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Shelby Valley 87 Knott County Central 57
My apologies. It must be sweet tooth, because ur mashed taters appear super sensitive. Someone call the dentist, too much consistent winning by Knott!
Talked to a couple guys at that game..and heard they played without Khalil Slone..Was only down by 7 and was told coach subbed out his two bigs, B. Couch and McGuire..left them out for 4 minutes or something they said and the lead jumped to 16 and after that, Knott basically quit...Thier point guard struggled that game for some reason, Whitaker is better than that..I would like to see a re-match game with Knott firing on all cylinders..probably would still get beat, but don’t think it would have been the beat down they got..would have hated to be at their practice after that one..only time will tell if they can pull it together when it counts
I don't think anyone in the east ky is 30 points better than Knott Co, Shelby Valley has had a great start to the season though; would like to see these teams square off again in they future; but KCC will be fine.
roundballer Wrote:Talked to a couple guys at that game..and heard they played without Khalil Slone..Was only down by 7 and was told coach subbed out his two bigs, B. Couch and McGuire..left them out for 4 minutes or something they said and the lead jumped to 16 and after that, Knott basically quit...Thier point guard struggled that game for some reason, Whitaker is better than that..I would like to see a re-match game with Knott firing on all cylinders..probably would still get beat, but don’t think it would have been the beat down they got..would have hated to be at their practice after that one..only time will tell if they can pull it together when it counts

I hope that's not the case. That's about the worst thing you can say about a team. When a team quits when they are behind it's a character issue not a talent issue.
I agree..hopefully they have learned a lesson from the loss and can grow from it..Breathitt plays them tonight..guess we will see how they come out and play
This brings up another pet peeve of mine, coaches who quit on their team during a lop-sided lose. I notice a lot of coaches set on their butts like a bump on a log when they are down 25 points. However, when they are ahead by 25 they are up shouting instructions, making adjustments, etc. like they are the second coming of Bobby Keith. Shouldn't it be the opposite?

This reminds me of a funny story about the coach of my high school back in the mid 70s. In one game Red Bird (yes Red Bird) was ahead of my school by about 15 points. The coach called time out and said, "I'm done with you boys. Just do whatever the hell you want to." The point guard started coaching the team just like he was the head coach. In a matter of minutes my school had pulled even with Red Bird. The head coach jumps up and started making adjustments again and shouting instructions. Our school lost by about 15 after that.
[Image:] Bolz the ole Pats never give up baby! All part of the plan for the lil ones to grow! SV hit us like a mutha and King gave the boys a teaching lesson Big Bizness style! Looky the ole Pats dont roll down for nobody! The ole school song still plays on boi! #schoolsonggetsmeverytime #buffalowildwingsshootoutwasatrappy #bouncebackwideopen More mash taters please!!!
Looks like Shelby Valley might be the to beat in this region.
14th and 15th are wide open regions. I wouldn't be surprised if both of these teams make it to Rupp nor would I be if neither made it.

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