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Stats for the state
What difference does it matter if she's been to 3 different schools? Stats don't lie.
Lindsey Profitt named WYMT Single Game Scoring Record Holder this morning...39 points vs Breathitt
Here's the bottom line. A player only has a few short years to play highschool ball. If a kid is talented enough that they have a chance at obtaining a scholarship, then his or her parents need to make the best decision for the child in order to get the scholarship. Can a player transfer too much? Absolutely! And yes, it can hurt a player in the long run, however, in this case, looks like mom and dad have made the best decision for Proffitt. She's a strong player on a strong team and it's paying off. Tbh, I think Whitney Creech would have benefitted from a transfer to a better program than Jenkins was. If Creech had had a player like Hall on her team....could you imagine?? Just my two cents.
kygamer Wrote:Here's the bottom line. A player only has a few short years to play highschool ball. If a kid is talented enough that they have a chance at obtaining a scholarship, then his or her parents need to make the best decision for the child in order to get the scholarship. Can a player transfer too much? Absolutely! And yes, it can hurt a player in the long run, however, in this case, looks like mom and dad have made the best decision for Proffitt. She's a strong player on a strong team and it's paying off. Tbh, I think Whitney Creech would have benefitted from a transfer to a better program than Jenkins was. If Creech had had a player like Hall on her team....could you imagine?? Just my two cents.

Couldn't agree more
Spot on, shes a great player and this is an example of parwnts doing whats best, or at least what they believe will benefit their child in the long run. Who could blame them?
So... the bottom line is that a player should always do what's best for THEM.. i get your point.... That's what everyone seems to be doing. I personally was thrilled to see Whitney Creech stay at Jenkins. That may have been the best thing that ever happened to the Jenkins sports program .. and they made the finals of the region .. She may have gathered more exposure and possibly benefited her scholarship possibilities had she left , but she chose to honor the place she lived. To me, that was refreshing to see
She also missed out on playing in the state tournament, winning miss Ky and signing with a big time school. All of which she is very deserving. It would have been in her best interest to transfer. That's what all of us should have on our minds.. The best interest of the kids.
It is sad ,but true. The new way of thinking is T E I A M !! There is an"I" in team after all. The reality is "how good can mine look and what can me and mine get out of it"? It's a shame.
You can thank AAU basketball for that
That's true Dr.
Conductor Wrote:So... the bottom line is that a player should always do what's best for THEM.. i get your point.... That's what everyone seems to be doing. I personally was thrilled to see Whitney Creech stay at Jenkins. That may have been the best thing that ever happened to the Jenkins sports program .. and they made the finals of the region .. She may have gathered more exposure and possibly benefited her scholarship possibilities had she left , but she chose to honor the place she lived. To me, that was refreshing to see

I also respected her for staying at Jenkins. And yea it probably did benefit her to stay at Jenkins, to reach "I"ndividual stat records. Which would support some of the opinions of other posters. If someone transfers they want better playera around them to help reach the ultimate goal, a STATE CHAMPIONSHIP or at least a chance to reach the state tourney. No thing wrong with either route. I do not think that Proffitt is as selfish as you all are making her out to be. No t noy is she a good scorer she can also handle the ball and pass well. I'd say that her weakest attribute would be speed, but makes up for that with her BBALL IQ/decision making and skills set. BTW it was not a bash on Creech because she is the best high school player ive ever seen personally and most dominant individual player (boys or girls). If a player chooses to stay like Creech or move to find a "positive" environment to play in, like Proffitt, I have no issue with either. Jealous parents of other players make it hard for players like Proffitt to to excel and reach/demonstrate their full potential as does staying in a place like Jenkins because Creech never really learned how to be a distributor because she always had to be the workhorse on the boards and at the rim. She tended to have to reat a little on the defensive side to have the energy to last the entire game and stay out of foul trouble.

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