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Franklin Simpson 14 Johnson Central 12 (4A State Championship)
ram-97 Wrote:What is this I am hearing one of the red wives dressed in blue and white rooting for FS 😳🤫🤭🤔

What a red wife ...kinda sounds like your a sore loser
It’s always message board dream when Matney has a mic in front of him after a big game loss. “We have had several kids recruited out of our program and we are fighting for our very existence.”- Jimmy Matney
2000 phs !!! Tells us where you are from haha
Ballbuster Wrote:2000 phs !!! Tells us where you are from haha

I’m from the great county of Johnson? What’s your point?
For the record, I was pulling for JC to win this game. I respect the heck out of what JC has accomplished. However, this is a message board and he was pure gold with that statement!
ram-97 Wrote:Don’t eat crow FS got one handed to them!!

Completely disagree. FS was the best team. Give them their props.
FS won the game fair and square. They were the better team just like they were last year and JC was the year before. When you win people are going to hate.
2000PHS Wrote:It’s always message board dream when Matney has a mic in front of him after a big game loss. “We have had several kids recruited out of our program and we are fighting for our very existence.”- Jimmy Matney

Mr cold74 Wrote:What a red wife ...kinda sounds like your a sore loser

I wonder if red means referee Confusednicker:
2000PHS Wrote:For the record, I was pulling for JC to win this game. I respect the heck out of what JC has accomplished. However, this is a message board and he was pure gold with that statement!

He baffled with BS :biglmao:
Mcats10 Wrote:FS won the game fair and square. They were the better team just like they were last year and JC was the year before. When you win people are going to hate.

Actually people were hating when the first bogus call was made. After a couple more it became clear what was happening.
PorterPanthers Wrote:Actually people were hating when the first bogus call was made. After a couple more it became clear what was happening.

it's pretty clear that Johnson Central lost.
PorterPanthers Wrote:Actually people were hating when the first bogus call was made. After a couple more it became clear what was happening.

Poor fellas. If JC was as good as y’all were touting them to be a couple of “bogus calls” wouldn’t matter. Y’all were the BEST that was going to win by 35. The real deal is that y’all got beat fairly by a better team.
I cant believe the amount of sore losers I've seen from several of the championship games.
Mcats10 Wrote:Poor fellas. If JC was as good as y’all were touting them to be a couple of “bogus calls” wouldn’t matter. Y’all were the BEST that was going to win by 35. The real deal is that y’all got beat fairly by a better team.

The real deal is that the game was dead even. 2 scores by each team. One team converted their extra points and one team didn’t. But when two scores are wiped away inexplicably, anyone would wonder. A couple of “bogus calls” do matter when it wipes away two touchdowns.
PorterPanthers Wrote:The real deal is that the game was dead even. 2 scores by each team. One team converted their extra points and one team didn’t. But when two scores are wiped away inexplicably, anyone would wonder. A couple of “bogus calls” do matter when it wipes away two touchdowns.

Sorry you feel they were bogus. However....both looked pretty legit from where I was. Just an impartial bystander. I know it hurts. Believe me, Belfry fans know all about disappointment in championship games.....but truth of the matter is, FS looked like the better team on the field....and the scoreboard.
OutlawJoseyWales Wrote:Sorry you feel they were bogus. However....both looked pretty legit from where I was. Just an impartial bystander. I know it hurts. Believe me, Belfry fans know all about disappointment in championship games.....but truth of the matter is, FS looked like the better team on the field....and the scoreboard.

imagine the pain of not making it to a championship game. Franklin-Simpson won this game, and should be congratulated.
OutlawJoseyWales Wrote:Sorry you feel they were bogus. However....both looked pretty legit from where I was. Just an impartial bystander. I know it hurts. Believe me, Belfry fans know all about disappointment in championship games.....but truth of the matter is, FS looked like the better team on the field....and the scoreboard.

I’m not saying JC got cheated out of a championship. I thought the game looked pretty even. Franklin-Simpson got the long end of the stick on two questionable calls. In that particular game, those calls happened to have mattered. I’m not hurt I’m just saying that two big touchdowns were wiped away and in some eyes it was legit and in some eyes it wasn’t. When the masses disagree that’s the definition of controversy. So there were in fact two controversial calls in the game. That’s the real fact of the matter.
pjdoug Wrote:imagine the pain of not making it to a championship game. Franklin-Simpson won this game, and should be congratulated.


