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Corbin at Knox central
64SUR Wrote:My opinion don't count much but I'm glad to see knox County passing more....If you want to make a run in playoffs you haveto have a passing game. Confusederiously:

64 rumors have it that you are going to SERVE THE LEGEND UP
ROCKSOLID69 Wrote:Prayer's going out to Knox community. Just found out a young lady close to the knox program lost her life to soon.

Yes. Miss Reagan Warren.

I believe the Panther Nation lost this young lady way too soon.

Prayers for them!!
cherokee Wrote:64 rumors have it that you are going to SERVE THE LEGEND UP

you got that right pj doug about the coach
thanks rock solid she was a great person
knox fan Wrote:you got that right pj doug about the coach

is the coach on the hot seat? or is that just a rumor?
heard some rumors
I am VERY sorry to hear about the young lady passing away. I believe that she is the younger cousin of a young lady that my eldest son and Football1's eldest are friends with if I am correct. Her cousin moved closer to Barbourville during college to be near her during her illness according to my son. I'll let my son know about it this evening when I see him. Prayers to her family from ours.
knox fan Wrote:heard some rumors

I don't know what sort of rumors are flying around Knox County, but, in my honest opinion you all would be crazy to get rid of Scotty Russel. Who would replace him? Even if you disagree with some of his play calls and his player calls, I don't see anyone waiting in the wings that would do a better job than he does now. The guy seems knowledgeable enough and he is definitely dedicated to his program. It was just last week before the Rockcastle game that people were reminding about the time he outsmarted the Rock coaches with the spread offense in 2011.
You might find yourself in the same boat that currently sits on top of Log Mountain if he is pushed out if you know what I mean. Then everyone looks at the administration shaking their heads and fingers and lamenting how the good head coach was shafted. That is just one opinion from an outsider looking in. I might not have a clue.:Shaking:
pjdoug Wrote:Mr. Diamond in the Rough, I think you're a good man even if i talk trash with you sometimes.
PJ - It's all good fun. I appreciate folks who take an interest in HS sports. I have enjoyed this board over the years. God bless.
Dave Diamond
Pound High School Class of '89
Union College Class of '93
U.S. Army Class of '97

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." -Galations 2:20
papagrit Wrote:I am VERY sorry to hear about the young lady passing away. I believe that she is the younger cousin of a young lady that my eldest son and Football1's eldest are friends with if I am correct. Her cousin moved closer to Barbourville during college to be near her during her illness according to my son. I'll let my son know about it this evening when I see him. Prayers to her family from ours.
She and her family are amazing. Her untimely death has been a shock and painful reminder to us all at how fragile and precious life is. There are no words to properly convey what losing such a beautiful and talented and loving 18 year old means to our community.
papagrit Wrote:I don't know what sort of rumors are flying around Knox County, but, in my honest opinion you all would be crazy to get rid of Scotty Russel. Who would replace him? Even if you disagree with some of his play calls and his player calls, I don't see anyone waiting in the wings that would do a better job than he does now. The guy seems knowledgeable enough and he is definitely dedicated to his program. It was just last week before the Rockcastle game that people were reminding about the time he outsmarted the Rock coaches with the spread offense in 2011.
You might find yourself in the same boat that currently sits on top of Log Mountain if he is pushed out if you know what I mean. Then everyone looks at the administration shaking their heads and fingers and lamenting how the good head coach was shafted. That is just one opinion from an outsider looking in. I might not have a clue.:Shaking:
Coach Russell is a fine coach and a fine man. He loves his players and sets a good example on and off the field.

Being honest - we have all criticized his play calling as predictable. In the stands you often hear "here comes the run, run, pass, punt" offense. And at times that appears to be true. To his credit, he has mixed it up more and more over the years from my perspective. We still fail to utilize play action and TE's way too much since our run attack must be respected - which would make PA highly effective. But if that is the worst that can be said of a coach - you have a winner.

Any talk of replacing Coach Russell is ridiculous. This has been a tough year where we have not met expectations. But injuries and team drama account for much of that. Losing Catron and Renfro was like losing 4 All State players. I stand by him 100%.
Dave Diamond
Pound High School Class of '89
Union College Class of '93
U.S. Army Class of '97

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." -Galations 2:20
I would wait to see what Russell does with this incoming Freshman Class before doing anything.

The Panthers took a huge blow when Carton got hurt. He was literally their only HB with home run ability. Knox Central is closer than some think. Just have to find way to develop team speed and athleticism a little better. They always have the size.
Football1 Wrote:PJ - It's all good fun. I appreciate folks who take an interest in HS sports. I have enjoyed this board over the years. God bless.

Dougie can be a bite in the tail at times for some on here. Always been pretty funny to me. I've had some of my best laughs on here from his quotes and other's quotes about him. The latest enlightenment was finding out he lives in his Mom's basement. Something about the softer side of Sears or maybe it was J.C. Penney's. :biggrin: You go Dougie! Confusednicker:
I meant to say we use play action and TE passing way too little. LOL.
It makes me happy to know that Knox Central is not resting players. Knox-Corbin should always be a great game.
papagrit Wrote:I don't know what sort of rumors are flying around Knox County, but, in my honest opinion you all would be crazy to get rid of Scotty Russel. Who would replace him? Even if you disagree with some of his play calls and his player calls, I don't see anyone waiting in the wings that would do a better job than he does now. The guy seems knowledgeable enough and he is definitely dedicated to his program. It was just last week before the Rockcastle game that people were reminding about the time he outsmarted the Rock coaches with the spread offense in 2011.
You might find yourself in the same boat that currently sits on top of Log Mountain if he is pushed out if you know what I mean. Then everyone looks at the administration shaking their heads and fingers and lamenting how the good head coach was shafted. That is just one opinion from an outsider looking in. I might not have a clue.:Shaking:

As a Rocket fan, I would love for Knox Central to fire Scotty Russell. Big Grin
Granny Bear Wrote:Yes. Miss Reagan Warren.

I believe the Panther Nation lost this young lady way too soon.

Prayers for them!!

My prayers are with the Warren family. Some things are just bigger than football.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:I would wait to see what Russell does with this incoming Freshman Class before doing anything.

The Panthers took a huge blow when Carton got hurt. He was literally their only HB with home run ability. Knox Central is closer than some think. Just have to find way to develop team speed and athleticism a little better. They always have the size.

Yes I watched there 8th grade play last weekend they have a really good bunch coming in next year and good size
papagrit Wrote:Dougie can be a bite in the tail at times for some on here. Always been pretty funny to me. I've had some of my best laughs on here from his quotes and other's quotes about him. The latest enlightenment was finding out he lives in his Mom's basement. Something about the softer side of Sears or maybe it was J.C. Penney's. :biggrin: You go Dougie! Confusednicker:

I've done my job Confusednicker:
This young woman's story is too special not to share. If the parents or someone close to her wants me to remove this link to her obituary, I will certainly oblige. In 18 years of life she accomplished more than many of us will our entire lifetimes.

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