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05-23-2017, 10:24 AM
Bob Seger Wrote:I would venture to say that 90% of all republicans detest John McCain...I can see why dems, like yourself, love him.
My point exactly: for all the love shown Ronald Reagan, the Republican Party circa 2017 would, in many ways, hardly be recognized by him. John McCain says, "It is troubling" about the firing of Comey, but adds, "we need to know all the facts." Then, in the Hannity-Fox world, he is viewed as a traitor. A veteran who suffered immensely as a POW is viewed as a traitor by his own party. That's dicey, Bob.
05-23-2017, 10:39 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:My point exactly: for all the love shown Ronald Reagan, the Republican Party circa 2017 would, in many ways, hardly be recognized by him. John McCain says, "It is troubling" about the firing of Comey, but adds, "we need to know all the facts." Then, in the Hannity-Fox world, he is viewed as a traitor. A veteran who suffered immensely as a POW is viewed as a traitor by his own party. That's dicey, Bob.
O horseshit, McCain has used and exploited his capture to his political advantage....McCain is an evil, greedy, and selfish opportunist..Since his realization of his current state of irrelevance, he is shifting his desperate attempt of shock jockery into high gear to gain attention and split the party he says he represents. It takes a fool not to figure that out...Ask his ex-wife and kids what kind a low life he really is..
05-23-2017, 10:48 AM
Bob Seger Wrote:O horseshit, McCain has used and exploited his capture to his political advantage....McCain is an evil, greedy, and selfish opportunist..Since his realization of his current state of irrelevance, he is shifting his desperate attempt of shock jockery into high gear to gain attention and split the party he says he represents. It takes a fool not to figure that out...Ask his ex-wife and kids what kind a low life he really is..
"McCain is evil..."
Reagan's 11th Commandment is defunct. ALL veterans turned politicians use military service to their advantage. All those with flat feet, rich, political dads, and Oxford scholarships got deferments and dance around that to get elected.
05-23-2017, 10:58 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"McCain is evil..."
Reagan's 11th Commandment is defunct. ALL veterans turned politicians use military service to their advantage. All those with flat feet, rich, political dads, and Oxford scholarships got deferments and dance around that to get elected.
ala Bill Clinton, John Fogerty?
05-23-2017, 11:01 AM
Bob Seger Wrote:ala Bill Clinton, John Fogerty?
Yes on Clinton. I know Fogerty wrote the song, but he joined a Reserve unit and got out in '67. His take was that the rich get into wars then draft the poor to fight them.
05-23-2017, 04:43 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I suspect you are unhinged: yet again, the response to "Gut" was a partly in jest request for clarification on why "stupid dems," having been a driving force in establishing globalism, would be its first victims. Just following the logic of "Gut," if "stupid Dems" help usher in the "666" king and kingdom, so to speak, wouldn't it be odd to argue, given Revelation, that they, having received the mark presumably, would be first killed? That's all the response was: not an exposition on globalism, but a partly in jest request for clarification.
So you again start a post with another near overdose of Projection before you rationalize your way through a detour referencing distantly relevant details in order to make it seem that though caught blowing smoke, you actually have mastery of the subject? Some would call that damage control.
This is what you said to Gut over his warning about the emergence of globalism; "So, it is your claim that "globalization" (a word large enough in use to hold several meanings) is the "number one threat to democracy and our way of life."
In saying this you were both mocking his knowledge, and liberal in your guileful representation of the 'several' innocuous meanings of globalism. But do explain to us there professor, how that globalism could exist in any sort of real sense and yet not be a threat to national sovereignty--- globally. That is in the context of any of the many areas of impact you say that the word 'globalism' might be used.
Diving off into the mark of the Beast was a little premature for this conversation, don't you think? The 'mark' will not be given until antichrist has attained full power, likely after the first three and a half years of his seven year reign. The issue was man's slide into globalism. In example, Barack Obama described Globalization as 21st Century thinking. And after all, was it not he who insisted that large scale war had been relegated to the past thanks to man's own evolved sensibilities? 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 (KJV) " 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."
Ironically in the context of this conversation Barack did get one thing right, globalization is in fact 21st Century thinking. And as to the coming horror, he did all he could to grease the slide for the fulfillment of prophesy. But though he enabled globalism and did everything he could to inextricably weave or otherwise interface the workings of our nation into the whole cloth of globalism, Mr Obama's entire contribution to history was nonetheless, merely his preordained role according to God's plan. Thus though I did not like Obama and was glad to see him go, I would have never supported protests be they in the form of assault, arson, property damage, or in any of the other disrespectful ways we see going on right now. Neither would I have offered any online guile filled rationalizations as to why such anarchy is justifiable, even honorable in the annals of American behavior, worthy to be applauded. Such actions are in real terms subversive and destructive IMHO.
