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Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal
Hoot Gibson Wrote:There has never been a bigger liar in the White House than Barack Hussein Obama - not Nixon and not even Bill Clinton. Twicers must really enjoy being on the receiving end of bad lies. Regardless of whether one believes that Obama is a liar in a league of his own or totally incompetent and unaware of his surroundings, he is the worst president of all time and the gap between him and Jimmy Carter gets wider each time Obama opens his mouth, reaches for his pen, or reaches for his phone.

How many of you fools who voted for Obama twice believe that he: a) never received an email message from Hillary Clinton during the four years that she was his Secretary of State or b) only learned that Hillary used only a personal email account to conduct government business through "news reports?"

Obama believes that you are stupid and if you believe his latest lie, then you are proving him right yet again. :lmao:

The TWICERS are never going to step up about this matter or any other save it were to impact directly on the freebies they love so much. The one and only reason they come out to dog pile on Republicans is because Dems have told them time and again, that said Republicans stand in the way of those handouts. Which situation has created the ultimate irony here in the US. That being the fact that Dems are using the tax dollars of folks who sent Republicans to the Congress to buy the allegiance of the afore mentioned class of dependents in order to maintain the power necessary (elected office) to thwart the political interests of conservatives. These dependents are a highly prized commodity among Dems, who will readily attack the integrity of any who would suggest that they should go to work for what they want and need. Be that Dr Ben Carson, the Tea Party, the Republicans, whoever. I mean, did not Nancy Pelosi get up on national television and rationalize the slothful as aspiring artists? :please:

Of course he has received daily emails from the Secretary, that was my first though when I heard our President say he first learned about the matter along with the rest of us.

As to Bob Menendez. Most of the time, as in the case when Harry Reid falsely accused Mitt Romney of not paying any taxes for an entire decade from the floor of the US Senate, Dems only slime their Republican counterparts. But, when Dems like Menendez dare to break ranks we see how they are subsequently treated. This deal with Iran will happen. The openly critical (of the Iran deal) Senator Menendez has a few temporary credibility issues to deal with right now. :eyeroll:
TheRealThing Wrote:The TWICERS are never going to step up about this matter or any other save it were to impact directly on the freebies they love so much. The one and only reason they come out to dog pile on Republicans is because Dems have told them time and again, that said Republicans stand in the way of those handouts. Which situation has created the ultimate irony here in the US. That being the fact that Dems are using the tax dollars of folks who sent Republicans to the Congress to buy the allegiance of the afore mentioned class of dependents in order to maintain the power necessary to thwart the political interests of conservatives. These dependents are a highly prized commodity among Dems, who will readily attack the integrity of any who would suggest that they should go to work for what they want and need. Be that Dr Ben Carson, the Tea Party, the Republicans, whoever. I mean, did not Nancy Pelosi get up on national television and rationalize the slothful as aspiring artists? :please:

Of course he has received daily emails from the Secretary, that was my first though when I heard our President say he first learned about the matter along with the rest of us.

As to Bob Menendez. Most of the time, as in the case when Harry Reid falsely accused Mitt Romney of not paying any taxes for an entire decade from the floor of the US Senate, Dems only slime their Republican counterparts. But, when Dems like Menendez dare to break ranks we see how they are subsequently treated. This deal with Iran will happen. The openly critical (of the Iran deal) Senator Menendez has a few temporary credibility issues to deal with right now. :eyeroll:
As for Bob Menendez, there is no doubt in my mind that he is a sleazeball, just as the Justice Department says he is. This is the same lowlife that had close and personal relationships with underaged girls in the Dominican Republic a few years ago. A Republican would have been crucified and forced to resign under the same circumstances.

My problem is that, as creepy as Menendez is, he was safe from prosecution for any crime until he criticized Obama. Given his background, you have to give Menendez some points for political courage. I would love to see Obama and Menendez become cell mates, but there are certainly much more corrupt politicians than Menendez in Congress whose careers are safe as long as they rubber stamp Obama's policies and continue to help cover up his crimes.
Trey Gowdy will get to the bottom of Benghazi and the email scandal if anybody does.

vector Wrote:if this would happen under obamas watch they would burn a cross in the white house lawn


If what would happen? Try stringing two or three coherent sentences together. Nobody wants to seven linked articles and then try to guess what point you were trying to make.