FWIW Dougie....Despite all the back and forth with the Belfry comments.....I truly hope your team makes to one and you get to enjoy the exhilaration and build up of the moment. From the celebration after the semi-state game to the opening kickoff.....the feeling is practically indescribable. When you have a kid in the middle of’s just that much sweeter. I have to or lose....the experience is something that I truly wish every player who has strapped on a helmet and sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears could experience. I never got the chance as a player....but I have as a fan and parent. I feel blessed for that experience 🙏👍🏼
PorterPanthers Wrote:I’m not saying JC got cheated out of a championship. I thought the game looked pretty even. Franklin-Simpson got the long end of the stick on two questionable calls. In that particular game, those calls happened to have mattered. I’m not hurt I’m just saying that two big touchdowns were wiped away and in some eyes it was legit and in some eyes it wasn’t. When the masses disagree that’s the definition of controversy. So there were in fact two controversial calls in the game. That’s the real fact of the matter.

Can you explain how they were questionable? I have no dog in the fight at all, I just watched the game streaming. However, they showed multiple replays of the fouls and I'm curious why you think they were questionable. Do you know what the calls were? It was not a block in the back call as some have said on here. The 1st call, I believe was on a punt, was an illegal blindside block. The 2nd call was a roughing the passer foul. I highly doubt that you continued to watch the QB after the pass was thrown, so I doubt very seriously that you even saw that call. Let's say you did though, please explain the plays, what you saw, and what makes them questionable. I'm just curious.

As you can see from my user name, I'm not the biggest fans of officials. But that doesnt mean that they're all bad and all calls are wrong. So, please explain your point of view.
OutlawJoseyWales Wrote:👍🏼Agreed👍🏼

FWIW Dougie....Despite all the back and forth with the Belfry comments.....I truly hope your team makes to one and you get to enjoy the exhilaration and build up of the moment. From the celebration after the semi-state game to the opening kickoff.....the feeling is practically indescribable. When you have a kid in the middle of’s just that much sweeter. I have to or lose....the experience is something that I truly wish every player who has strapped on a helmet and sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears could experience. I never got the chance as a player....but I have as a fan and parent. I feel blessed for that experience 🙏👍🏼

Thanks. I've experienced too much blood,sweat and tears Smile
Ref Devil Wrote:Can you explain how they were questionable? I have no dog in the fight at all, I just watched the game streaming. However, they showed multiple replays of the fouls and I'm curious why you think they were questionable. Do you know what the calls were? It was not a block in the back call as some have said on here. The 1st call, I believe was on a punt, was an illegal blindside block. The 2nd call was a roughing the passer foul. I highly doubt that you continued to watch the QB after the pass was thrown, so I doubt very seriously that you even saw that call. Let's say you did though, please explain the plays, what you saw, and what makes them questionable. I'm just curious.

As you can see from my user name, I'm not the biggest fans of officials. But that doesnt mean that they're all bad and all calls are wrong. So, please explain your point of view.

Ok so the first call was an illegal blind side block. By rule, for that to be called, a player must be recognized as “peeling back” to make a block when the block is determined to be far enough behind the play that it isn’t necessary. I also watched the replays on the jumbotron and streaming. That’s not what happened so that was the more devastating of the two.
I also rewatched the second call so yes I watched the QB after the pass was thrown. Two JC players coming in from the right of the QB and one made contact as the ball was being released while the other made contact just after, before the QBs arm was even following through his throw.
PorterPanthers Wrote:Ok so the first call was an illegal blind side block. By rule, for that to be called, a player must be recognized as “peeling back” to make a block when the block is determined to be far enough behind the play that it isn’t necessary. I also watched the replays on the jumbotron and streaming. That’s not what happened so that was the more devastating of the two.
I also rewatched the second call so yes I watched the QB after the pass was thrown. Two JC players coming in from the right of the QB and one made contact as the ball was being released while the other made contact just after, before the QBs arm was even following through his throw.

Again.....sorry JC lost. I know Jim...and I know several JC fans. Good folks. However....both calls in real time, slo-mo, Jumbotron, and any other way you want to view it....appeared to be legitimate calls. Obviously, some JC fans are gonna be upset....and honestly, I get it. But from someone who used to ref, and now just “question” the refs 😂😂😂.....they looked spot on.
OutlawJoseyWales Wrote:Again.....sorry JC lost. I know Jim...and I know several JC fans. Good folks. However....both calls in real time, slo-mo, Jumbotron, and any other way you want to view it....appeared to be legitimate calls. Obviously, some JC fans are gonna be upset....and honestly, I get it. But from someone who used to ref, and now just “question” the refs 😂😂😂.....they looked spot on.

Well I have still images of both but can’t put them on here and believe me, they weren’t spot on. Especially the blind side block. Even in real time that was easy to see it was a good block.
How do you say having 2 TD call back does not impact the game.
PorterPanthers Wrote:The real deal is that the game was dead even. 2 scores by each team. One team converted their extra points and one team didn’t. But when two scores are wiped away inexplicably, anyone would wonder. A couple of “bogus calls” do matter when it wipes away two touchdowns.