As compared to the other nations, America is not completely innocent, though I believe she has for the most part been honorable in her dealings and was God's choice to lead the spreading of the Gospel. Of late things have changed noticeably though, the courts have legalized abortion and homosexual misdeed, and our leaders have insisted that the government must be completely separated from the guidance and wisdom of the Scriptures and therefore the Church. The affect has been chilling on our system of law for since we turned our backs on God and therefore the authority to govern, we have seen social behavior erode into comparative chaos, and our federal government has declared war on itself. Thus my down the drain analysis.
But there will be one more great awakening to the things of God from among the nations, as many will be saved before the Great Tribulation takes place. As I said, it was my hope owing to the voter having at last passed on more of the same in the form of yet another RINO or another flaming-lib-Democrat last time around, that that meant God was not yet done with us and we might still be blessed enough to have a part in His work to that end. I still believe that is a possibility but I can categorically tell you this. If this land returns to her error and elects another candidate who openly advocates for abortion and legalized homosexual marriage, the odds that He will use this country are not good at all. Therefore, the idea that both sides do the same thing though loosely applicable is hogwash. Conservative America have been forced to capitulate to the evil of social justice via forced conscription at the hand of the left who have no compunction to abuse the power of whatever office they hold. Be the office legislative or judicial.
No this war of evil and good must be fought on two fronts. We Christians are bound to be good stewards of the Gospel first, but we are bound to be civic minded example second, speaking out against that which is not right as defined by God. There will be no sausage making at Marriage Supper or the Great White Throne Judgment.
05-23-2017, 05:40 PM
⬆ Just one point: the key is that "globalization" does have many meanings. I assumed "Gut" meant one world government. And, the whole point of my post still stands, no matter your zealous desire to stretch it into a form that suits your purposes.
05-23-2017, 06:29 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ Just one point: the key is that "globalization" does have many meanings. I assumed "Gut" meant one world government. And, the whole point of my post still stands, no matter your zealous desire to stretch it into a form that suits your purposes.
Fine then. Care to expound a little on your categorical generalization about the many meanings of globalization, or are you reluctant to extricate yourself from the comfort and cover offered by your 'key' ambiguity?
05-23-2017, 06:43 PM
Some folks talk ecomony and say "globalism" (trade, commerce, high finance). Some folks talk natural resource management and need for unilateral agreements and talk "globalism." Some folks look at the United Nations as a positive post WW II effort to avoid WW III through dialogue and negotiation and call it "globalism." Then, some have a very specific thing in mind when they reference "globalism": one world government and the antichrist. Now, I readily accept that folks who refer to "globalism" this way often look at those other things as signs of "one world government" based on their "take" on biblical prophesy. However, none of this was remotely the purpose of the post in question, a post that asked "Gut" to clarify how and why "stupid Dems" would be the first presumed sacrifices at the altar of a system they, presumably, ushered in. Now, TRT, I see you used it for a launching pad for posts that, on other forums, would get moved to the religion section, but that's all you did.
05-23-2017, 07:31 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Some folks talk ecomony and say "globalism" (trade, commerce, high finance). Some folks talk natural resource management and need for unilateral agreements and talk "globalism." Some folks look at the United Nations as a positive post WW II effort to avoid WW III through dialogue and negotiation and call it "globalism." Then, some have a very specific thing in mind when they reference "globalism": one world government and the antichrist. Now, I readily accept that folks who refer to "globalism" this way often look at those other things as signs of "one world government" based on their "take" on biblical prophesy. However, none of this was remotely the purpose of the post in question, a post that asked "Gut" to clarify how and why "stupid Dems" would be the first presumed sacrifices at the altar of a system they, presumably, ushered in. Now, TRT, I see you used it for a launching pad for posts that, on other forums, would get moved to the religion section, but that's all you did.
You only want to be exposed to truths of which you have some level of comfort, that has been obvious for some time. There's nothing wrong with opening up one's eyes completely to a certain subject, that is unless he has a political ideology he's trying to protect.
I hardly see the legitimacy of your compartmentalizations. Gut said and I concur, that globalism is the harbinger, the thinking if you will, that ushers in a certain consciousness. Globalism is the result of interfacing super computers and the 24/7 news loops among other things. Ironically the king of Saudi Arabia for example, seems to be more informed of this President's stand on the issues facing the Arab World nations, than are the people of the US whom he represents. I used the Biblical reference to this time, Daniel 12:3-4 (KJV)
"3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."
as transitory link on the matter to make the point in more profound terms. After all, knowledge doubled every century at the time of our founding, whereas at present it doubles every 13 months and soon owing to the build-out of the internets it will double every 12 hours. Knowledge is increased old friendo. And Scriptural truth never takes on the Deist/agnostic slant of your advocacy. Never does Scripture, especially prophesy, take a separate fork in the road from world affairs.