Obama has enjoyed the most gentle handling by the press and the most respectful Congressional investigations in U.S. history, considering what a total mess he has made of everything that he has touched. He should have stayed in the Senate and stuck to golf.

Do you have any thoughts...on a Secretary of State exclusively using a private server set up in her home to conduct official government business?
UH vector, you do realize that cross burning is associated with the KKK down in the deep south way back during the early 20th century, right?

Since every one of the links you cited deal directly and specifically the rise of Islamic terror, I'm having a bit of trouble making the connection.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If what would happen? Try stringing two or three coherent sentences together. Nobody wants to seven linked articles and then try to guess what point you were trying to make.

Obama has enjoyed the most gentle handling by the press and the most respectful Congressional investigations in U.S. history, considering what a total mess he has made of everything that he has touched. He should have stayed in the Senate and stuck to golf.

Do you have any thoughts...on a Secretary of State exclusively using a private server set up in her home to conduct official government business?

TWICER alert is blaring!
they might even take his head off
TheRealThing Wrote:UH vector, you do realize that cross burning is associated with the KKK down in the deep south way back during the early 20th century, right?

Since every one of the links you cited deal directly and specifically the rise of Islamic terror, I'm having a bit of trouble making the connection.
You are going to confuse the poor fellow. Confusednicker:

I would add that the Democrats founded the KKK, and I believe that the last KKK member to serve in national office was none other than former Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of his local KKK chapter, former U.S. Senate Majority Leader, and lifelong Democrat Robert Byrd.
TheRealThing Wrote:TWICER alert is blaring!
He will proudly be a thricer if he gets the opportunity. I wonder what the twicers' response would be if Obama signed an executive order requiring everybody to henceforth call him Barack the First.
all jokes aside

Obama gets 240 marines killed in Lebanon

teams up with bin Laden and Saddam Hussein to fight wars for us

trades wepons to iran for hostages

got over 3 thousands americans killed on us soil

started a war on lies of wmds

now put that in your little brains and imagine if this would have happened

know remember you impeached slick willy for a blow job
No response, huh, vector? Just a bunch of worn out, mostly discredited socialist talking points. If you don't want to defend Hillary's private email server and accounts and you don't want to agree that she acted negligently at best and criminally at worst, why not just sit this thread out?

So far, you have not contributed anything except your feeble attempts at diversion to this thread. Granted, when one is best known as TRV's online sidekick, expectations are not very hide, but your contributions still fall short.

Focus, focus, you have an opinion on the OP?
As much as Hillary's followers would like to wish this scandal away, it has long legs because many liberal Democrats are hoping that something derails her candidacy. All this woman had to do was serve honorably as Sec. of State for four years while not breaking any laws and she would have undoubtedly been the Democratic nominee. Hillary was just unable to break old habits, even for a shot at returning to the White House.

Quote:Emails May Be a Key to Addressing 'Pay-to-Play' Whispers at Clinton Foundation
There are not two Clinton controversies. There is one big, hairy deal.

March 8, 2015 "Follow the money." That apocryphal phrase, attributed to Watergate whistle-blower "Deep Throat," explains why the biggest threat to Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential dreams is not her emails. It's her family foundation. That's where the money is: corporate money, foreign money, gobs of money sloshing around a vanity charity that could be renamed "Clinton Conflicts of Interest Foundation."

What about the emails? Hillary Clinton's secret communications cache is a bombshell deserving of full disclosure because of her assault on government transparency and electronic security. But its greatest relevancy is what the emails might reveal about any nexus between Clinton's work at State and donations to the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation from U.S. corporations and foreign nations.

