does dress and play freshman on the varsity level. There haven’t been many but it does happen. Hudson and Covington both played as freshman I’m pretty sure. Davis at QB I’m pretty sure did too. With their numbers and approach to developing players it is not common. They aren’t a school to dress freshman to give an inflated look of opposing numbers but if a freshman is good enough to play they dress him.
Big Daddy Bull Wrote:This what I have heard from multiple people, and from a Coach, so guys don't hold me to this- these numbers are from this year not next, these are the kids that were actually on Scott County's team last year- 5 Juniors, 1 Soph, 5 Freshman( Scott County doesn't let Freshman dress for Varsity). The others I want to say are about 10-15 8th graders maybe more and the rest are kids from the High School that were either ineligible or haven't played before. Time will tell its getting close, all the talking is about over.

Not even close, come out tonight and watch and go through a Q and A with Coach Chappell. He will break it down for you so that you can post the correct info. 6 pm This is our 6th one and the numbers have been exceptional, so come get the correct info.
barrel Wrote:Scott Co does dress and play freshman on the varsity level. There haven’t been many but it does happen. Hudson and Covington both played as freshman I’m pretty sure. Davis at QB I’m pretty sure did too. With their numbers and approach to developing players it is not common. They aren’t a school to dress freshman to give an inflated look of opposing numbers but if a freshman is good enough to play they dress him.

Yes, you are correct- I knew that but its so few that's why I said that, but yes those guys even started except Davis
[quote=AnswertheBell]Not even close, come out tonight and watch and go through a Q and A with Coach Chappell. He will break it down for you so that you can post the correct info. 6 pm This is our 6th one and the numbers have been exceptional, so come get the correct info. [/QUOTE
Dude, if I'm wrong I'm sorry just what I have been told by multiple people that have been to a couple of workouts also heard the numbers drop every week. I just tried to give FCSPY some info that no one else would. Well go ahead and break the numbers down for us then, like you were ask. Really doesn't even matter, folks can judge for themselves soon enough, Still would like to see your breakdown though.

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