But as always, you took offense and reacted negatively as is again evidenced in your protestations of my statements. Protestations which you ironically attribute to religious grievance, and then there is your clever attempt of subliminal messaging to the mods that my comments should be restricted to the religious forum. You'd love to think those imagined malleable masses on here would follow you around like a bunch of little ducks then huh?
05-23-2017, 07:39 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:You only want to be exposed to truths of which you have some level of comfort, that has been obvious for some time. There's nothing wrong with opening up one's eyes completely to a certain subject, that is unless he has a political ideology he's trying to protect.
I hardly see the legitimacy of your compartmentalizations. Gut said and I concur, that globalism is the harbinger, the thinking if you will, that ushers in a certain consciousness. Globalism is the result of interfacing super computers and the 24/7 news loops among other things. Ironically the king of Saudi Arabia for example, seems to be more informed of this President's stand on the issues facing the Arab World nations, than are the people of the US whom he represents. I used the Biblical reference to this time, Daniel 12:3-4 (KJV)
"3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."
as transitory link on the matter to make the point in more profound terms. After all, knowledge doubled every century at the time of our founding, whereas at present it doubles every 13 months and soon owing to the build-out of the internets it will double every 12 hours. Knowledge is increased old friendo. And Scriptural truth never takes on the Deist/agnostic slant of your advocacy. Never does Scripture, especially prophesy, take a separate fork in the road from world affairs.
But as always, you took offense and reacted negatively as is again evidenced in your protestations of my statements. Protestations which you ironically attribute to religious grievance, and then there is your clever attempt of subliminal messaging to the mods that my comments should be restricted to the religious forum. You'd love to think those imagined malleable masses on here would follow you around like a bunch of little ducks then huh?
Amusing, as you and Bob count hands raised. "Malleable masses"? On BGR? Laughable.
Now, let's see, you and "Gut" are of the "globalization consciousness" crowd: that would be the one world government/ antichrist group, right? That sees these other manifestations of globalism all of a piece, a mosaic leading to apocalypse tile by tile, according to prophecy? That's cool, brother, but it simply was not the gist of my post.
As to "subliminal" stuff, I spoke plainly and truly: on a lot of forums many of your posts would get moved to the religion section. I have zero belief that will happen on BGR, and that's A-OK by me.
05-23-2017, 07:46 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Amusing, as you and Bob count hands raised. "Malleable masses"? On BGR? Laughable.
Now, let's see, you and "Gut" are of the "globalization consciousness" crowd: that would be the one world government/ antichrist group, right? That sees these other manifestations of globalism all of a piece, a mosaic leading to apocalypse tile by tile, according to prophecy? That's cool, brother, but it simply was not the gist of my post.
As to "subliminal" stuff, I spoke plainly and truly: on a lot of forums many of your posts would get moved to the religion section. I have zero belief that will happen on BGR, and that's A-OK by me.
Ah, a lucid moment breaks the dark overcast of relativity like golden rays of the sun on an otherwise cloudy day.
05-23-2017, 07:53 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Ah, a lucid moment breaks the dark overcast of relativity like golden rays of the sun on an otherwise cloudy day.
"And in the red corner, prancing about the ring with arms thrust upward, the King of Pomposity, the Peacock of Pretext, the Pontificater of Projection... T R T."
05-23-2017, 11:49 PM
I love the budget Mr. President put out today.
Looks like the takers are gonna have it rough.
Cuts to FAKE climate change.
It's beautiful.
Looks like the takers are gonna have it rough.
Cuts to FAKE climate change.
It's beautiful.
05-24-2017, 12:53 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"And in the red corner, prancing about the ring with arms thrust upward, the King of Pomposity, the Peacock of Pretext, the Pontificater of Projection... T R T."
So, you've totally given up on any pretense of coming up with your own material I take it? But then it is understandable that you, who has his opinions given to him by others in the first place, would lack the drive it takes to keep spinning the work of his opposing posters around in a fashion that makes it seem as if you have your stuff together.
05-24-2017, 12:59 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:So, you've totally given up on any pretense of coming up with your own material I take it? But then it is understandable that you, who has his opinions given to him by others in the first place, would lack the drive it takes to keep spinning the work of his opposing posters around in a fashion that makes it seem as if you have your stuff together.
Blah, blah, blah
05-24-2017, 11:55 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"And in the red corner, prancing about the ring with arms thrust upward, the King of Pomposity, the Peacock of Pretext, the Pontificater of Projection... T R T."
I guess that's what the reigning world champion of common sense has the right to do, huh Geraldo?
05-24-2017, 03:41 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:I guess that's what the reigning world champion of common sense has the right to do, huh Geraldo?
Ah, a chime in from a guy who should be suspended.
08-29-2017, 10:44 AM
Gitback Coach Wrote:No, he INHERITED millions of dollars from daddy.
We have ELECTED a mess.
Inherited millions....
Made billions.
What have you done with your inheritance?
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