Under fire, Bill Clinton said his namesake charity has "done a lot more good than harm"—hardly a ringing endorsement. One of his longest-serving advisers, a person who had worked directly for the foundation, told me the "longtime whispers of pay-to-play are going to become shouts."
vector Wrote:
Colin Powell had a government email account and he has a personal account, as every government employee I know does. I have a government email account, too, and I have a couple of personal email accounts, but I know better than to use them to conduct government business. Hillary is not a smart woman. She has ridden her husband's coattails about as far as they will take her.
vector Wrote:know remember you impeached slick willy for a blow job

Well, if he could have gotten his mind off his willy and on his oath of office. Maybe he'd have pulled the trigger when he had bin Laden in his sights and CIA operatives would not be authoring books like "Dereliction of Duty"
Hoot Gibson Wrote:As much as Hillary's followers would like to wish this scandal away, it has long legs because many liberal Democrats are hoping that something derails her candidacy. All this woman had to do was serve honorably as Sec. of State for four years while not breaking any laws and she would have undoubtedly been the Democratic nominee. Hillary was just unable to break old habits, even for a shot at returning to the White House.

In reading your link the thing that stands out to me is that the article was written by someone who is both fan and friend, writing the following; "I can tell you almost 30 years of stories about their entitlement, outsized victimization, and an aggravating belief in the ends justifying the means."

Now, if anything ever validated the complaints about the Clinton's 'above the law' sense of personal privilege, that does. And BTW, that end justifies the means mentality has imprinted itself on the entire Democratic Party.
Wow, guess I need to catch up. As dispicable as Slick Willy was with his extra-martial sexual deviated affairs, I thought the impeachment was because he perjured himself in a Congressional hearing.

Guess I need to determine what the definition of "is" is.
TheRealThing Wrote:In reading your link the thing that stands out to me is that the article was written by someone who is both fan and friend, writing the following; "I can tell you almost 30 years of stories about their entitlement, outsized victimization, and an aggravating belief in the ends justifying the means."

Now, if anything ever validated the complaints about the Clinton's 'above the law' sense of personal privilege, that does. And BTW, that end justifies the means mentality has imprinted itself on the entire Democratic Party.
I agree, TRT. Liberals tolerate and celebrate behavior by Democrats that quickly brings condemnation and demonization when done by Republicans. I fear that Republicans like Boehner and the other RINOs in Congress have taken a "if you can't beat them, join them" approach to politics and are behaving in ways that are becoming indistinguishable from their Democratic counterparts.

For example, of the potential GOP presidential candidates who spoke at a campaign event in Iowa this weekend, then only one who did not tailor his message to please the supporters of ethanol subsidies was Ted Cruz. The pandering that Walker, Bush, and the other Republicans engaged in reminded me of Obama's behavior on the campaign trail. Cruz pointed out the environmental damage done by ethanol, ethanol's effect on food and gas prices, and called the subsidies corporate welfare that should be ended.

Bill and Hillary Clinton pioneered the art of lying, flip-flopping, obstructing justice, concealing evidence, while also avoiding accountability for their actions. I still have a hard time believing that Hillary withheld the Rose Law firm files about Whitewater that had been under subpoena for months and then a maid found them on her coffee table in the residence section of the White House. If she had been prosecuted for withholding those files, I doubt that she would have set up her own personal email server to avoid public scrutiny of her correspondence.
Granny Bear Wrote:Wow, guess I need to catch up. As dispicable as Slick Willy was with his extra-martial sexual deviated affairs, I thought the impeachment was because he perjured himself in a Congressional hearing.

Guess I need to determine what the definition of "is" is.
Liberals never get tired of lying about why Clinton was impeached, Granny. Not only do they excuse Clinton's pathetic affair with a barely legal intern, they think that he was justified in lying under oath to a federal judge. That is why they keep saying that he was impeached over an affair. The fact is, he was disbarred and paid a heavy fine, in addition to being impeached.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Liberals never get tired of lying about why Clinton was impeached, Granny. Not only do they excuse Clinton's pathetic affair with a barely legal intern, they think that he was justified in lying under oath to a federal judge. That is why they keep saying that he was impeached over an affair. The fact is, he was disbarred and paid a heavy fine, in addition to being impeached.