The “Bogus calls” aren’t bogus if the infractions were made and obviously they were or the referees wouldn’t have called them. I don’t either of those refs went out there and said we are cheating the JC kids out of their championship. The infractions were on the eyes of the beholder. Just because you didn’t see them with your bias eyes doesn’t mean they didn’t happen. Congrats to FS!!
First off, congratulations to both teams for making it to the finals....I think we can all agree that the 2 best teams in class 4A were represented at Kroger Field. I also believe that in every contest there is a winner and a loser...that's the way it is
..that's the way it's always been. Human factors must be taken into account in any competition...sometimes those things go your way, sometines they don't. That's how we get better people, that's how we learn, from our mistakes.There was alot of human behavior on display in our game....excitement, frustration, anger, athleticism, strength, resilience, responsibility, etc. That's why we love sports...they put on display the very best of human traits.
I am extremely disappointed that we lost, and I agree with the old Knute Rockne quote,"Show me a good and gracious loser and I'll show you a failure." Of course we get upset...if you're okay with losing, if just good enough is acceptable to you, then we cannot reach new heights. Losing, in most cases, is a powerful motivator for competitors.
My son, #1 for JC, was on the bad end of both those calls...but we've always taught him that if you stay disciplined and take care of business you completelely eliminate any role the officials have in the outcome. If we needed the officials help to win that game, I would have just as soon lost. We've always taught him to win on his own merit...not to seek favouritism or look for special treatment. There is no reward, no honor in a victory like that.
The Wildcats were well prepared. Most times my son said they were calling out our plays as we approached the line of scrimmage. That's good prep by the kids and coaching staff. Franklin Simpson deserves the credit, they bent but didn't break in the Red Zone. We had our opportunities, we squandered them away. I tip my cap to the players and coaches from Franklin Simpson for their efforts in making this the best of the 3 games we've played. I have nothing but love and respect for our left it all on the field, just as you should have...for that reason, have no regrets. For our future Eagles...keep the tradition strong...stay the course...keep the faith. The new season starts TODAY!!!!
Mcats10 Wrote:The “Bogus calls” aren’t bogus if the infractions were made and obviously they were or the referees wouldn’t have called them. I don’t either of those refs went out there and said we are cheating the JC kids out of their championship. The infractions were on the eyes of the beholder. Just because you didn’t see them with your bias eyes doesn’t mean they didn’t happen. Congrats to FS!!

Well a camera’s eyes aren’t biased and it’s clear the crack back block call was ridiculous. You obviously haven’t been reading all of this thread. So everything refs do and say is gospel? Please man if it was reversed you’d feel the same way.
PorterPanthers Wrote:Ok so the first call was an illegal blind side block. By rule, for that to be called, a player must be recognized as “peeling back” to make a block when the block is determined to be far enough behind the play that it isn’t necessary. I also watched the replays on the jumbotron and streaming. That’s not what happened so that was the more devastating of the two.
I also rewatched the second call so yes I watched the QB after the pass was thrown. Two JC players coming in from the right of the QB and one made contact as the ball was being released while the other made contact just after, before the QBs arm was even following through his throw.

No, you dont know what the rule says cause it doesnt say any of that at all. Where are you getting your rule info from? I think you should look up the rule yourself and not what you hear cause that is not anywhere close to what the rule says about illegal blindside blocks. Look up the rules and I think you'll have a different opinion. But to each his own.
PorterPanthers Wrote:Well a camera’s eyes aren’t biased and it’s clear the crack back block call was ridiculous. You obviously haven’t been reading all of this thread. So everything refs do and say is gospel? Please man if it was reversed you’d feel the same way.

I’ve read every post. I watched the game live and I have seen the replay and I did and do believe the calls were the right calls. If the roles were reversed I would hope I would be hurt and frustrated, and not looking to cast blame on another human because my team did lose. My thoughts are that if JC had taken care of business in the red zone those td’s would not have mattered. JC left either 12 or 28 points off the boards because they didn’t score in those trips. The reason they didn’t score was because of FS.
It’s like and employee that has seven times to be absent a year and on the eighth time they get released from their duties. The employee uses 7 of them fishing and then the on the eighth time they have to be off because of sickness and they get fired, management is wrong because they fired them because they were legitimately sick. NO! It was the other seven times of not doing the right thing is what got them fired.
If JC had scored on just one of those drives they would have one, but they didn’t. I did not have a son playing on either team, but the best team won Saturday night in Lexington.
Congrats to FS.
Also, congrats to JC for a great season. It didn’t end the way you wanted, but let it motivate you to get better on and off the field and not bitter.

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