Exactly right. And the reason he had the courage to act in such manner, first by looking into that camera and stating in the strongest terms that he "did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky" and second by telling Congressmen and judges a more palatable though perjurious version of the events, is because as the writer of your article said, he just feels "entitled."

And I would add, if I don't time out. We can look back on that day as the official date of innocence lost. From that time of once heralded personal scruples necessary to be considered fit for public service, we have spiraled into oblivion and lying to gain an edge means nothing.
Duplicate post
Is there a worse liar on the planet than Hillary Clinton? Her explanation of not having a government email account because it is too inconvenient to carry two devices makes no sense to anybody who is familiar with the capabilities of a modern cell phone. Blackberries are best of class when it comes to managing multiple email accounts on a single device. I have my Blackberry Playbook tablet configured to manage three different email accounts. The email client on the current Blackberry phones is supposed to be even better.

What kind of phone does Hillary have? A Blackberry, of course.

Hillary's clumsy handling and unforced errors with her mishandled email accounts reminds me of how she handled the Rose Law files on Whitewater that had been subpoenaed months earlier. In case you don't recall how that went down, a maid discovered a box of files on the coffee table in the Clinton's private living room in the White House. The files just magically appeared in one of the most secure locations in the world and Hillary claimed to have no knowledge of how the records got there.

Hillary is lucky that she married Bill Clinton - he is the only reason that she has not spent much of her life behind bars or wearing an ankle device to keep the rest of us safe.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Is there a worse liar on the planet than Hillary Clinton? Her explanation of not having a government email account because it is too inconvenient to carry two devices makes no sense to anybody who is familiar with the capabilities of a modern cell phone. Blackberries are best of class when it comes to managing multiple email accounts on a single device. I have my Blackberry Playbook tablet configured to manage three different email accounts. The email client on the current Blackberry phones is supposed to be even better.

What kind of phone does Hillary have? A Blackberry, of course.

Hillary's clumsy handling and unforced errors with her mishandled email accounts reminds me of how she handled the Rose Law files on Whitewater that had been subpoenaed months earlier. In case you don't recall how that went down, a maid discovered a box of files on the coffee table in the Clinton's private living room in the White House. The files just magically appeared in one of the most secure locations in the world and Hillary claimed to have no knowledge of how the records got there.
Hillary is lucky that she married Bill Clinton - he is the only reason that she has not spent much of her life behind bars or wearing an ankle device to keep the rest of us safe.

It's enough to make a grown man pull his hair out. I remember the day that news story broke, and I remember there was very little skepticism from media outlets. Normal people were left standing there, to look at each other incredulously with their mouths hanging open but, all-in liberal media types just winked and went on about their business.

Then some years later, I remember Senator Hillary leading the charge to invade Iraq, along with certain other notable Dems; namely, Dianne Feinstein, Barbra Boxer, John Kerry and Harry Reid. These same Dems later led the charge to blame George W for the war in Iraq while dodging their own responsibility. Then there was Benghazi, and now the entire body of her emails while Secretary of State, all of which (presumably after her speech at the UN), have been gone thru and culled at her discretion.

In other words and as far as I can tell, if one is willing to allow the afore mentioned Democrats to frame and define what all manner truth is, is, for them, the Dems have a voter registration form with his/her name on it. Or in still other terms, what is the quintessential political oxymoron? Bonafide Democrat!
I just love it when lying politicians argue with each other. Two half truths don't result in the whole truth. Hillary is correct in saying that when she sent email messages to government employee addresses that they were immediately "captured," but she was trying to leave us with the impression that those email messages were automatically archived. Email messages are saved on the server and retrieved by the email client but normally email messages are not automatically archived.

I have auto-archiving set up on my government computers, but I still occasionally delete spam and error messages before they are archived. Other systems may be different, but if I wanted to delete email messages before the archival agent ran, those messages would not be easily recoverable. However, on a government computer, I do not have the access privileges necessary to delete messages in a way that would make it impossible to recover.

On my computer, if I plug a cell phone into a USB port and click the wrong button, I will receive a visit from the head of my department and a stern warning not to connect a device capable of storing data to my workstation again. This has not happened to me, but it did happen to a couple of my coworkers.

In Hillary's case, she had total control over her email messages. She was free to delete files using utilities that would make recovering her messages impossible by overwriting the erased portions of her hard drives with random patterns of data. If she wanted to make absolutely certain that she destroyed any evidence of wrongdoing, then she could remove hard drives, strike them with a sledge hammer, and expose them to a strong magnetic field.

However, it is a really, really stupid idea to destroy evidence of email messages that you sent to other people if their email accounts were hosted on government servers that were not under your own control. That is why some members of her staff also had email accounts on Hillary's private server.

It is ironic that a political hack like Hillary Clinton is in hot water for destroying email messages because she was fired by her Democratic boss for unethical behavior in the Watergate investigation. She wanted to crucify Nixon by any means necessary for engaging in the same type of behavior of which she is guilty. As they say, karma is a Hillary.

State Department challenges Clinton claim that emails to officials ‘immediately’ saved
TheRealThing Wrote:It's enough to make a grown man pull his hair out. I remember the day that news story broke, and I remember there was very little skepticism from media outlets. Normal people were left standing there, to look at each other incredulously with their mouths hanging open but, all-in liberal media types just winked and went on about their business.

Then some years later, I remember Senator Hillary leading the charge to invade Iraq, along with certain other notable Dems; namely, Dianne Feinstein, Barbra Boxer, John Kerry and Harry Reid. These same Dems later led the charge to blame George W for the war in Iraq while dodging their own responsibility. Then there was Benghazi, and now the entire body of her emails while Secretary of State, all of which (presumably after her speech at the UN), have been gone thru and culled at her discretion.

In other words and as far as I can tell, if one is willing to allow the afore mentioned Democrats to frame and define what all manner truth is, is, for them, the Dems have a voter registration form with his/her name on it. Or in still other terms, what is the quintessential political oxymoron? Bonafide Democrat!
It is amazing what elected public officials and their political minions get away with at work - even compared to career bureaucrats who are almost impossible to fire from a job. A person of Hillary's low moral character working as a government contractor would be escorted to the door by security within a matter of days. In fact, it is unlikely that she could pass an honest background check. She certainly would not qualify for a security clearance, given her shady past and associations with known criminals.

Yet, here she is - the leading contender for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party.
Did Hillary really vote to send our troops into Iraq?

Find out here...

Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is amazing what elected public officials and their political minions get away with at work - even compared to career bureaucrats who are almost impossible to fire from a job. A person of Hillary's low moral character working as a government contractor would be escorted to the door by security within a matter of days. In fact, it is unlikely that she could pass an honest background check. She certainly would not qualify for a security clearance, given her shady past and associations with known criminals.

Yet, here she is - the leading contender for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party.

Yeah, here she is alright. I mean, have you ever seen a bigger firestorm regarding the actions of record, about any candidate? Romney's biggest uh-oh was in referring to the 47%. Howard Dean's biggest was his "scream speech." LOL, those seemingly innocuous slips wouldn't make the tiniest static speck on the Hillary Clinton radar screen. Even the Democrat party's loyal right arm, the Associated Press, has sued her to gain access to her personal/Sec of State, email account. If I heard the reporting correctly, there were over a billion emails generated during that four year period and, slightly over 7 thousand were 'deemed' state business. The combined scandals represented by Benghazi, her dotted past, and now email-gate, will provide enough by way of cannon fodder, that even the prone to fail GOP should pull one out in 2016.

I don't know if her team has picked out the music for her 'run' yet. But, I would suggest there is one song lyric that is particularly apt by the Eagles. "You can't hide your lying eyes, and your smile is a thin disguise." :biggrin:
WideRight05 Wrote:Did Hillary really vote to send our troops into Iraq?

Find out here...

Nice video Wide. All the Dems of import were speaking and acting in exactly the same manner. Didn't see any indication in the vid that she in any way felt duped by George W..

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